Welcome to Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC)!
To save the capacity of this site hoping you will click:HERE:ここを
成人であれば、性別・国籍、英語力を問いません. 毎月第3(土) 7:30-9:00 at LLシホヤ新井教室!!!
Being introduced since May, 2023
Although we are still in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we are now able to take lessons without wearing masks, so we are resuming my monthly lessons, YEA. All adults are welcome regardless of gender, nationality, or English ability. It is held every 3rd Saturday at 7:30-9:00 in LL Shihoya Arai Class!!!
M-PEC講座について: M-PEC Monthly Lesson
毎月第3(土) 7:30-9:00 at LLシホヤ新井教室です。
Yoshy is happy to often hear many people telling me, “I am asking you to re-start Monthly Lesson at least!” I decided to open it on the 3rd Saturday every month, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at
LL Shihoya Arai School.
Monthly lesson material fee is only 3,000 yen for each lesson; membership fees are free. From J-S High School students and adults (available to all ages), welcome to LL Shihoya Arai School, the place of M-PEC Lessons. No ability of English command is NOT required.
What is M-PEC?
It should be one of the happiest things in our purposes in lives that what our words could be recognized to others. Let’s throw off our prejudice to the way of learning English! I.e. We can’t describe by words how beautiful it must be that we could introduce our own ideas and some cultures of our hometown, Myoko to our foreign friends! It is you who will do this troublesome job not professionals! Monthly M-PEC Lessons would provide you guts and know-how to realize it! Make Myoko City famous for its original place where the way of learning English was renovated in Japan! Your power through activities in M-PEC would contribute to our new community development!
On Friday, November 22nd, an information form for “Pamphlet Introducing Activities of Volunteering Groups in 2013” arrived here, the office of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) from Myoko Community Support Center.
They say it’s going to be handed in after being edited to every community facility around in the middle of next March.
Yoshy soon filled in all required items on “the application to be posted”, sending it by e-mail in the evening of 22nd.
One of those items was “an Ad for M-PEC”, which should be written for not more than 200 numbers of characters. Let me introduce the draft in advance. Dear every member of M-PEC and Yoshy’s friends, let’s rediscover our feelings in 2007, shall we?
M-PEC活動のPR文:The Ad for M-PEC Activity
It should be one of the happiest things in our purposes in lives that what our words could be recognized to others. Let’s throw off our prejudice to the way of learning English! I.e. We can’t describe by words how beautiful it must be that we could introduce our own ideas and some cultures of our hometown, Myoko to our foreign friends! It is you who will do this troublesome job not professionals! Monthly M-PEC Lessons would provide you guts and know-how to realize it! Make Myoko City famous for its original place where the way of learning English was renovated in Japan! Your power through activities in M-PEC would contribute to our new community development!
Yoshy wanted to add “If your attitude toward learning English changed, one of children would do, too!” However, since the number of characters would be over the limit, I didn’t add this sentence.
■ M-PEC (Myoko Powerful English Club:妙高市社会教育関係団体)は、2007年度に、Timothy J. Wright教授 (現在:大妻女子大教授)、橋口英俊先生 (当時、家政大学名誉教授):お二人とも、LLシホヤ新井教室の顧問:とともに立ち上げた、「大人のための英会話サークル」です。
■ YEA (Yoshy's English Activity):講座は、毎月第3(土) 夜7:00-9:00 at LLシホヤ新井教室です。常勤講師は、遠藤由明です。ときどき、香原ちさと先生 (c-k office)、Ivan Brown先生(上教大) などの顧問が加わります。毎回の資料代は3,000円 (税込み)です。このサイトの「お問い合わせ」から、お尋ねくださり、たくさんの友人をお待ち申し上げています。代表は、私、遠藤由明です。
M-PEC 会則
第1章 総則
第1条(名称) この団体の名称は、Myoko Powerful English Club (ミョウコウ・パワフル・イングリッシュ・クラブ)、略称は、M-PEC (エム・ペック)と言います。
第2条(事務局) LLシホヤ新井教室にあります。事務局長(代表)は、遠藤由明です。
944-0046 新潟県妙高市上町7-6
Tel:0255-72-2025 Fax: 0255-72-2760
第2章 目的と事業
第3条(目的) 妙高市内外在住の外国人と友好を深めるために、使える英語学習を楽しみながら、妙高市に伝わる伝統文化を紹介して行くことです。
第4条(事業) 目的達成のために、以下のような事業を計画しています。役員会が中心となって、年度毎に事業計画を立案し、実践するため会員を啓発します。
・ 遠藤由明(代表、LLシホヤ新井教室代表) による英会話中心の「YEA英語講座:Yoshy’s English Activity」 <毎月第2(土) 7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室> …資料代は無料です。
・ 妙高市等に伝わる民話等の英語劇
・ 妙高市の観光スポット、特産品、伝統行事・文化などを口頭英語で紹介
・ 上記事業の学習成果発表(Festival)と交流 (後援:妙高市教育委員会)
・ その他
第3章 構成員
第5条(会員) 会の目的に賛同する人は、妙高市内外住民と年齢を問わずに入会できます。いつでも退会できます。
第6条(役員) 役員は、代表1名:遠藤由明、会長(運営委員長)1名、会計監事1名、幹事若干名で構成されます。…役員報酬はありません。
第7条(顧問) 会の円滑な運営を図るための顧問を委嘱します。報酬はありませんが、講演時には交通費と資料代を支払います。
✪Professor Timothy J. Wright (ティモシー・ライト教授) … 大妻女子大学社会情報学部教授(Otsuma Women’s University, School of Social Information Studies)・東京大学教養学部講師(The University of Tokyo, College of Arts & Science, Lecturer)・専攻、主な講演テーマ(Majors, Themes of his Lectures):Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, English Speech, Oral Interpretation, Rhetoric, Speech Dynamics, Drama, etc.
