順次編集中です。Yoshy is trying to add her data.

2022. 12月更新、新刊書ご紹介

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📚新刊書ご紹介:「大人の書き込み式・英文法手帳」発行所:三修社、定価:1,900 (本体)+税

Introducing a new book written by Ms. Chisato Kohara

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遠藤由明の先生、M-PEC顧問、香原ちさと先生が又素敵な本を出版なさいました. 大人向けの「英会話に自信を持つための、理解しやすく、毎日学びたくなる文法書」です. 私のLLシホヤ新井教室の英検4級取得者レベルクラスのサブテキストとして、使わせて頂きます.




志保屋書店で販売しています. 在庫などのご確認は、Tel:0255-72-2025か、shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp へお問い合わせください。








Point-1: 中学英語は、大人の「やり直し英語」に最適!

Point-2: 「自分について書く」ことで、文法が定着!

Point-3: 「手帳」のように、必要なときに開いて学習も!


<0c:中身の例:Page234-235: 過去をひきずる現在完了形>



<0d: 監修・武藤克彦先生と著者・香原ちさと先生のご紹介; From this book>


<0e: LLシホヤ新井教室とM-PEC活動をご支援くださっておられます. @LLシホヤ新井教室>


<0f: 同上>



<0f: 例:愛犬エリーを抱く遠藤由明と香原ちさと先生 @志保屋書店店内>




「日経TRENDY」にご登場!2015. April



I Found Ms. Kohara on “Nikkei TRENDY”!





The name of Ms. Kohara appears on “Nikkei TRENDY- April, 2015”, one of tip-top economic magazines! LL students, it’s very honored that her name is printed on this magazine!





For copyright reasons, her article on it couldn’t be introduced here, but let me introduce this happy news!





Though she is much younger than Yoshy, she is one of the most respected English teachers of mine. She made one of teaching materials: GC-courses LL students are using now. And she is one of Advisers of M-PEC; she visited LL Shihoya Arai School from Tokyo to be a special instructor at the YEA (Yoshy’s Monthly English Activity) a few times.

香原ちさと先生・The latest Profile

香原ちさと先生 Profile


From 「ここだけ聞いてスコアアップ!TOEICテストPart1 & Part2対策」(日本経済新聞出版社) Published on 2014.03.19th







Ms. Chisato Kohara’s new book was set afloat! Congratulations!



<From Blog on 2014.03.23rd (Sun)>



In the early afternoon of Saturday, March 22nd, just after chatting with Doc. Masui who is one of M-PEC Advisers; his wife pointed a plant-pot of “*Amur adonis” at the doorway.

<Amur adonis:福寿草… Amur [a:m ú r]:アムール川、黒竜江, Adonis [əd án əs]:ギリシャ神話より:Aphrodite [æfrədáiti]の恋人>



When I came back home, R said to me quietly, “There is a brown-eared bulbul.”… It was looking for prey *at the edge of LL garden where a little snow still left.



Much more to my delight, Ms. Kohara’s new book had arrived here. She is also one of M-PEC Advisers.



It is easy for the adults whose level of English proficiency is 4th of Eiken and below to understand the test of TOEIC.



Let me introduce her book at YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of M-PEC on Saturday, April 12th. Well, I will try to use a few listening questions from it.





(2011.05.20初版・文英堂) Ms. Kohara Published “The Vocabularies which should be learned until the 4th grade of Elementary School”


香原ちさと先生は、遠藤の先生であり長年の友人です。M-PECの顧問でもご尽力下さり、時々、特別講座を、この教室で開催して下さいます。Ms. Chisato Kohara is one of Yoshy’s best teachers, friends and Advisors of M-PEC. As you can see the picture, she has sometimes had the special lecture in Yoshy’s English Activities of M-PEC since 2007.


CD付きで、身近な単語が正しい英語で楽しく覚えられるように工夫がいっぱいされています。This book she wrote has a CD and lots of fully worked-out methods for merrily learning familiar words around us.


