R Made A Xmas Ornament
Yoshy picked up lots of pinecones while walking with Erie late in this autumn.
R garnished the cotton reaped at the garden in the backyard of LL Shihoya Arai School with the, making this special Xmas ornament.
“There is Life beyond Art.” was the theme of the 6th M-PEC Festival held on last November 18th; however, “There is Art with Life.” beside Yoshy.
I bet R will put it at the corners of “Tea Drinking” or “Glass Beads”.
Yoshy could at last sent “Some snaps taken at The 35th SW Niigata Prefectural Speech Contest” to each SW or LL English Schools in Niigata Prefecture by email last early morning.
その感想などはまだ書き終えていませんが、何枚かの、一般公開して問題のない画像は、Though Yoshy didn’t finish writing my impression of it, I had already uploaded those several snaps which would have no problems if they were opened to the public; you can see by clicking: HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。