
「2013年度イースターエッグ・模様コンテスト」の結果発表:The result announcement of “Easter Egg Pattern Contest 2013”




Thank you for lots of applications for “LL Easter-egg Pattern Contest” in 2013.





Just after “The Official Fire Drill”, all of the applied works by LL Shihoya Arai School were judged by some LL adult-students who attended the event on Saturday, May 25th. Five winners were decided as you see in this picture attached.





This testimonial sheet reads as follows.



This is to certify that your work in “Easter Egg Pattern Contest” was chosen one of the best Five. The Grade is The Best / Excellent.

We hope you will continue to find your original idea through not only drawing pictures, but also learning LL English.









BTW, though four works were thankfully sent here from abroad, all of them were drawn by male adults and not sophisticated in every measurement; Yoshy replied to each my words of “Thanks” only.



この記事も含めて、近年の「その他行事」をご覧いただけます。You can see recent “The Other Events of LL Shihoya Arai School” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。