手に取ってご覧になりたい方は、志保屋書店か、レッスン前後に遠藤に申し出て下さい。Those who would like to come to the book and read it should ask a clerk of Shihoya Bookstore or Yoshy in LL English School before or after LL lessons.


ご注文は、直接、志保屋書店でお求めになられるか、古封筒などに「小4英単語」と表書きの上、950円 (本体価格)+税:同封して遠藤へ…品切れの場合は、2,3日後にお渡しできます。ご注文をお待ち申し上げます。You can buy it at Shihoya Bookstore or would you mind giving Yoshy the used envelope with 950円 (before tax price) on which “Sho-4 Words” is written? In case of running out of stock, you’d be able to get it in a couple of days. We’re looking forward to your orders. Thank you!



香原ちさと先生ご来校! Ms. Kohara visited M-PEC to teach us the knack of speaking English well


予定通り、10月13日(土)、6:00-7:30 pm、楽しく、「良い発音にするためのコツ」を学ぶことができました。

On schedule, Saturday, October 13, 2012, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 at LL Shihoya Arai School, we could learn “the knack of speaking better pronunciation”.



It has suddenly got very cold in the morning and evening in a couple of days; two members were absent. 10 attended this special lecture.



In case of “a consonant + a consonant in a word”, we’d better not pronounce the latter one.



In case of “a consonant + vowel between two words”, the original two sounds become one.



If we could find “a mass of meaning”, we could say English with good rhythm. … We learned lots of knacks.



We tried to speak “part of lines of Hane-Uma” each by each in front of Ms. Kohara; who carefully checked our pronunciations.



At the end of her teaching, we enjoyed a few games; one was “Bomb-game”. Ninety minutes quickly passed. Thanks a lot!


Yoshy’s Welcoming Greeting for Ms. Chisato Kohara



They say “An empty sack can’t stand upright.” But, “Even a full sack can’t stand upright.” … bulling、mental disorder、conflict between neighbors and countries, etc. … We hear these on TV every day.


今年のM-PEC Festivalのテーマは、「先達の技にふれ、自分づくりを!」を提案致します。先達の様々な技にふれて、感動し、見失いがちな「私の生きざま」を一緒に発見できる縁(よすが)になってほしいと提案致します。

I’d like to propose / the theme or catchphrase of this year’s M-PEC Festival should be 「先達の技にふれ、自分づくりを!」“To find my own way of living through experts’ ones!” (or “To build my self-definition through learning experts’ skills of art!”)



She is also one of such experts of living. Today’s theme of YEA is “A knack of speaking English in Hane-Uma.” But, I want you to get “her strong way of living and thoughtful mind or compassion” in one hour and half.


Thank you.

2011年度、5周年M-PEC Festivalへの激励文




Let Yoshy introduce one of M-PEC Advisers, Ms. Kohara. Her profile is written at the bottom.



M-PEC 5周年、おめでとうございます。


あとは、がんばりすぎずに、リラックスして演じてみてください。Break a leg!



<ヨッシーの翻訳:Yoshy’s Translation>

Dear M-PEC Friends!

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of M-PEC.

Thank you very much for your warmheartedly welcoming me the other day. Your fruit of practicing English Drama will appear soon, which I am looking forward to. The most important thing is your voice modulation. After reading Japanese script very carefully, try to find the place: “Yes! This is the place that is important, isn’t it?” And try to pronounce the vowel “longer” than usual. (You don’t have to say aloud. Why don’t you pronounce it around twice longer than your usual way?) Your line must be more beautiful, I believe. I will give you another knock of advice, a super easy one; which is “to say your lines a bit lower than your usual saying Japanese”. They can hear your English very cool if you do so! Try this way, too.

Finally, perform with relaxed mood not to make yourself too much strained, please. 幸運を祈ります。

Chisato Kohara