#6 Festival :2012.11.20(日) at 勤研センター:#6 Festival is going to be be held on Sunday, November 20th, 2012: Thank You Very Much!


会員、来賓、顧問先生たちのお陰で、11月18日(日)実施させて頂いた「第6回 M-PEC Festival」が、妙高チャンネルTVで放送されました。

BTW, thanks to the members, the guests, the advisers of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC), “”The 6th M-PEC Festival” was broadcasted on Myoko Channel TV.


放映日時は、11月27日(火)~12月3日(月)、一日6回、6:00~, 9:00~, 12:00~, 15:00~, 18:00~, 21:00~、約15分でした。

The times and the dates were from November 27th (Tues) to December 3rd (Mon), six times a day, starting at 6:00~, 9:00~, 12:00~, 15:00~, 18:00~, 21:00~; each time is about 15 minutes.


Mr. Yasu, of M-PEC Members took this You-Tube; thanks a lot! <20 minutes>

「第6回・M-PEC Festival」で、お世話になった先生方への礼状用に編集した写真集です。A41枚。
20121118 M-PEC Festival 02■AllHiLite A4v
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Festival終了直後:宮田光朗先生とYoshy in LLシホヤ新井教室
Festival終了直後:宮田光朗先生とYoshy in LLシホヤ新井教室

第6回M-PEC Festivalご参加ありがとうございました。



Thank you VERY much for joining our 6th M-PEC Festival on November 18th at Kin-ken Center!




How did you enjoy our English drama, revised “”Hane-Uma: Prancer”? I can’t write my impression here yet, however, thanks to one of M-PEC Advisers, Ms. Chisato Kohara, the pronunciation of the cast improved much better than before, I think.



東京からご参加いただいた実用英語教育界の重鎮、宮田光朗先生 (英語教育研究センター審議会議長) から、英語劇を含めて、M-PECの活動に、ご賛辞を頂けたこと、大変光栄でした。

We were very happy and honored that Mr. Mitsuo Miyata visited from Tokyo to join the 6th M-PEC Festival and praised our activities. He is one of authorities of the world of teaching practical English as Chairman in Center for Research in English Education in Japan.




Thank you very much for all the visitors and Mr. Iwashita Shinpan who is 99 years old and recited Chinese Poem and the other famous instructors helped this Festival a lot, which we are grateful to.



ライト教授 (特別顧問、大妻女子大)の日頃のご指導、感謝申し上げます。

Yoshy expresses my gratitude of Professor Timothy J. Wright's kind instruction! He is one of Special Advisers and Professor of Otsuma Women's University.




Joetsu Times (Newspaper), Myoko Channel (TV), etc also visited to collect data on this event. Yoshy is a little worried about their comments.


2012.10.30 (火)、From Professor T. J. Wright (特別顧問)

ライト教授からの激励文:Encouraging Message to M-PEC Festival


10月30日(火)、M-PEC特別顧問、大妻女子大教授、ライト先生から「#6 M-PEC フェスティバル」への激励文が届きました。

On Tuesday, October 30th, Professor Timothy J. Wright’s message to “The 6th M-PEC Festival” arrived Yoshy. He is one of the special advisor of M-PEC and a professor of Otsuma Women’s University.



Following is his English and Yoshy’s translation.


Greetings to all M-PEC members and friends!

全てのM-PEC 会員と友人へのご挨拶


   I want to take this time to welcome each and every one of you to the 2012 M-PEC Festival. M-PEC was established to help promote English communication and international understanding for the Myoko area. It was a real honor for me when Yoshy kindly invited me to be one of the advisors of this unique club. I am impressed that all of you have made an effort to study at and support the Shihoya LL School that Yoshy runs. Without a doubt, he is one of the most internationally-minded people that I have had the pleasure to meet in Japan. Please take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that Shihoya LL and Yoshy have to offer.



In addition, I really do hope that all of you will keep working on your communicative competence in the English language. Study conversation, speak it and listen to it as well. Make an effort to watch CNN News, English broadcasts and TV programs. Also, rent DVDs and CDs as much as possible. Go all out to read English books and practice your writing and English penmanship, too. If you have an opportunity to come into contact with a foreign visitor, help him or her in every way possible while practicing your English.

加えて、みなさま全員が英語という言語での、みなさま方の意思疎通能力を磨き続けて頂きたいと心から望みます。会話を、話すことを、そしてそれを聴くことも然りです。CNN ニュース、英語放送、そして英語のテレビ番組を観る努力をなさってください。又、出来るだけたくさん英語のDVDやCDを借りて下さい。英語の本を読むことや、作文や書法の練習にも全力を尽くして下さい。もし、あなたが外国からの訪問者と接する機会を得たなら、学習途上であっても、可能な限りその人の手助けをしてあげて下さい。


Last, enjoy M-PEC! It’s a very special club and unique chance to make all of you better human beings and more internationally-minded people!



Have a fun and exciting day today!




Professor Tim Wright

Otsuma Women’s University





ライト教授のプロフィールなどは、You can see Professor Wright’s Profile and so on HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。



11月18日(日)の “#6 M-PEC Festival”のご案内などは、You can see the information of “the 6th M-PEC Festival” HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。


2012.10.29 (月)、香原ちさと先生からの激励文を受信

M-PEC会員の皆様。 このところ毎年1回だけお会いいたしますが、今年は昨年よりもぐっと進歩されたように思います。台詞の言い回しもずいぶんナチュラルになっていました。ひとつだけ、アドバイスをさせていただくなら、Enjoy yourself! まずは楽しみましょう。発音はそれについてきます。劇の前にはみんなで笑ってから、取り組みましょう。それだけでずっとよくなるはずです。ちょっとくらい間違ってもご愛嬌です(ちゃんとわかる人はとっても少ないはずですし)。Take it easy! で行きましょう。





Dear M-PEC members:

I’ve recently met you once a year. I think your commands of English have been growing much more this year than last year. E.g., the expression of the line became more natural. If I would tell an advice to you, first of all, please enjoy yourself! If you do so, your pronunciation would be better. Just before starting the drama, why don’t you try laughing? And you could perform it much better than now. If you would mistake, that is an amusing blunder. (I guess very small audience could perfectly understand all English in the drama.) Anyway, take it easy, shall we?

I wish I could have enough time to be an audience! I’m praying you so that you could take an active part in it.

Kohara Chisato


2012 #6 Festibval Poster A4vtc.pdf
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