長 明子先生のプロフィール:Cho Akiko’s Profile
1933 旧満州新京(現:長春) S.8年8月1日生まれ:Born in Shinkyo, Old Manchuria.
1995 トンボ玉に出会う:Happened to see Glass-Beads for the first time.
1996 バーナーワークを松田尚子氏に師事:Began to study Burner-Work under Ms. Matsuda Naoko.
1999 新潟市巻、「ガラスのメルヘン美術館」にて個展:Held an exhibition of her works at “Glass-Fairy-Tale Museum” in Maki, Niigata City.
以後:Since then…
毎年同館にて個展:Continue holding a one-person exhibition at the same museum.
2002 大阪府弥生文化博物館にて「トンボ玉100人展」に出品:Submitted her works to “Glass-Beads from 100 Artists” at Yayoi-Culture Museum in Osaka-Fu.
■連絡先:Access to
トンボ玉工房 スタジオティンクル
943-0895 新潟県上越市御殿山5-37
TEL・FAX 025-524-3250
Glass-Beads Studio, Studio-Tinkle
5-37, Gotenyama, Joetsu City, Niigata-Ken
City Lightを訪問:Visiting City Light
It was freezing-rainy all day long on Wednesday, January 2nd; we’re lucky as of now because it wasn’t heavy-snowy.
Yoshy and R visited Ms. Reiko Tojo who is the owner of Studio Zero in Arai and Mr. and Mrs. Cho who are the ones of City Light in Takada to make New Year’s calls.
In spite of an early New Year’s Day, both of them were already powerfully working.
As those who have been there know, there’re some beautiful ornaments which are important parts of their coffee shop. Yoshy by chance caught sight of a magnificent craft-object on the counter creating an aura in the sophisticated coffee shop; the name of the ornament is “Good-bye, Nuclear Bombs”.
It reminded Yoshy the theme of the latest #6 M-PEC Festival: “There is Life beyond Art; Discover myself!” Not only Master’s excellent coffee and Ms. Cho’s Glass-beads, but also sublimated souls’ silent thoughts are well-matched.
長 明子先生がご来店
Yoshy and R appreciated her visit to Shihoya Bookstore on Wednesday, October 17th.
1933年 (昭和8年)8月1日のお生まれです。10歳はお若く見えます。
Her birthday is August 1st in 1933 (Showa 8). She looks 10 years younger.
She is always positive in everything. She is one of Yoshy’s respected teachers.
上越市の本町通りでただ一店の「伝統を重んじる本格派喫茶店:City Lite」をご主人と経営の傍ら、「とんぼ玉」制作に情熱を傾けていらっしゃいます。
She runs “a genuine and traditional coffee shop, City Lite” at the main street of Joetsu City with her husband and has been making “Glass-beads” very earnestly.
県外、海外からお越しのヨッシーの友人は、時間がある限り大抵、City Liteへお連れしています。
Yoshy has been introducing City Lite to my friends from abroad or other prefectures when time allows.
ドリップコーヒーの美味しさもさることながら、長 明子先生のお人柄を紹介したいからです。
Because Yoshy wants to let him/her know Ms. Cho’s sweet personality as well as the refined drip coffee.
M-PEC 2007年度、第1回フェスティバルから昨年度まで、「とんぼ玉作り指導」をなさってくださいました。
She has joined M-PEC Festival since the starting year of 2007 by teaching how to make “Glass-beads” until last year.
今回の、11月18日(日)の、フェスティバルは、City Liteを休むことができず、ご欠席です。
This year, we’re afraid, she is absent because she can’t close her shop then.