At last Japan’s Policy of Teaching English has Approached the Idea of LL Shihoya Arai School After 68 years ever since the End of War!
下記の二つの記事:(A) 「英語は教科?」:上越タイムス、2013.11.29th(金) 掲載と、(B)「下村文科大臣会見」、2013.12.13th(金) You-Tubeをご覧くださいませ。LLシホヤ新井教室を開設して39年目にしてようやくLLの理念に国が近づいてきました。国の英語教育方針の転換は、戦後68年を要したのです。Let me introduce you these two articles: one is (A) Yoshy’s “Is English a School Subject?” printed in Joetsu Times on Friday, November 29th; the other is the You-Tube, (B) “Interview by Minister Shimomura of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science”. This change in the government’s policy needed 68 years after the end of war or 39 years after the open of LL Shihoya Arai School.
You can read (A) and watch (B) をご覧いただくには、by clicking:HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。(A), (B)の順にUpいたしました。These two were uploaded from (A) to (B).
2013年12月13日(金)、「下村文科大臣会見」要旨:Gist of “Interview of Minister Shimomura, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology” announced on Friday, December 13th, 2013
<英語での授業、中学から=2020年度実施へ計画策定-文科省>:<English-Lessons in J/H Schools should be taught by the language of English ONLY, starting in 2020 = Policy Changed. – Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology>
下村博文文科相は同日の閣議後記者会見で「外国から多くの人が日本に集う東京オリンピック・パラリンピックを見据え計画的に進めたい」と述べた。(2013/12/13th by 時事ドットコム)
At the post-cabinet meeting news-conference, Minister, Shimomura said, “I will conduct this new plan systematically looking ahead to coming Tokyo Olympiad and Paralympics, where lots of people would visit from abroad.” (Ji-ji Dot-com)
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology developed a plan so that Japan could educate young people who could be in active as international humans in their future. Basically, English lessons at J/H Schools should be taught by using the language of English, then at S/H Schools, they would learn the skill of announcement, debating, etc and they could acquire such a command of English as Eiken 2nd or Pre-1st. This plan is going to be introduced in the year of 2018, step by step, aiming full-conduction in the year of 2020.
According to the survey by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in December, 2012, the percentage of the number who had already the certificate of Pre-1st or 1st Eiken was 27.7 %.