2014.03.08 (土):講座 Report


#84:M-PEC 3月8日(土) 7:00-9:00 pm 講座:内容予告:Advance Billing of #84:YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) on Saturday, March 8th, 2014 (from 7:00-9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School)





Yoshy is waiting for you whose *proficiency in English is from almost zero to expert-level, preparing the following contents so that all the attendance would be happy in YEA.

<proficiency in~:~の熟達>




“International Andersen Prize winning poet”, Mr. Mado Michio passed way on Friday, February 28th aged 104. Let me *extend my heartfelt condolence to him. Yoshy knew one of his words, “I can find *more than enough materials for making poems as long as I am alive.” (His face is from Tokyo Shinbun, The picture of stone monument is from Yamaguchi-prefecture.)

<extend one’s heartfelt condolence to~:~に対して心からのお悔やみを述べる>

<more than enough materials:充分以上の素材 = いくらでも多くの素材>




As equally as his words, in both M-PEC and LL Shihoya Arai School, he taught me that “More enough ideas for new games or activities would flash in my mind as long as I had some power of will, *sensitivity and curiosity.”

<sensitivity and curiosity:感受性と好奇心>




First, to the illustrious memory of Mr. Mado, let’s try to translate his “Zo-san” into English. Just after that, let me introduce Empress Michiko’s translation.

<to the illustrious memory of~:~の遺徳を偲んで・illustrious = 輝かしい>




The other examples are roughly as follow.



(1) 「折り紙で馬を作りながら、基本動詞をおぼえよう!」

“Let’s learn some basic verbs as making a horse with folding paper!”



(2) 「ぬいぐるみを使って、指示の基本動詞をおぼえよう!」

“Let’s learn some basic verbs about direction by using stuffed animals!”



(3) 「歌で発音を磨こう!」:マイフェアレディの、ヒギンズ教授の歌:「なぜ英語を話せんのか?」…

“Let’s brush up our English pronunciation by using songs!” – “Why Can’t The English?” of Prof. Higgins’ from My Fair Lady



(4) NHK:DVD「とっさの一言」等など…

“Prompt Words” of DVD, NHK, etc. …



(5) どのアクティビティに重点を置くかは、当日ご参加いただいたみなさまの雰囲気を見て決めさせて下さい。

Let me decide which activities should be appropriate to you in an atmosphere of the day.




Those who are J/S high school students and adults are welcome to YEA. The material fee is 500 yen including tax.



出席お申し込み・お問い合わせは、3月6日(木)までにCall Yoshy, please. Tel: 0255-72-2025 Fax:0255-72-2760、メールでの出席お申込み、お問い合わせは、:When you’d like to use email for your attendance or inquiry:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。




2014.02.08 (Sat) in YEA
2014.02.08 (Sat) in YEA


Then, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, we enjoyed the monthly M-PEC Lesson (YEA) of February.




Six adults and two dogs: Ms Carin (ex-guide dog) and Ms. Erie joined; thanks a lot!




Just at the beginning, we challenged a few listening questions of “#3 Junior Eiken, GOLD” *for fun. GOLD level is less than the one of the 5th Practical Eiken, so we could relaxed.

<for fun:お遊びとして>




I was happy to know they were fond of watching and listening to the scene of “A Little Bit of Luck” in “My Fair Lady”. As I had them show English caption with the scene, their imagination became vivid and alive. We watched and listen to it many times, then sang a couple of times.




Mr. Doolittle who is Eliza’s father is a *full-time drunk, but a lovable and *openhearted man. That scene blew off our tiny troubles which had stuck in our minds, didn’t it?

<full-time drunk:飲んだくれ> <lovable:憎めない> <openhearted:豪放磊落な>




*The time just flew by. We couldn’t make an origami-horse. Well, how about making origami-dolls in next lesson on March 8th (Sat)? Let me announce the plan around end of this month.

<the time fly by:あっという間に時が過ぎる>



お茶の時間に、「犬の肉球:プニョプニョ」の英語のご質問があり、このブログでお応えする約束をしました。… “paw-pads” です。

for more information:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。


2013.12.14 (Sat) Matching Game after Telling the Story
2013.12.14 (Sat) Matching Game after Telling the Story




Early on Saturday morning, December 14th, I saw 3 cm of snow around here; continuing from the previous day, Yoshy was preparing “various teaching plans and their props for Xmas Time” in M-PEC & LL Shihoya Arai School.





In the latest M-PEC monthly lesson, in the middle of Xmas Season, we started from enjoying singing Xmas-songs.





First, we challenged singing *merry and bright “Jingle Bells”, until its *second lyric.

<merry and bright:陽気で明るい> <second lyric:2番の歌詞>





Next, Yoshy had them watch three scenes with songs, whose difficult expressions were sometimes explained by me; deciding one scene, i.e. one song.





Though *I myself personally prefer “With A Little Bit of Luck”, all of them decided “I Could Have Danced All Night”. We all together sang it watching and listening to the song sung by Audrey Hepburn.

