
2013.07.21 (日)
2013.07.21 (日)

個別面談ご参集ありがとうございました:Thank you for Joining Individual Meeting!



予定通り、7月22日(日)、10:00-14:00 第1回「三者面談」を実施致しました。


The 1st “PTS: Parent-teacher-student meeting” was on schedule held from 10:00 to 14:00 on Sunday, July 22nd.







Three families in the morning and nine in the afternoon visited Yoshy in a boiling hot and busy day. Thank you very much.







On the way to the scheduled time, we had three calling; “Can we visit you from now?” After all, each family and Yoshy could have a good time until 15:30.







July 22nd was the election day of members of the House of Councilors. Going vote as a family must be a home-education, Yoshy thought. Some LL students returned home with colorful balloons from a polling station, didn’t they?






Next PTS is going to be held February 2nd (SUN), 2014.





These attached pictures were taken in the early morning of July 21st; “Mt. Myoko”, “Mt. Hiuchi and Mt. Yake” and “New Citizen Gym opened on July 7th (SUN)”.






You can see three mountains far away in the center of each picture. They might be only views which seem not to be changed for the time being. … Hum, Yoshy thinks that’s natural; I remembered a Japanese short proverb, “U-i-te-n-pe-n” which means “Vicissitudes are a lot of man”







You can see “the frame of handwriting” above Yoshy in a picture of “PTS-meeting”, which was presented Yoshy in 1975 as a celebration of opening LL Shihoya Arai School.



当時の長寿クラブ連合会のリーダー、杉山義抽先生 (雅号:智道)が書いて下さいました。杉山会長を支えておられたお方が、この7月13日に、百寿となられた、岩下神繁先生です。

The late Mr. Sugiyama Yoshihide (his pan name was Chi-do.) wrote for me. The man who was supporting him is Mr. Iwashita Shinpan; he became 100 years old on 13th of July, this month.



岩下先生のご紹介は、You can see Mr. Iwashita’s profile and record with Yoshy by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。