カマキリ再々発見:Found the Mantis Again and Again
The first day R found a baby-mantis was June 26th (Wed). Then after several days, it went missing.
7月1日(月)、行方不明だったカマキリは、「百日草」の葉の上にいました。まだ1 cmにも満たない大きさでした。
On Monday, July 1st, that missing mantis was on a leaf of “zinnia”. Its length was less than one cm.
I used to hope it won’t be eaten by a gecko or a snake!
<ヤモリ:a gecko>
On Friday, October 25th, R found it again! I heard it was waking on the entrance of LL Shihoya Arai School, beside LL Garden. R put it on “a plant-pot of pelargonium”.
According to an etymological dictionary, the origin of “pelargonium”, a word of Greek, means “a stork”. Its Japanese word is “Natsuzaki-tenjiku-aoi” and its word of the flower language is “affection”.
4ヶ月経って、3 cmに、色も緑から茶色になっています。
Four months passing, It is about 3 cm long and its color is now brown though it was green at that time.
Are the LL students who had often asked Yoshy, “Did you find the baby-mantis?” looking tat this blog?
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M-PEC講座一休み中! M-PEC is taking a vacation!
By “formatting M-PEC” like PC, Yoshy and his cores are recalling our ORIGINAL PURPOSE now.
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