LL Shihoya News 9-10月号発行
On Monday, September 2nd, at 2:00 pm, very huge tornados were born at some parts of Saitama and Chiba prefectures. The phenomenon continued for around 15 minutes.
Many houses were broken by them. How sad they are!
Yoshy heard the word, “supercell” for the first time. Let me introduce it from Wikipedia with a picture.
A supercell is a thunderstorm that is characterized by the presence of a mesocyclone: a deep, persistently rotating updraft.
スーパーセルとは、深く長時間に及ぶ上昇気流、つまりメゾサイクロン(巨大な積乱雲によって発生する小規模な低気圧性の循環構造のこと) の特徴が濃い雷雨です。
A harvest season is coming.
実用英検、LL スピーチコンテスト、英語劇…楽しみながら、根気よくLL学習を積み上げましょう。
Practical Eiken, LL Speech Contest、English-play … Let’s continue studying our LL lessons merrily and patiently.
Shihoya News 6月号でお知らせしました通り、LL スピーチコンテストは、今年度から、校内大会までです。変更趣旨の詳しい説明は、As it was already introduced on the latest newsletter, Issue June; The final competition of LL Speech Contest held by LL Shihoya Arai School is going to end at the Interclass. You can read the fine explanation of revising by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Please drop in “Café in Shihoya”. Cold coffee and tea now will be soon changed into hot ones. Why don’t you visit to try R’s handmade cake? We are looking forward to seeing you!
最新~過去ニュースは、You can see this and the past News by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、メールでのお問い合わせは、⇒ When you’d like to use email for more information:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!
By “formatting M-PEC” like PC, Yoshy and his cores are recalling our ORIGINAL PURPOSE now.
英語学習をたのしみながら、仲間づくりを!:Shall we make new friends by enjoying learning happy English? 過去6年間の記録をご覧いただけます。You can see or read past record for six years: from the year of 2007 to 2012 by clicking :HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。