LL Xmas Lessons in 2013 were Over!

2013.12.23 Mon)
2013.12.23 Mon)

M-PEC活動詳細ご紹介は、You can see Detailed Introducing “M-PEC” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。


LL Xmas Week in 2013 was Over!




During walking in the morning of Monday, December 23rd; Yoshy found the buildings of Public Hall, ex-Citizens’ Gym, etc had been completely *dismantled.




今回は30年以上前に実施した、そこでの「外国人講師レッスン」中心の記録を:You can see archived scenes of LL ALT Lessons by clicking;HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。




30年以上前の、そこでのLL Xmas Partyを思い出していました。小中学生たちは、外国人スタッフ、冬蜜柑、1個100円のバタークリームと苺のショートケーキ、サイダーに目を輝かせていました。

Looking at the vacant area, I was looking back at old LL Xmas Parties there. Elementary and Junior H/S students were enjoying them with their wyes alight watching foreign staff, tangerines, butter cream shortcakes with strawberries (100 yen each) and *soda pop.

<soda pop:炭酸水:日本で言うサイダー. Cf.:cider:林檎果汁発酵飲料>




Times have changed since then. R’s handmade cookies have been served in a few years. All the members of A3-class tried a pack of cookies of an absentee of PD. “Something is much better than ones sold in a supermarket!” Some J/S high school students said to Yoshy. R sure would be happy to hear it.




Yoshy prepared lots of different songs, activities, games and so on for twelve classes from last year this year, too.




E.g. The students of the classes whose levels are from Eiken 4th to Pre-2nd enjoyed “Trying to translation of a picture book: Snoopy”.



22日(日)の「新井聖書教会主催クリスマス礼拝」の折に、友人の Y様 (M-PEC会員) から頂いた「希望のストーリー」(OneHope:発行)にある「サンタさんは誰でしょう?」は、子供たちに分かりやすい日本語です。

Last Sunday of 22nd, R and I joined “Christmas Service held at Arai Heaven’s Gate Chapel”; where one of M-PEC members presented me a book, “Christmas The Story Of Hope” published by OneHope. There is the article telling “Who is Santa?” in it. It is easy to understand for children.




Yoshy is going to make “An English Picture-show” based on this book, which will be used in next Xmas week of LL Shihoya Arai School. Ms. Y, thanks a lot!




The *year-end and new-year holidays of LL Shihoya Arai School are from today, 24th on schedule.

<year-end and new-year:年末年始の>




I am writing New Year Cards right now. I am worried if these cards of 300 and over could be posted tomorrow, 25th or not!




“The first selling day” of Shihoya Bookstore is Friday, January 3rd and the lessons of LL Shihoya Arai School start on Saturday, January 4th.



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