シスター・渡辺和子先生との出合い on TV
On Saturday, September 15th, around 13:00, Yoshy was listening to TV (NHK, E-Tele) while working in my office.
On the way to the end, before Yoshy was aware, I devoted myself to the program, forgetting my work.
It was an interview between a male announcer of NHK and Sister Kazuko Watanabe who is the president of Notre-Dame Seishin University.
Sister Watanabe looked like “Seiko-Chan” who is the symbol character of her University; she was very cute, elegant and dignified.
The title of the program was “I live in my faint-hearted situation.”
Let me write a few impressive topics here.
“The disease of They-Can’t-Help-Me”: e.g. “My students don’t salute me at all”, “They don’t try to understand me”, etc. …When she was young, she grumbled at one of her seniors; she said on the TV.
The senior answered to her with a smile, “That’s easy if you could change you!” … “I saw the light with his advice as the scales fell out of my eyes.” From next day, walking around the campus, I greeted every student; ‘Good morning’, ‘How is your condition today?’ …
Within a month or so, to be surprised, most students began to greet me before I did”
“I have no idea when we are going to die, so TODAY is our youngest day.”
“Not ‘doing to do’, but ‘to be being’, which is one of my favorite words.”
“Assumed that there are four seasons in our lives, probably I am in the winter; it sure is a good season, too; because we can realize the depth and calmness of our lives.”
因みに、「ノートルダム」(仏語)とは、「我らの貴婦人 = 聖母マリア」のこと。
BTW, “Notre-Dame” means “Our Lady: the Virgin Mary.”