LL英語劇:「ネコにスズを」説明会: Explanation for LL Drama, “Belling the Cat”
#35 LLスピーチコンテスト・小6以下の部校内大会は、10月7日(日)、勤研センターを予定しています。
The 35th LL Speech Contest Interclass is going to be held at Kin-ken Center on Sunday, October 7th.
We are planning to perform an English Drama just before the Speech Contest this year, too.
Since we performed “Juni-Shi: The Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs”, “Hane-Uma: Prancer” and “Roku-Jizo: Six Jizos” until last year, we are going to do an Aesop’s Fables, “Belling the Cat”.
Yoshy is now writing its provisional script, which could be enjoyed both performers and audience.
The cast will be decided by LL elementary school students of LL Shihoya Arai School.
「どんな劇か?」、「やってみたいけど心配!」…の生徒のために、「説明会」を7月8日(日)、10:00-11:30 am at LLシホヤ新井教室で実施します。
Probably some might be worried wondering, “what story Yoshy is making” or “I’d like to do, but, I’m a little nervous.” For such students; “Yoshy’s Explanation” is going to be held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Sunday, July 8th, from 10:00 to 11:30 am.
Yoshy is sending a post card of “Explanation” to “the elementary school students and under who are interested in the cast” after the lessons on Monday, June 25th.
昨年度の「六地蔵」の記録は、You can see the record of “Six Jizos” performed last year at :
なお、#6 M-PECフェスティバルは、11月18日(日)を予定しています。
By the way, “The 6th M-PEC Festival” is going to be held on Sunday, November 18th.
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、E-mail to:shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp 遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで。
中高生以上、年齢不問です。「毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00、LLシホヤ新井教室で」楽しんでいます。
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、E-mail to:
shihoya@symphony.plala.or.jp 遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで。