LL卒業生、MH君・中国・無錫(うーしー)からの嬉しいメール <2月28日着信>
A Happy E-mail from LL-graduate, MH in Wuxi, China <Arrived on Feb 28>
Dear Mr. Endo:
I had the honor of seeing your blog. Your being active energetically as usual is above everything else. Although I’ve had lots of challenging scenes in both work and private, I am enjoying them every day.
無錫市(むしゃくし:中国語では无锡市:英語ではWuxi、ウーシーといいます)は上海と南京の中間くらいの場所に位置し、多くの日系企業の生産拠点となっています。今は減少傾向にありますが多いときは3,000人程度の日本人が駐在していました。土地柄工場が多く、際立った観光スポットもありませんが、太湖(たいこ: 拼音: <ピンイン> TàiHú, 英語名: Lake Tai) という大きな湖があります。(写真添付)琵琶湖の3倍の大きさでありながら、中国国内では5番目に大きい湖ということで、スケールの大きさを感じますね。
Wuxi City is located in the middle of Shanghai and Nanjing, it includes production bases for many Japanese companies. Although it is on a decreasing trend now, when there used to be more than 3,000 Japanese people working here. There are many factories as its local color and not outstanding sightseeing spots; but there is a big lake called Taiko (Lake Tai). (Photo attached) Although it is three times as large as Lake Biwa, it is the fifth largest lake in China; so I’m surprised at the huge size of the scale.
As another feature, the seasoning of the dish is very sweet, even Xiaolongbao (xiǎolóngbāo) is sweet. Since Wuxi is not so *brilliant, I’m sending you some pictures of Shanghai and Hainan Island (a resort like Okinawa).
*brilliant [bríljənt]:(a) 華やかな、光り輝く
大学在学中に、一度New Zealandへ留学し、その後ぼんやりとですが英語を活かせる仕事を探しておりました。運悪くリーマンショックと就職活動が重なってしまい、厳しい時期でしたが幸い今の会社と縁があり現在に至ります。
While studying at university, I studied abroad at New Zealand once, and then I was looking for such a job as I could make use of English in. Unfortunately Lehman shock and my job hunting were overlapped, which was my tough time. But fortunately I could have a good relationship with this company at which I’ve been working.
When I was learning in LL Shihoya Arai School, I did not have any image of working overseas; but when I remember, I could feel vivid English and foreign cultures through LL lessons at that time. From the viewpoint of communication, I think that what I have cultivated through daily lessons and LL Speech Contests (still there?) might become my backbone. For the moment I am planning to work here in China for a while and I don’t have the schedule to get back to Myoko; but I’m happy if I could be involved in LL Shihoya Arai School as a graduate in *one way or another, so please *keep in touch with me in the future.
*one way or another:あれやこれやと *keep in touch with:連絡を取り合う
4月にNew Zealandで10年ぶりに留学時のメンバーで同窓会をする予定です。また写真送りますね。日本は春一番のようですが、まだまだ寒い日が続くかと思いますので、ご自愛ください。
I’m sending you some pictures of my daily life in here. (The picture of my presentation: because the American boss is 2 meters tall, I look like a child ...)
In April I’m going to join our alumni association with the members at the time when I studied abroad for the first time in New Zealand after 10 years. I will send you some pictures again. Japan
seems to be in the first spring storm, but I am afraid cold days will continue there; so please take care of yourself.
<M-PEC No.2 Festival in 2008の「英語劇:六地蔵」に出演のMH君(地蔵の向かって右端): English play, “Six Jizos” MH is at the right edge of Jizos facing this picture.>
You can see some memorial pictures of that time by clicking the above site.
新井中央小6年 Kotomi. S.さん
“LL English School I like” by Kotomi S. (Arai Chuo Elementary School, the 6th grade)
<大意:The gist in English by Yoshy>
I’ve been learning here since I was the 3rd grader. Though I was a little nervous in the first lessons, I’m now very happy whenever I attend my class; I like cheerful atmosphere with my teacher. Every year we have such pleasant events as “Halloween time”, “Christmas Time”, “Speech Contest” and so on. I love them all; even though we have to learn a long essay by heart at Speech Contest. My class is always filled with smiling or beaming faces. One of my dreams is to make many foreign friends; I’m learning English on this account.
卒業生の声・12月26日(水)、更新: Renewed “Voices from LL Graduates”
Foundation Japan LL Education Center had introduced one of the graduates from LL Shihoya Arai School, a graduate, Mr. Hiroshi Hosaka. His message was started to do on Wednesday, December 26th.
I’m glad beyond thanks.
If I weren’t a student of LL Shihoya Arai School, …
He works at a company of making Solar Cell. (Niigata Prefecture, Myoko City, LL Shihoya Arai School, Studied from his 4th grader of elementary school to 3rd grader of senior high school)
If I had a chance to be asked what I got at LL Shihoya Arai School; I’d say, “My Life itself.”, which might be no exaggeration.
I attended LL Shihoya Arai School from the 4th grade of elementary school to the 3rd grade of senior high school: for nine years. The reason I could keep doing depends upon “not only learning reading and writing, but also singing, activities, etc, which were full of diversified lessons”, “such attractive events as LL Speech Contest, LL Summer Camp, etc” and “Mr. Endo’s warm personality”.
That term when I could keep brushing up my English command made me my attitude to naturally cherish the way of using English and therefore I became fond of using English, which has given me a big advantage after my graduation, too.
English became one of my favorite subjects in both J/S high schools and useful for the entrance examinations. Just after entering my university, it was comfortable for me to read lots of English monographs, which came in useful for my researching work.
I’ve got more opportunities to use English before that after I got this job, and now I can do my work in smooth water. Among various foreign colleagues in my company, I’m now on business with many customers in foreign branch offices and all over the world.
If I were not a student of LL Shihoya Arai School then, I might have spent my very different life from now. I thank both LL Shihoya Arai School and Mr. Endo which gave me a great win-situation.
■小4入学、9年間、LL シホヤ新井教室に在籍。■2011.3.7(月):日本医科歯科大合格通知着。■2010年度#3実用英検で、準1級二次合格。■スピーチコンテスト:小6より中3まで県大会に4回連続出場。校内大会では、英語劇を含めて、小中学生の指導に積極的に当たった。 <以下は、本人からのメッセージ>
失敗は必ずあります。僕はめげませんでした。人を強くすることだと思うので、自分をきたえるつもりでがんばってください。読んでくださってありがとうございました。(3月30日, 2010)
Congratulations on your new assignment as the parliamentary vice minister of foreign affairs!
One of his secretaries, Mr. F called Yoshy to inform this good news on Tuesday, October 2nd.
I believe Prime Minister, Noda has observed you who has been dealing with a mountain of diplomatic issues for many years.
Best wishes for your good health, happiness and success!
I know you’re getting busier and busier, but when you come back home temporarily, Yoshy hopes you could visit LL Shihoya Arai School to meet your juniors!