<Prof. T. J. Wright’s Curriculum Vitae: 略歴> (2007年度発足当時からの「M-PEC特別顧問」)
<Birthday: 誕生日> 1952年1月1日
<Hometown: 出身地> Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
<Present Main Job:現職名> Otsuma Women’s University, Professor: School of Social Information Studies 大妻女子大学社会情報学部 教授。
<Major: 専攻分野> TESOL (Teaching English to Speaker’s of Other Languages.)
<Business Career: 職歴> 慶應義塾大学医学部講師、東京大学教養学部講師、文部科学省 指導者セミナー(1992~現在)
<Writings: 著書>「TOEICテスト解法のコツ35 アメリカンスパイス・シリーズ」「TOEICテスト語法・文法・リーディング アメリカンスパイス・シリーズ」他15冊
<Columnist at a magazine: 雑誌(コラムニスト)> 2001~現在 雑誌「Hiragana Times」 2003~現在:雑誌「英語教育」大修館書店
<Lectures: 研修・講演先等> 2003~現在:英語教育指導者研修(全国) 主催:文部科学省
<Judge at Speech Contest: 審査員> 2001~現在:全国ジュニア英語スピーチコンテスト全国大会 主催:(財)日本LL教育センター 1990~現在:全国商業高等学校英語スピーチコンテスト全国大会 主催:(財)全国商業高等学校協会 1994~現在:高円宮杯 全日本中学校英語弁論大会 主催:読売新聞社・JNSA基金 他多数。
<Main Themes of his Lecture: 主な講演テーマ> 「English Speech・Oral Interpretation・Rhetoric・Speech Dynamics/Drama」
10月30日(火)、M-PEC特別顧問、大妻女子大教授、ライト先生から「#6 M-PEC フェスティバル」への激励文が届きました。
On Tuesday, October 30th, Professor Timothy J. Wright’s message to “The 6th M-PEC Festival” arrived Yoshy. He is one of the special advisor of M-PEC and a professor of Otsuma Women’s University.
Following is his English and Yoshy’s translation.
Greetings to all M-PEC members and friends!
全てのM-PEC 会員と友人へのご挨拶
I want to take this time to welcome each and every one of you to the 2012 M-PEC Festival. M-PEC was established to help promote English communication and international understanding for the Myoko area. It was a real honor for me when Yoshy kindly invited me to be one of the advisors of this unique club. I am impressed that all of you have made an effort to study at and support the Shihoya LL School that Yoshy runs. Without a doubt, he is one of the most internationally-minded people that I have had the pleasure to meet in Japan. Please take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that Shihoya LL and Yoshy have to offer.
In addition, I really do hope that all of you will keep working on your communicative competence in the English language. Study conversation, speak it and listen to it as well. Make an effort to watch CNN News, English broadcasts and TV programs. Also, rent DVDs and CDs as much as possible. Go all out to read English books and practice your writing and English penmanship, too. If you have an opportunity to come into contact with a foreign visitor, help him or her in every way possible while practicing your English.
加えて、みなさま全員が英語という言語での、みなさま方の意思疎通能力を磨き続けて頂きたいと心から望みます。会話を、話すことを、そしてそれを聴くことも然りです。CNN ニュース、英語放送、そして英語のテレビ番組を観る努力をなさってください。又、出来るだけたくさん英語のDVDやCDを借りて下さい。英語の本を読むことや、作文や書法の練習にも全力を尽くして下さい。もし、あなたが外国からの訪問者と接する機会を得たなら、学習途上であっても、可能な限りその人の手助けをしてあげて下さい。
Last, enjoy M-PEC! It’s a very special club and unique chance to make all of you better human beings and more internationally-minded people!
Have a fun and exciting day today!
Professor Tim Wright
Otsuma Women’s University
Encounter with Prof. Timothy J. Wright
■2002年2月10日の LLスピーチコンテスト全国大会が、初めての出合いでした。
Yoshy met Prof. Wright at LL Speech Contest Final in Tokyo on February 10th, 2002 for the first time.
Since two contestants from LL Shihoya Arai School were with their parents, I could get a chance to attend “the Thank-You-Party for Judges” just after the contest.
The executive director of Foundation of LL Education Center at that time was Mr. Mitsuo Miyata. He is still now, as of 2012, one of Yoshy’s best teachers. You can see Mr. Miyata at the rostrum and Prof. Wright at the left edge.
Yoshy moved to his seat, starting conversation with him; from self-introductions to “mutual philosophy about teaching English for children”. We enjoyed talking a lot.
Tim sensei became interested in my idea so much …
That we at last went to Yoshy’s hotel, New Otani, then…
Yoshy was interviewed by him because he was an editor of “Hiragana Times”.
After that, we exchanged e-mailing again and again. And …
■2006年度、LLスピーチコンテスト・校内大会の審査として、また、2007年度からは、LLスピーチコンテスト審査のみならず、M-PEC Festivalにも、特別顧問として出席して下さったり、激励文をお送り下さったりしておられます。
Tim sensei came to LL Shihoya Arai School in 2006 as a judge of Speech Contest Interclass. Furthermore, he has visited here not only at LL Speech Contest, but also the Festival of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) as a special advisor; in case of his absence, he has been sending us his warmhearted message every time for both events.
“Hiragana times” is very popular for those in the world who are interested in Japan and language of Japanese, because it is composed of “Hiragana” and “its translation into English”.
“Hiragana Times” is very useful for those who are studying expressions of English. They use it at the site of “Eijiro” whose quotations are mainly made of “Hiragana Times”.
So to speak, there is “Tim sensei’s interview with Yoshy” in “Eijiro” still now.
You can see “the full text of our interview” if you use search engine by putting the word “Eijiro” then “LL”.
■「英次郎」の、「ひらがなタイムス・ライト教授とYoshyとの対話」記事は、You can see the article between Prof. Wright and Yoshy in “Hiragana Times” on “Eijiro” HERE
<2012元旦発行・上越タイムス記事は>Click, HERE, please!
差出人: “T.J.Wright”
宛先: “Yoshy” <shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp>
件名 : English articles
日時 : 2012年2月11日14:59
Yoshy, Thanks so much. I read your English articles twice and enjoyed them very much! You brought up a lot of valid points & issues!!! Best, Tim
■<Yoshy’s Translation>
From: Yoshy
Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 12:57 PM
To: T. J. Wright
Subject: Happy! Re: Terrible Heavy Snow-falling from Yoshy
Hi, Tim sensei:
I’d like to write more update, but I must be a soldier against white monster from now.
BTW, if you didn’t read my article on a local newspaper, would you read my idea and reply in your not busytime? Sincerely yours, To one of my Valentines, Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)
LL Shihoya Arai School
www.shihoya.com http://pub.ne.jp/MPEC/
■<Yoshy’s Translation>
やあ、ティム先生!近況報告をたくさん書きたいのですが、直ぐに「白い怪物 (豪雪)」と格闘する兵士になります。ところで、地方新聞に掲載された私の記事をお読みでなければ、ご多用でない折りにご笑読の上、私の考えについてご感想をお送り下さいませんか?ヨッシー