最近のLLガーデン The latest view of LL Garden
Even in scorching days, plants are never moaning but blooming and bearing fruit.
Yoshy is often asking “the names of flowers and vegetables” I didn’t know to R. Through using this opportunity, Yoshy is trying to remember their English names.
A part of one poem following below came into my head. Though I forgot its title, it sure was made by Kitahara Hakushu, who was a famous poet in the Taisho era.
“Roses come out on a rose tree, which is never strange, however …”
Apparently this LL garden looks “a natural garden with many beautiful flowers”, however, these plants and insects are actually “battling much harder for their existence than bullying” in this small territory.
<battle for existence:生存競争する>
His thoughts in it are beyond mine, but I suppose that he is teaching us “In your tough times, try to remove your watch and throw off the limitation of social contract? If you do, you can find a new self!”
<social contract:社会契約>
Since this blog is likely to go over the limit of number of letters, only “the name of plants in J/E” is written as follows.
「ヒマワリモドキ」:False sunflower / Ox-eyes、「瓢箪」:Calabash、「オキナワスズメウリ」:Native-bryony、「インゲン・隠元」:Kidney-bean / Snap-bean、「サフィニア」:Sufinia、「マロウ」:Mallow