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ありがとうございます。Thank you very much from Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo).
On Tuesday, May 6th when GW ended, Ms. Y who is one of M-PEC members and her pet-dog, Carin visited Yoshy and R.
Several days ago, she presented us some young plants of Chicory and the article explained about it in English. R planted them and fortunately they are now growing in LL Garden. So I am trying to translate it into Japanese.
According to folk tales, the flower of chicory are a beautiful clear blue because they are transformed eyes of a *lass weeping for her lover’s ship, which never returned.
These blue flowers can be changed to bright red by the acid of ants: place a flower in an ant hill and watch the color show.
Be Nice to Others
A Life Lesson
Be nice to others because …
Time will make a difference!
One day you will no longer be the big dog...
However, Yoshy believes two grown up Husky-dogs in No.4 picture have still respect the aged brown colored dog ( Yoshy has no idea what kind?).
That’s why the two must have been playing with him.
■「5周年M-PEC Festivalを実施直後、上越タイムス様から、新年特集号に、「児童英語への期待」というテーマで寄稿文を依頼されました。
Just after finishing “The 5th Anniversary M-PEC Festival”, Yoshy was asked to contribute to Joetsu Times. The given theme was “My Hope to English Learning for Children”.
First, I was trying to write my impression about “5 Suggestions for improving English Command in Public Schools” published by “The Examination Committee for Improving Command of Foreign Languages” on June 30th, sitting in front of mu PC. Finally, before entering the impression, 2,000 boxes were over when “Yoshy’s cherished opinion about education of English language” had written. It became rather more scathing content to public education of English teaching than I had expected!
Yoshy asked a cap of the branch office, “This is a problem, isn’t it?” – He immediately answered, “Yours is very interesting. Let me put it on!” …
I have no idea when mine is going to be print yet, on New Year’s Day or in the first three days of the New Year. Look forward to it, please. One hint is given here now. – It is “Mr. Mickey Yasukawa” who was a famous personality and passed away in January last year. I’m afraid maybe only those who are 60s and over know him.
■一気に書き上げた時、すでに真夜中の3:00 - 目に入ったのは、「熟睡していたエリー」でした。
Just when I finished writing it at a stretch, I noticed it was already 3:00 am. – What I saw was my pet dog, Erie was soundly sleeping on a sofa.
紅葉し始めました:The Leaves are Turning Colorful around here.
These pix were taken in the early morning on Saturday, October 8th. It was the day when a monthly lesson of M-PEC was going to be held in the evening, which was the reason Yoshy unusually got up before 6:00 and went for a walk with Erie.
The leaves of cherry trees were starting to turn colorful; but being worried, the colors were not beautiful red or yellow, but dark brown, which was unusual this year. This might be because we’ve had unseasonable weathers this year.
You can see 30 Hot Cross Buns which is going to be used in the Drama, “Six Jizos” on Sunday, October 2nd.
R made them carefully. Thank you very much!
英語で発声すると不思議がるエリー:Erie Wonders Yoshy Saying English Aloud
Whenever Yoshy says some English aloud, Erie is always wondering like “What’s the matter with you?”
Maybe she must become worried if Yoshy is real or not, recoiling. Erie can’t of course understand English, but might be able to do the difference of intonation between Japanese and English.
Today was Girls' Festival. A girl-dog, Carin called on Erie who is also a girl. ■今日はひな祭り。午前中、Erieに会いに、カリンちゃんが遊びに来ました。どちらも8歳の女の子。Yoshyの両脇に並べて、雛人形のように写真を撮 りたかったのですが…このとおり。■カリンちゃんは、故山井 修様の盲導犬 (a seeing-eye dog) として活躍していましたので、とっても躾がよく、頭も気立ても抜群です。ラブの愛称で呼ばれる、Labrador retriever です。■エリーは、シェルティの愛称で、正式名は、Shetland Sheepdog, Sheltie です。■Carin loves Erie very much. Erie likes her, too, but Erie is a little afraid of her big body and powerful movement. Yoshy loves both. I was happy to meet her.