✪橋口英俊教授 (Professor Hashiguchi Hidetoshi) … 東京家政大学名誉教授 (Tokyo Kasei University, Honorary Professor)・ルーテル学院大学臨床心理学専攻主任教授 (Japan Lutheran College, Head Professor) ・日本教育臨床研究所主宰 (IJEC: Institute of Japan Education and Clinical Psychology, Superintendent)・専攻:論理情報行動療法 (Rational Emotive Therapy)、臨床心理学 (Clinical Psychology)、東洋医学 (Oriental Medical Science)…etc.
✪阿部フォード恵子 (Keiko Abe-Ford) … CALAキャラ代表 (President of CALA: Communication And Language Associates)・ハワイ研修センター所長 (President of Hawaii Institute)・聖学院大学講師 (Seigakuin University, Lecturer)・児童英語及び公立小中学校教員英語研修指導者 (Promotion of English for Children + Training for Public Elementary and Junior High Schools’ Teachers, Instructor)・国際学会TESOL小学校教育部門国際問題委員長 (International Association TESOL: International Issues of Elementary Schools, Chairperson)
第4章 会計
第8条(会費) 顧問、賛助会員等の協力員以外の会員から、年会費(3,000円 中高生は1,000円)を徴収します。また、賛助会員を募集しています。(1口10,000円) 会計年度は、4月1日~3月31日です。
第5章 その他
(a) 学問としての英語ではなく、「使えて、楽しめて、生活をイキイキさせてくれる英語」は教室の外に多くあるとの思いから、楽しく有意義な運営を目指します。ご入会をお待ちします。2007年4月から、運営を開始しています。
(b) 当会は、妙高市教育委員会が認定する社会教育関係団体です。
(c) 当会の事業は、LLシホヤ新井教室(英語教室)の事業とは別のものです。
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Special Advisers
* Prof. Timothy J. Wright
* Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi
* Ms. Abe Ford Keiko
Chief Adviser
* Mr. Ivan Brown (Joetsu University of Education)
Rules of M-PEC
Chapter 1 General Rules
Article 1 (Name): This association is called “Myoko Powerful English Club, ” which is abbreviated as “M-PEC.”
Article 2 (Secretariat): The Secretariat shall be set in “LL Shihoya Arai School,” with
✪Endo Yoshiaki being the representative of the association (President).
7-6, Kanmachi, Myoko City, Niigata Ken, 944-0046, Japan Tel:0255-72-2025 Fax: 0255-72-2760
Chapter 2 Purpose and Activity
Article 3 (Purpose): We shall introduce the traditional culture of Myoko City to non-Japanese residents of Myoko City and the others and develop friendship with them while at the same time enjoying learning practical English.
Article 4 (Activities): We shall develop effective activities to achieve this purpose and implement them. The Executive Committee shall make annual plans and carries them out. Below are some of the activities that may be proposed for examples.
・ To offer an English lesson by Endo Yoshiaki with a focus on spoken English once a month and a lecture. (YEA: Yoshy’s English Activity) It is to be held on the second Saturday, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in LL Shihoya Arai School.
・ To perform plays in English based on folktales that have been handed down in Myoko City.
・ To introduce tourist spots, special products and traditional events of Myoko City in English.
・ Other
Chapter 3 Members
Article 5 (Qualifications): Anybody who agrees with the purpose of the association may join in anytime, regardless of age and whether he or she lives in Myoko City or not. It shall be acceptable to leave the association anytime as well.
