11月18日(日)のM-PEC Festivalのプログラムを作成中です。
Yoshy has been making the programs for the 6th M-PEC Festival on Sunday, 18th of this month.
一部、 ご紹介。
Let me introduce part of it as follows.
* 雪は常盤の編笠に降り注ぎ、寒風は袂を捲き上げる。
* 今若・乙若の手を引き牛若を懐に抱いて、牛若は乳を求めるかのように泣き叫ぶ。追手から逃れ彷徨う常盤の姿のなんと痛ましいことか。
* だが、後年、成長した義経が、あの一の谷の合戦で険しい鉄枴峯頭に立ち…
* 大軍を叱咤して平家の軍勢を一挙に破ったその声こそ、この乳を求めて泣き続けているこの声に他ならないのだ。
“Tokiwa with her Children in Heavy Snowfall” by Yanagawa Seigan
* Snow is beating Tokiwa’s mino-straw hat and cold wind is winding her sleeves up.
* She is leading her Imawaka and Otowaka by her hand and holding Ushiwaka crying for her milk in her bosom. What a pitiful situation it is that she is wandering about to escape from persistent pursuers!
* In later years, however; in the battle at Ichi-no-Tani, this grown-up Yoshitsune standing up on the top of steep Mt. Tekkai…
* His voice which was commanding his large army, prevailing over the Heike’s army at one stroke is nothing but this one which is crying for her milk.
<Yoshy’s Translation>