洞窟:世界の地下景色で涼しく!Caves: The World Beneath the World will Make you Feel Cool!

洞窟:世界の地下景色で涼しく!Caves: The World Beneath the World will Make you Feel Cool!



It is in the beginning of early summer around LL Shihoya Arai School, Yoshy’s area.



In this small planet, various climates are daily and hourly changing now.



Even in a small country, Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. …



Let me introduce some “pictures which would give you the cool air” which was transferred from one of Yoshy’s foreign friends as “the midsummer greeting”.


6枚の画像すべては、You can see all the six pix by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。




The English sentences bellow was written by this author.


If you are stretched and squeezed by everyday life, then you might be in perfect shape to explore caves.



Enter a narrow natural passageway that may lead to simply mind-boggling underground world. Caves may lurk right under your feet: a fascinating and unexpected environment.




01 Brazil “Symphony of Stones”