Article 6 (Directors): The positions of officials of the association shall be taken up by President (Endo Yoshiaki), Chairperson, an auditor and several members of the Executive Committee. There shall be no compensation for them.
Article 7 (Advisers): To facilitate management, several advisers shall be appointed. While there is normally no compensation for them, in case they give a talk for the benefit of our association, they shall be provided with travel expenses and expenses for the materials they use for the talk. The current special advisers are as follows.
✪Prof. Timothy J. Wright … Otsuma Women’s University, School of Social Information Studies ・The University of Tokyo, College of Arts & Science / His Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages / Themes of His Lectures: English Speech, Oral Interpretation, Rhetoric, Speech Dynamics, Drama, etc.)
✪Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi …Tokyo Kasei University, Honorary Professor・Japan Lutheran College, Professor・IJEC: Institute of Japan Education and Clinical Psychology, Superintendent / His Major: RET: Rational Emotive Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Oriental Medical Science, etc.
✪Ms. Keiko Abe-Ford …President of CALA: Communication And Language Associates・President of Hawaii Institute・Seigakuin University, Lecturer・Promotion of English for Children + Training for Public Elementary and Junior High Schools’ Teachers, Instructor・International Association TESOL: International Issues of Elementary Schools, Chairperson, etc.
Chapter 4 Accounting
Article 8 (Membership Fees): The yearly membership fee is nothing. The fiscal year of the association, in case of necessary, shall be from the 1st of April to the 31st of March.
Article 9 (Audit): An auditor shall be appointed.
Chapter 5: Other
(a) I believe that the type of English we can learn to use to make our lives exciting and enjoyable can be acquired outside of the classroom. This association shall be managed with this belief in mind. Its activities began in April 2007.
(b) “Myoko Powerful English Club” and LL Shihoya Arai School shall operate independently of each other.
<from Left>
Special Advisers
* Prof. Timothy J. Wright
* Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi
* Ms. Abe Ford Keiko
Chief Adviser
* Mr. Ivan Brown (Joetsu University of Education)
<from Left>
Special Advisers
* Prof. Timothy J. Wright
* Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi
* Ms. Abe Ford Keiko
Chief Adviser
* Mr. Ivan Brown (Joetsu University of Education)
<Birthday: 誕生日> 1972年 <Hometown: 出身地> London, UK <Present Main Job: 現職名> Associate Professor of Intercultural Communication,Department of English Language, Faculty of Humanities Education;Concurrent Faculty Member of the Center for International Exchange;Joetsu University of Education上越教育大学・大学院学校教育研究科・人文・社会教育学系・言語系コース(英語)・異文化コミュニケーション分野 / 国際交流推進センター兼務教員・准教授 <Major: 専攻分野> Applied Linguistics・応用言語学・社会心理言語学
[1995.07] ルーマニア クルージ・ナポカ市 スコットランド-ルーマニア ランゲージリンクイングリッシュサマースクール英語教師(1995年8月まで)
[1997.07] 外国語指導助手 JET プログラム 沖縄県 伊是名島(2000年7月まで)
[2001.09] 英国 ウィーヴァーズ・セカンダリースク―ル(中等高等学校)音楽教員 (2001年12月まで)
[2002.01] 英国 フルブルック・セカンダリースクール(中等高等学校)音楽教員 (2002年6月まで)
[2002.09] 英国 トゥモローズ・ピープル・トラスト ESOL教師 (2005年8月まで)
[2005.09] 英国 カンタベリー・カレッジ ESOL講師 (2006年3月まで)
[2006.04] 上越教育大学 外国人教師
【学 位】
文学修士(応用言語学)英国 ロンドン大学 バークベック・カレッジ (2005年)
教員資格 -音楽科 英国 ケンブリッジ大学 (2001年)
音楽学士優等学位 英国 エジンバラ大学 (1997年)
RSA-Cambridge Certificate in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language to Adults (CELTA) (1994年)
【TEL】+81 (0)25-521-3310
1. 現代英語特論
2. 現代英語演習
【最終学歴】英国 ロンドン大学 バークベック・カレッジ
(Faculty of Arts; School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture)
“The Japanese Community in London: Bilingual Behaviour, Attitudes, Identity and Vitality.”(修士論文)
“A Critical Comparative Review of Two Experimental Studies on the Critical Period Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition."
“A Critical Comparative Review of Two Empirical Studies." [on positive and negative evidence and feedback in second language acquisition]
“Analysis of a Dataset of English Speech Spoken by a Japanese Learner of English."
“A Critical Assessment of Brown and Levinson's Theory of Politeness in Relation to the Japanese Language."
“How is Lexical Information Integrated into the PPT Model of Syntax?"
“A Survey of Recent Empirical Research in the Social Psychology of Language."