


After my rebuking in the meeting, my lips are still trembling like a typhoon.


関 脩先生 (1932:S.07.04.29~2011:H.23.10.19)の「ご自筆書簡」編集中!002


Yoshy has started editing or rearranging the letters from the late Mr. Seki Osamu to Yoshy since Friday, 2013.01.18.



Since the main aim of this work is introducing “His World written in Beautiful Japanese”, let me almost omit Yoshy’s translations in principle.



Edition 002:「直筆葉書」:Postcard Sent to Yoshy on 2006.11.07






After my rebuking in the meeting, my lips are still trembling like a typhoon.


・rebuke:vt 譴責する、阻止する・lips:n 唇・野分:n typhoon



「日本語:国語」にご興味のある皆様:編集の保管場所は Those who are interested his beautiful language of Japanese should click: HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。