神奈川新聞:関 脩先生追悼記事 An memorial article of the late Mr. Osamu Seki
関 脩先生は、M-PECの顧問でいらっしゃいました。
The late Mr. Seki was an advisers of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC).
One year has already passed since Mr. Osamu Seki’s death-day: October 19th.
志熊晴一様(聖光学院第1期生) 他6名の関先生の教え子が中心に編集、今年の10月19日に発行された遺稿集「邂逅の妙を思いて」がヨッシーの手元にもございます。
Yoshy on hand has the book of Mr. Seki’s posthumous scripts, “Kaiko no Myo o Omoite: To Think of Wonder of Encounter”, which was edited by Mr. Seki’s students, Mr. Seiichi Shiguma and the other six ones (the graduates from Seiko Gakuin), being published on the first anniversary of his death-day.
Thanks to Mr. Shiguma, “a few parts of many exchanging e-mails between Mr. Seki and me” are put on it, too.
As Yoshy promised with him, I started arranging “Mr. Seki’s a.l. (autograph letter)” , which is just belated.
The number and quantity of “Mr. Seki’s a.l.” is pail in comparison with our exchanging e-mails.
This work is not only for Mr. Shiguma but also for me; in order to make me brace for myself. I will add his posthumous scripts written by his autograph on URL as described below.
Probably it would take one year and over to finish uploading, but Yoshy is happy to do it.
「関先生ご紹介」は、You can see more information about him by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。