
Finished proofreading this column
Finished proofreading this column

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「M-PECコラムin 地域活動紹介冊子(仮称)」の校正画像:Proofread “Book for Introducing Civic Activities” in which “Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC)” is going to be printed




“Myoko City Support Center for Civic Activity” is going to publish the booklet, in which Yoshy’s way of thinking about learning English acquired through LL Shihoya Arai School and Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) is printed by around mid-April, 2014. This column is Yoshy’s answer to “What is Learning English for us Japanese?” Since I am recruiting new LL students and new members of M-PEC now, let me introduce it in advance; though, excuse me, this picture is emendatory.




Thanks to you, in this April, 2014, LL Shihoya Arai School is the 40th anniversary and Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) is the 8th one. The common idea is “Hope You will be Vivid in Your Life through English Communication!” Everybody, welcome to LL Shihoya Arai School and M-PEC! Call 0255-72-2025.



What is M-PEC?




It should be one of the happiest things in our purposes in lives that what our words could be recognized to others. Let’s throw off our prejudice to the way of learning English! I.e. We can’t describe by words how beautiful it must be that we could introduce our own ideas and some cultures of our hometown, Myoko to our foreign friends! It is you who will do this troublesome job not professionals! Monthly M-PEC Lessons would provide you guts and know-how to realize it! Make Myoko City famous for its original place where the way of learning English was renovated in Japan! Your power through activities in M-PEC would contribute to our new community development!