岩下神繁先生の「百寿句」:Mr. Iwashita Shinpan’s “Haiku-poem in his Age of 100 years”
Mr. Toyosaku Iwashita has been one of "Yoshy’s mentors of life" since 1975, when LL Shihoya Arai School opened.
Last month, July 13th, he became “one hundred years old”; let me again say to him, “Congratulations!”
十年以上、毎月、「かすがの 寿俳句会報」をお届けくださいます。
He has presented me “The Kasugano Kotobuki Haiku-poem Bulletine” every month for over a decade.
I’d like to introduce one of his latest poets as follows.
岩下豊作 (英訳はヨッシー)
“I feel myself fun in front of the rest after my 100 years while looking up the blue sky of rainy season.” by Toyosaku (Yoshy’s translation)
His rubric is as remarked below.
“I can probably manage to recite Chinese poems and make new Haiku-poems far from over. I by chance watched a gray heron powerfully jumping into water of Seki-river to catch a fish. It must have taught me its powerful spirit in its life!”
One of the two pictures was taken at the pleasant chat in the 6th M-PEC Festival held on November 18th, 2012. From the left, an advisor, Mr. Morio Nishiwaki, Mr. Iwashita and Mr. Shinsho Yoko; these interviewers were Mr. Yasuhiro Kawamura and Mr. Kazuo Iiyoshi.
Another one was shot at “The Graduation Ceremony of Arai Long-life University” held on March, 1984. Mr. Iwashita (Left) was the president. The person making a congratulatory address is Mr. Hideaki Sumida. Yoshy is shown at the right.
「岩下神繁先生の世界」をご覧いただけます。You can see “Mr. Iwashita’s World” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、メールでのお問い合わせは、⇒ When you’d like to use email for more information:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!
By “formatting M-PEC” like PC, Yoshy and his cores are recalling our ORIGINAL PURPOSE now.
英語学習をたのしみながら、仲間づくりを!:Shall we make new friends by enjoying learning happy English? 過去6年間の記録をご覧いただけます。You can see or read past record for six years: from the year of 2007 to 2012 by clicking :HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。