Yoshy's Speech at LL スピーチコンテスト:編集完了

2013.10.06 (Sun)
2013.10.06 (Sun)

Yoshy’s Speech at LL Speech Contest on 2013.10.06 (Sun)

<講演の大意>・Gist of Yoshy’s Speech


10月6日(日)の「第36回 LLスピーチコンテスト校内大会」の折にご披露させていただいた「ヨッシーのスピーチ」の大意です。

Let me introduce you the gist of “Yoshy’s Speech” at “#36 LL Speech Contest Interclass” held on Sunday, October 6th.


全文和英は、You can read full text in both Japanese and English by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。



(1) LLシホヤ新井教室40周年直前に思う。What Yoshy Thinks of the History of LL Shihoya Arai School facing 40th Anniversary


(1-a) 1975年開設当時は、「小学生に英語を教えたら国語学習に弊害が出る」の風潮の中での募集でした。<中略>

In the beginning years of LL Shihoya Arai School since 1975, I was fighting against such an atmosphere as “Elementary students should not learn English because their command of Japanese is still so rude that their learning Japanese would be confused with it.” <Snip>


(1-b) 東京目白にあったLL本部での年2回の講師研修で、英語の「早期教育の必要性、有用性」も痛感しました。

I could again keenly feel “the importance, necessity and high-usefulness of early English education” through taking training for us, LL instructors. The training was held twice a year at Foundation Japan LL Education Center that was located at Mejiro in Tokyo those days.


(1-c) J. B. ハリス先生 (旺文社顧問・英会話) 、高本捨三郎先生 (明治学院大・音声学) 、田中誠之助先生 (慶応義塾大・児童心理)…超一流の指導者から指導技術を直に教わることができました。<中略> 今なお向学心を保てるのは、当時、目白本部に漂っていた「講師の力量があってこそ!」の空気のお陰です。

Fortunately, I could take part in topnotch lectures by e.g. Mr. James B. Harris (Advisor of Obunsha, in charge of English Conversation for the training seminar), Prof. Sutesaburo Komoto (Meijigakuin University, phonetics), Prof. Seinosuke Tanaka (Keiogijuku University, Child psychology) and so on. <Snip> “The ability of instructors could make Japanese children educate well!”, which was common sense among us, staff of Foundation Japan LL Education Center those days.


(1-d) 現在では常識の教育手法や企画の数々:「フォニックス」、「イマージョンメソッド」、「等時性」、…「外国人講師レッスン」、「英語劇」、「外国人講師と過ごすサマースクール」、「スピーチコンテスト」等の行事を永年継続してきたからこそ、2007年度からの3年間の「新井小英語指導助言者活動」ができたのだと思います。

Thanks to have done such following new lots of methods and events at that time as “Phonics”, “Immersion Method”, “Isochronism”, … “Lessons with ALTs”, “English Plays”, “LL Summer Camps”, “LL Speech Contest”, etc so long time; Yoshy could contributed to do “English Lessons at Arai Elementary School as an advisor” started in 2007, for three years.





(2) 英語は科目でしょうか?- 国連旗と、マララさんについて。

Is English one of the school- subjects? – About UN-flag and Miss Malala


(2-a) そもそも、英語は教科でしょうか?

Is English on the earth one of the school-subjects?


みなさんの前にある「国連旗」は、1977年度の第3回開校式に遠藤の大学生時代の恩師、橋口英俊先生 (2012年、東京家政大学名誉教授をご退官)から贈られたものです。<中略>

You can see this “UK-flag” in front of you was presented to LL Shihoya Arai School by Prof. Hidetoshi Hashiguchi (who is one of Yoshy’s respected teacher in my days of Tokyo Economic College, and retired as an honorable professor of Tokyo Kasei University in the year of 2012.) <Snip>



The gist of his speech was that “Be good boys and girls to be able to contribute to international peace!” <Snip>



I believe that English is not a school-subject, but “just a means for our communications”, which be natural. This makes clear departure from “the cram school or English schools just for feeling fun, etc.” As “to improve the command of Japanese” necessarily needs lots of knowledge of the other subjects, “to improve one of English as a language” also does them. Not teaching children “English”, but we must teach them “such various subjects as math, science, social studies, and etc. including social common sense” “by English”. To have children be able to “listen to, tell his/hers to, read and write” is the basis of the idea of LL Shihoya Arai School; and I will never give up running my school with this idea as long as I am healthy.


(2-b) 「英語学習は、英語でコミュニケーション力をつけること!」:この大前提に立っての義務教育カリキュラムを文科省は、未だに提示できていません。

“Learning English stands for improving communicative command by using a language of English!” Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has not been able to offer that yet.


私がなぜ、数学、社会、理科など…の教科指導をしないのか? - もうお分かりですね。どの教科であれ、分からないことがあれば、子どもたちは、学級担任、教科担任に質問していいのです。<中略>

Why am I not teaching such school subjects as math, social studies, science and etc. in LL Shihoya Arai School? - You already know, don’t you? – Whatever the school subject is, if the school students had any question, they could ask their HRTs or subject-based teachers, which is originally natural and common sense! <Snip>



What I have been challenging and will do in LL Shihoya Arai School is something “MEXT has not done yet”.


(2-c) <中略>「大勢の聴衆の前で、英語で!」…とりわけ、入賞したお子さんのご家族は、「よくやった!」と、大喜びなさるかも知れませんし、逆に、入賞を逸した場合は、うなだれるのかも知れません。

<Snip> I think most parents would be moved by their children’s speeches, praising them in your minds, “You did well before a large audience in English as well!” … Especially, the family whose child won the prize might be greatly glad; on the contrary, the family of their children without any prize might be disappointed very much.


