M-PEC活動詳細ご紹介は、You can see Detailed Information of “M-PEC” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。M-PEC活動詳細ご紹介は、You can see Detailed Information of “M-PEC” by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。次回の講座は、3月8日(土)です。YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) is waiting for anyone who are J/S High School students and adults on the 2nd Saturday every month, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School The date of next lesson is March 8th (Sat).
日本人の義理と人情:Japanese Duty and Sentiment
“Recently we can’t feel duty and sentiment at all, can we?” … We Japanese people have been repeating this, I believe.
<duty and sentiment:義理と人情>
What has not changed should be only “the row of mountains in our hometowns.” – I believed that, but, I noticed another one, which was that “many human interest stories in classical-rakugo have been still popular.”
<human interest story:人情噺>
To my *dismay, every man and woman must have duty and sentiment in his/her mind like a *kindling; I want to believe, however, lots of terrible affairs with no etiquette happen *like a rampant infection every day.
<dismay:落胆、失望> <kindling:発火、点火、火種>
<like a rampant infection:蔓延(はびこ)る疫病のように>
I like the late Mr. Kokontei Shisho who was a teacher of rakugo, comic-story teller. I have his CDs, in which there is a title of “Nuke-suzume: Sparrows flying out of Tsui-tate, *a single-leaf wooden screen to partition a room”. It has no love affairs, so I’ve got an idea that it would be able to be changed into an English *picture-cards show for LL students or a nice English play for M-PEC Festival.
<a single-leaf wooden screen to partition a room:衝立(ついたて)> <picture-cards show:紙芝居>
安宿の主人は、宿賃を払わず江戸に立ち去った若い絵師との約束を守り通しました。絵師は、「江戸から戻ったら必ず宿賃を払う。但し、この衝立(ついたて)は売ってはならぬ」と言い残しました。小田原城主がその衝立を2,000両 (今での価値は諸説ありますが、1両が10万円として、約2億円)で買うと言ったのに…。
A *doss-master went through with a promise with a young painter who stayed several days and went to Edo (Tokyo now) paying him no money. He said to the master, “I’m sure to come back from Edo and pay his *charges in a near future. But never sell this Tsui-tate.” Even though the lord of Odawara wanted to buy it at 2,000 ryo which is now *estimated around 2 hundred million yen (assumed that 1 ryo has a value of 100,000 yen; there are various opinions), the master didn’t sell it around one year: until the painter came back.
<doss:安宿> <go through with~:~を守り通す> <charges:宿賃> <estimate~:~と見積もる>
The painter was so moved by his honesty that he presented it to him.
First two of these pictures was shot beside Arai-kita E-School toward “Namba Mountain Range” and “Myoko Mountain Range” located at southern direction of it last Wednesday, February 12th and the third one was done the next day, “Erie playing her dog-run on LL Garden”, where you see less snow than usual days now.
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LL Shihoya News 2-3月号は、HERE:ここを クリックなさってください。
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