学名は、Prunus yedoensis です。ここではそのまま。
The botanical name is Prunus yedoensis, but I use its familiar name, Somei-yoshino here.
Mr. K has been sending his monthly interesting and meaningful essays, “Chabby Newsletter” to all of us, Instructors all over Japan. Inspired by Basho’s haiku (a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables [in 5-7-5 syllabic form]) written below, Yoshy felt like translating part of his essay this time.
「さまざまの 事おもひ出す 桜かな」(芭蕉)
“Samazamano koto omoidasu sakurakana”
Watching cherry blossoms, bygone various things whirl through my mind. (Basho)
As you can see the first picture of the gate of ex-Arai Elementary School and ex-Arai Kindergarten, there were many Somei-yoshino trees in the site. The gate was located between LL Shihoya Arai School and Kin-ken Center (where we’ve been used in the time of holding LL Speech Contest with English Drama). Now, only one tree remains in front of Kin-ken Center. Following sentences are from Mr. K’s.
In Edo-period, a plants-man was breeding mountain cherry blossoms, a new beautiful breed was born.
Because its blossoms were so beautiful that it was grafted many times; at last lots of people have loved watching them and spread all over Japan since Meiji-period.
All of the trees have the same gene, which means “a cloned plant”. This might sound a little bleak, however, their beauty has moved us Japanese hearts through lots of people; and then, by grafting we can see them all over Japan now.
Its name is Somei-yoshino. The time length from its birthday to present is only 100 years.
Since they were born from only one tree, under given conditions of blooming, any tree and any branch of it starts coming into same blossoms.
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、イーメールは、遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで。
中高生以上、年齢不問です。「毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00、LLシホヤ新井教室で」楽しんでいます。次回の開催日:4月13日(土)
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、イーメールは、遠藤由明 (ヨッシー)まで。