お手元にある「発表課題文」は、大人が作った物語やエッセイです。<中略> いつの日か、お子さんが「自身の考えや願いを英語で世界の人々に」伝えることができるための第一歩に過ぎないのです。

Needless to say, “all recitations written on the program” in your hands were the stories or essays already made by adults. <Snip> This is just one of your child’s first steps so that he/she could tell “his/her thoughts and hopes to the people in the world” some day.



For example, if there were no “what I want to tell the audience like Miss Malala Yousafzai’s speech in UN” in this basis of evaluation in addition to “pronunciation and attitude”, I’m afraid, your speeches should not real practical command of communication e.g. in your home stay and so on.



The principal, Mr. Furusawa agreed to my idea so much that he made the task-force, starting “English Activities in Arai Elementary School” in 2008. But we couldn’t help quitting our work on the way in the year of 2010 <Snip> they removed the ladder Mr. Furusawa and I had set up.


<中略> 私の考えを理解して下さった泉下の古澤先生には、心から感謝しています。

<Snip> I offer my heartfelt thanks to the late Mr. Furusawa.


今後もLL スピーチコンテストは続けます。しかし、本末転倒とならないように、今年度から校内大会までと致しました。今後は「ディベーティング」の要素を加えてゆき、数年後には、「LL ジュニア・ディベーティングコンテスト (or ゲーム)」を楽しめるように研究中です。私の決断を支える土台部分は一体、何でしょうか?- 次に述べます。

LL Speech Contest is going to be continued. However, the stage of competition will ends at the Interclass this year; won’t go up the next stage aiming for winning at the Final one at Tokyo; not putting the cart before the horse. Yoshy will add an important element of the commands of communication: “debating skill”; hoping that we could enjoy “LL Debating Competition (or Games)” in a few years. Well, what is the basis which is supporting my decision on the earth? Scroll down, please.



(3) 問題意識 Awareness of the problem around us.


(3-a) 情報過多と便利なものに囲まれて、「私が伝えたい内容が見つからない!」思考力低下の時代です。工夫しなくても、お金さえあれば欲しいものが手に入りやすい時代です。

“I can’t find what I’d like to say the others at all!”, which has occurred very often these days; which might come from the current situation with too much information and too many convenient gears. I.e. nowadays, we can easily get what we want if we have some money with us.


(3-b) 今回の英語劇の小道具は全て手づくりです。大人の私が作り方を教えれば済むことですが、5,6年生に考えさせました。例えば、「弓矢」をつくるために、七夕で使った「竹」、「タコ糸」、「鋸(のこぎり)」、「鉈(なた)」を、ライオンを捕獲する網をつくるためには、「緑色の平テープ一巻き」だけを与えて、どうつくれば良いかを考えさせました。30分待ちましたが、答えが出ませんでした。

You see, all the props for this English Play are handmade. Yoshy had my students: 5th and 6th graders of E/S think how to make them on purpose instead of my making. E.g. in order to make “a few sets of bow and arrow”, what I gave them were … “bamboo branches” that was used at Tanabata Festival, “a roll of kite string”, “a saw” and “a hatchet”. And I gave them only “a roll of green colored flat-plastic tape” for making a big net which is going to be covered with the lion to capture it. I was waiting their idea around half an hour, getting nothing with them at all.


(3-c) 大人にも言えることかもしれません。例えば、「なぜ近年、熊、猪、猿が自らの危険を冒してまで出没するようになったのでしょう?」赤蜻蛉も激減しています。…元々あった森林を壊し、農薬をまいて見た目だけの緑のゴルフ場かも知れません。「在来線やバス路線を残せ!」と要求しながら、自分はマイカー出勤。「中心市街地に活力を!」と言いながら、自らは「道の駅」でお買いもの。「地球温暖化」…大人たちは、子どもたちに標語や作文を書かせておきながら、説明できないような矛盾には知らん顔です。

We adults couldn’t laugh at these tiny problems. E.g. “why do bears, wild bores, wild monkeys, etc. recently appear before us or into town even sticking their necks?” … Yoshy has thought of the development of golf fields, where lots of rich trees, plants and insects, etc. once lived, then now even agricultural chemical are already deeply saturated. Red-dragonflies are decreasing. The other examples are … Though lots of people want surviving of local train-lines, saying “Leave train and bus local lines!”; many of them go to work by their own cars. Though some are crying, “Make the central area of our town improve and vibrant!”; many of them go shopping at “a roadside station”. Though we adults are insisting our children to write mottos or essays about prevention of “global warming”, we are apt to ignore these contradictions in front of our babes.


<中略> LLシホヤ新井教室は、問題意識を高める教育に力点を置きます。子どもたちが社会人になった時、「英語で」難問に立ち向かえるようにしてゆきたいのです。

<Snip> in my LL Shihoya Arai School, Yoshy will continue focusing on the method of teaching English, in which they could gain the power to solve them “in English”; which should be step by step solved in their grown ages. I really hope so.


(3-d) わが子可愛さゆえに「今の我が家の幸せのためだけの道具のようにお子様を箱入り息子、娘」にしてはいけません。そして、子供たち!こんなきついことを言い続けているLLシホヤ新井教室に通わせて下さるお父さん、お母さん、おじいさん、おばあさんに感謝しなさい!

Yoshy knows any parents love their own children. “However, please never make him/her a ‘jack-in-a box’ or a ‘sheltered girl’ just only for your present happiness at home.” – And my kids, thank your dad, mom, grandpa and grandma who trust in Yoshy’s very earnest thoughts or the idea of LL Shihoya Arai School!




Boys and girls! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for listening to my speech for a long time; please accept my warmest thanks to you all!










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