火星着陸成功の記録映画! How to get to Mars
Though Yoshy could introduced this fabulous You-tube once; because many visitors to this Blog have asked me to watch it again, You can enjoy this for the time being.
外国友人から転送されたYou-tube をお裾分け。
Let me share this cool You-tube one of Yoshy’s foreign friends sent with you.
勿論コンピュータグラフィックでしょうが、火星探査機の打ち上げから着陸までのYou-tube をご覧ください。
Although this must be of course a CG, you would be excited with the serious scene from launching of MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) to its landing on Mars.
This Mars-probe is called Rover and its nickname is Curiosity.
Curiosity was launched on November 26th, 2011.
Click ここを: HERE to see, please.