
訃報:岩下先生を偲んで from Blog on 2015.09.29



I Recall the late Mr. Iwashita




教室西側の芝生公園を勤研センター前から:剪定前後です。「諸行無常」:(万物は常に変化して、少しの間もとどまらないこと:広辞苑) 人もまた然り。

This double scenery of Lawn-park at the west of LL Shihoya Arai School was shot in front of Kin-ken Center; before and after pruned. “All things are in *flux and nothing is permanent.” – Humans, too.

*flux [flˈʌks]:流れ、流動、絶え間ない変化




敬愛する岩下豊作先生が、918日、102歳の天寿を全うなさいました。先生は、1913(大正2) 713日生まれです。

One of Yoshy’s dearest teachers, Mr. Iwashita Toyosaku lived out his natural life on September 18th at the age of 102. He was born on July 13rd, 1913 (Taisho 2).




LL Shihoya Arai School was established in 1975 (Showa 50). I returned here from finishing college-life in Tokyo in 1974, starting running Shihoya Bookstore.

My first volunteering activity in this hometown was “*Restructuring Youth Union”, which was started in 1977 (Showa 52) and when I was 27 years old and Mr. Iwashita was 65. “Volunteering activities would bear fruit of your business some day!” – Mr. Iwashita and Mr. Sugiyama Yoshihide taught me; they were reforming “Arai Senior Citizens’ Club Union” at that time.

*restructure [rìːstrˈʌktʃɚ](vt) 再構築する、構造改革する






What had been supporting him for more over four decades, since around my present age of 65? He was always humble, smiling gentleman, whom many could see everywhere in Japan; however he was a great man, indeed. He did lots of activities as a hidden leader “Reforming Arai Senior Citizens’ Union”, “Making great effort for rebuilding new neighboring association, Kyoduka-cho from old Shin-machi”, etc. After moving to Joetsu City, he helped “Kasugano Haiku Club” by joining and making many haiku-poems, “Recitations of Chinese Poems for performers of sward-dance”, and so on.

As far as I know, I’ve never feel “greedy self-protection and desire for his own fame” in him at all. “Enjoy everyday life.” – Yes, he did so!





I think he must have lived in the Zen-world of Nitten-suishu: Barefooted and naked of breast, he mingles with the people of this world.





I was scolded by him only once. I moaned him saying “I’m sorry many citizens don’t understand my idea of LL Shihoya Arai SchoolHope You will be Vivid in Your Life through Learning LL English Communication Skill” – He said to me, “Walk on your own way; Never try to seek your dream right away and never say your moans!” laying stress on his words, he was *glaring at me. It was a golden *edifying *sermon for me. I never forget it.

*glare [gléɚ](vi) 睨みつける  *edify [ɛ́dəfàɪɪŋ](a) 啓発する  *sermon [sˈɚːmən]:お小言、説教



「かすがの寿俳句会報」は、2002 (平成14) 10月の第18号から、2015 (平成27) 5月の160号まで、毎月私に会いにご持参くださいました。

“The Bulletin of Kasugano Kotobuki Haiku” was carried to me by him every month from Vol. 18 published on October, 2002 to Vol. 160 on May, 2015.







The last poem I received in thirteen years is …

“On the way to visiting day care facility, new green leaves are welcoming me.”

I sincerely pray that his soul may rest in peace.

上越タイムスで紹介!Blog on 2014.11.09

20141109 上越タイムス:岩下豊作先生00記事 A4vtc.pdf
PDFファイル 130.1 KB

百寿おめでとうございます!「百寿句」ご紹介 from Blog on 2013.08.05


On July 13th,2013, he became “one hundred years old”; let me again say to him, “Congratulations!”



十年以上、毎月、「かすがの 寿俳句会報」をお届けくださいます。

He has presented me “The Kasugano Kotobuki Haiku-poem Bulletine” every month for over a decade.




I’d like to introduce one of his latest poets as follows.




岩下豊作 (英訳はヨッシー)

“I feel myself fun in front of the rest after my 100 years while looking up the blue sky of rainy season.” by Toyosaku (Yoshy’s translation)



His rubric is as remarked below.



“I can probably manage to recite Chinese poems and make new Haiku-poems far from over. I by chance watched a gray heron powerfully jumping into water of Seki-river to catch a fish. It must have taught me its powerful spirit in its life!”

Memories as of 2013.02.24

ご略歴 as of 2013.02.24 …2013年7月13日(土):百寿に!ますますお元気で!

2010.11.14 #4 M-PEC Festival 西脇守夫先生(顧問)、横尾神槳先生とYoshy
2010.11.14 #4 M-PEC Festival 西脇守夫先生(顧問)、横尾神槳先生とYoshy



Mr. Iwashita Shinpan: “Shi-Gin: Recitation of Chinese Poems ”Somoto-Daihan (The Highest Rank) of Shinpu-School



2011.11.20(日):5周年・M-PEC Festival & 2012.11.18(日):第6回での吟題ご紹介


吟題「富士山観」by 岩下神繁先生:ご紹介


■11月20日(日)、「5周年記念・M-PEC Festival」での、岩下神繁先生と、横尾神槳先生の吟題が決定致しました。岩下先生は、「富士山観」、横尾先生は、「海南行」です。今日は、「富士山観」の英訳をご披露申し上げます。



西島光雲 作








■威=威風堂々たる様 ■萬岳=全ての山々 ■三軍=中国周時代(BC1100頃~BC256、中国古代王朝の一)の制度で、12,500人を一軍とし、大名は三軍を有した。転じて「多数の軍隊」 ■郎黨=郎党、家来。








■英訳 by Yoshy

Mt. Fuji is standing aloof from the other mountains. - How majestic it is!

It looks as if a large army was overawing all the enemies for miles around. Or...

The other mountains look like its retainers. Time is silently going.

2010.12.09 上越タイムス 岩下先生のご紹介!

20101209 上越タイムス岩下豊作先生97歳 A4vtc.pdf
PDFファイル 288.8 KB
2010.12.09 上越タイムス
2010.12.09 上越タイムス

2004.04.17 Visited LL Office to meet Yoshy

2004.04.17 in LL Office
2004.04.17 in LL Office