Part of Yoshy's translation
偉大な勇気:Great Courage Thanks! Sent from Socy on 2012.10.04 (Thur)
Let Yoshy introduce the PPS pix Ms. Y in Malaysia forwarded on Thursday, October 4th.
You can see both English and Chinese in each picture.
17枚画像の最初の3枚と最後の#16, 17の画像の和訳を以下に書きます。
Yoshy is writing a translation into Japanese on the first three pictures and the last two pictures among all the 17 pix below.
<01> Great Courage Thanks!!!!
<02> Touching the sky without arms - Jessica Cox –
腕がなくても空を自分のものとする -ジェシカ・コックス―
<03> Jessica was born without arms as a result of a rare congenital disease.
Like every child, she did not understand why she had no arms as did the other children. “It was difficult to be different.”
<16> “I do not have arms but that is not what determines where I can go”
“Our great fear is not so much to not be up to measure, it is that we are stronger over and above all measure”.
“The human being must live some difficult moments in life to have emotional moments.”
“The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.”
<17> And you, what do you lack to touch the sky?
You can see all this scenes with PP by clicking HERE:ここをクリック!