LL英語劇#1練習報告:Report :The 1st Practice of LL English Drama
今日、7月28日(日)、4:00-5:30 pm、教室で、予定通り、第1回練習を実施しました。
Today, Sunday, July 28th, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm, the first practice of LL English Drama was held in LL Shihoya Arai School on schedule.
Four attended from all the eight cast on the ground of various reasons.
As soon as each cast came into LL Shihoya Arai School, he/she was surprised at the big handmade scene Yoshy had painted last midnight, which made me happy so much.
The room was full of big laugh when they were practicing his/her action.
Yoshy wants not only attendees today, but absentees to keep practicing with CD every day with calling up an image of your scenes.
The tile in this year is “The Lion and His Friends.”
10月6日(日)の「#36 LLスピーチコンテスト校内大会」の中で上演いたします。
It is going to be performed in “The 36th LL Speech Contest Interclass for Elementary School Students” on Sunday, October 6th at Kenshu-center.
「ライオンとなかまたち」の台本などは、You can see the script and so on about “The Lion and His Friends” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。