<I myself personally prefer~:~を個人的に好む>




「踊りたい!」がなぜ I want to dance. ではなく、I could have danced! になるのか、板書で解説しました。

Yoshy explained on the blackboard the reason why this words: “I could have danced all night!” was better than “I want to dance all night!” in this case.





They understood me saying, *“I see how it is!” … made a note of that; which *was worth of teaching.

<I see how it is! :なるほど!> <be worth of~:~のし甲斐がある>





A picture book of “Snoopy’s Christmas” was used as a “Telling A Story”. I had them try to translate the lines in it into “Japanese”.





“Max at the Aquarium” was used as a “Picture-Card Show”, in which various kinds of fish and animals were introduced before them.



その魚たちについて、それぞれ、「絵」、「ひらがな」、「漢字」そして「英語」の4種のカードのマッチングを競い合いました。例:「その絵、海月:くらげ:jelly fish」…

Yoshy had prepared the set of four cards for each: its “picture”, “hiragana”, “kanji” and “English”. They enjoyed matching or setting with the four cards. E.g. “the picture of jelly fish, its kanji, its hiragana and ‘jelly fish’”. …





*As quick as lightning, Tea-time! … We enjoyed “exchanging small gifts” during eating R’s “the cup of muffin with strawberry-jam” and singing “I Could Have Danced All Night”.

<as quick as lightning:稲妻のように速く>





Yoshy was by chance given “a nice handkerchief and *a cake of fancy soap” Ms. K had brought. I love them. Thanks! *Why don’t you take your spouse next lesson on January 11th?

<a cake of soap:1個の石鹸> <Why don’t you~:~しませんか?>




The teaching plan for next YEA (Yoshy’s Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC has not made yet, but one of my ideas is to make a horse with folded paper because the animal symbol in 2014 is Horse.




今回、英語映画DVDを使っての「英語力増強方法」を実感して頂きました。M-PEC特別顧問、ライト教授もこのアイデアを推奨なさっておられます。You can read an advice of Prof. Wright (Otsuma Women’s University) by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。





As you already know, Mr. Minister Shimomura of MIXT announced “Renewed Guidelines for Education of English” last Friday, December 13rd. It is *taking one step closer to Yoshy’s idea of English Education. I am going to explain this in the near future after calling Professor Wright to confirm this issue. Blog is written almost every day in Japanese and English. Never miss it, please.

<MIXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:文部科学省> <take one step close to~:~に一歩前進する>

2013.11.09(土):M-PEC YEA (講座)が再開! YEA Opened. Thanks!

2013.11.09 (Sat) The North Square beside Kin-ken Center
2013.11.09 (Sat) The North Square beside Kin-ken Center

久しぶりのYEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) in M-PEC



Thanks to you, “YEA (Yoshy’s Monthly English Activity)” of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) was revived after last March this year; which was the first small event this year.




Yoshy had kept recruiting members since the year of 2007. However, all the visitors attended YEA “of their own accord”; Yoshy could do it with fresh happiness!




After midnight of that day, I was absorbed in making the teaching plan; I heard Erie’s breathing of sleeping beside me.



4時間眠って、エリーと散歩。松とヒマラヤ杉の間に見えるのが、火打山 (2,462 m)です。

After four hours’ sleeping, I took a walk with Erie. You can see Mt. Hiuchi (2,462 m) between a pine tree and a Himalayan Cedar.




Then, I hung the paper-board of YEA. The Japanese beauty-berry is in the vase under it. Its floral language is to be said “intelligence”.



Rが最近作ってくれたリースを教室の教壇脇に飾りました。地味ですが品があって、大人には飽きないと思います。「韮(にら) の花」(花言葉:多幸)と、「紫陽花」(花言葉:威張り屋) のドライフラワーで出来ています。

Yoshy put a wreath R made recently on the wall beside of the platform of LL Shihoya Arai School. It looks plain and simple, but I feel graceful in it; maybe most of the elderly wouldn’t be tired of watching it. It is made with two kinds of dried flowers: “Oriental garlic” whose floral language: “fortunateness” and “Hydrangea” (a turkey cook).




It is now fall in appetite. The main theme of this time was learning “Various verbs much concerned with cooking”. By showing gestures with some kitchen-props, e.g. “what am I ~doing [a carrot]?” … We enjoyed this game as application in this section.




“Making curry and rice” (fake: a game) is going to be add in next YEA on Saturday, December 14th. As is customary, Yoshy is asking all the visitors to bring a small Xmas gift, that costs around 2 or 300 yen.



「ネイティブの早口発音を聞きとるコツ」を「セリーヌ・ディオンの、I’M ALIVE」で、歌いながら理解していただきました。

Yoshy had them understand “the knack for command of listening to the native’s quick pronunciation” through singing “I’M ALIVE of Celine Dion”.



来年は「午年」。M-PEC会員のA様から、「純金銀 (?) の箸置き」を今年も頂きました。ありがとうございます。

Next zodiac year is “Horse”. One of M-PEC members, Mr. A presented me “pure gold and silver (?) chopstick-rests” this year, too. Thank you very much.