楽しかった「LL 英語劇説明会」

At the rest during Explanation
At the rest during Explanation

LL英語劇:「ネコにスズを」楽しかった説明会:Happy Explanation of LL English Drama, “Belling the Cat”



7月8日(日)、10:00-11:30 am、ヨッシーが脚色したストーリーを和英交えて説明しました。

The draft of script, “Belling the Cat” was explained in both Japanese and English by Yoshy on Sunday, July 8th, from 10:00 to 11:30 am on schedule.





12 elementary students, from the 2nd graders to the 6th ones mainly joined here with some parents. They were all ears!





At first Yoshy was a little worried about the numbers of comers; hoping “Over 6 students would join here!” So Yoshy was very happy to know many parents and their kids were highly interested in this performing drama.





Above all, though Yoshy was anxious about the roles of mice which are very characteristic, most attendance decided their own roles by themselves, saying “I will do it.”; which made me very impressive. I.e. most ones already knew their characters clearly, which moved Yoshy a lot!





Yoshy has now decided that “Student-staff who are going to take care of the lower guarders and teach pronunciation to the cast should be the two excellent students: one be U, the 1st grader of j/h boy-student” and the other one be S, the 6th grader of elementary girl-student.” The first boy will be “Father-mouse”, too and the other girl will be “Sister-mouse”, too.





The date of first practicing is Sunday, July 29th, so Yoshy is going to make revised script and its CD for pronunciation as soon as possible, then it needs to be handed in to each cast by the date at latest.





Unexpectedly, Yoshy’s R had made “banana cake”, not “silver-vine cake” and served at the time of happy rest during that time. All students were so happy that they ate it quickly. Thanks, R!




改訂台本:和英は、When you’d like to see the revised script, ここをclick!今週中にUP予定です。 It will be uploaded by the end of this week.












Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで





中高生以上、年齢不問です。「毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00、LLシホヤ新井教室で」楽しんでいます。



Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで


