3月M-PEC講座ご報告 Report of YEA in March
It was all day sunny on Saturday, March 9th.
Yoshy cleaned and dried “the hoses for melting snow” aside from doing Trial Lessons for New Students to LL Shihoya Arai School.
3月M-PEC講座は、予定通り7:00-9:00 pm LLシホヤ新井教室で開催できました。9名の会員がご参加くださいました。
Yoshy and nine members of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) enjoyed Monthly Lesson of March from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School on schedule.
特別顧問、ライト教授からの「#6 M-PEC フェスティバルへの激励文」の読解学習をしました。実用英語の学習方法も含まれていますので、良い刺激になりました。
One of our activities was learning reading “Encouraging Message from Special Advisor, Professor T. J. Wright” which includes how to learn practical English; this work helped inspire us with keep studying English. Thank you, Tim sensei.
このライト教授からの激励文は、You can read HIS message by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
After enjoying “Quiz of Filling Blanks” of HIS message …
We enjoyed “Yoshy’s original game of Showing the Way” named “Deliver an Egg at Easter Bunny’s House!”
ペアになって、一人が英語の指示の通りに、もう一人が「ヘルプハンド」で卵を動かします。「~ブロック真っ直ぐ歩け。」、「右へ / 左へ曲がれ。」と、「ウサギの家は、あなたの右 / 左にあるよ。」の3つの指示だけで誘導します。
Making a pair, one should obey another one’s directions, which means the deliverer has to move the egg by Help-Hand. Three kinds of orders must be used; “Walk straight for [3] blocks.” “Turn [right / left].” “Bunny’s house is on your [right / left].”
路上の「動作カード」に卵が触れると、ジェスチャーだけで…「私は何をしているでしょう?」- 「あなたは泳いでいます。/ 泳いでいるの?」正解なら続行できます。…「爆弾:タイマー」が2分にセットされていますので、懸命です。
If the egg touches an action card on the road, the walking person has to turn over it to see its picture and show its gesture, saying: “What am I doing?” – E.g. “You’re swimming. / Are you swimming?” Only when his/her answer is correct, this game can be continued. Because the Timer-Bomb is set, each couple was very exciting at this game.
At tea-time, we watched one scene of the DVD of “Noting Hills”, “The most miserable person can get the last piece of brawny cake.” A member, Ms. Y by chance made and brought here the Brawny! …
Yoshy ate the last piece of Brawny! So who was the most miserable person?
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで。
中高生以上、年齢不問です。「毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00、LLシホヤ新井教室で」楽しんでいます。次回の開催日:4月13日(土):「講座+総会」
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで。