The 107th M-PEC月例講座:3月12日(土)ご報告:
Report of the 107th YEA on March 12th (Sat)
12日(土)、予定通り、#107 M-PEC月例講座を楽しみました。春冷えの夜、ご来校くださってありがとうございました。
On Saturday still cold evening of March 12th, we could enjoy the 107th YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC on schedule. Thank you for your joining.
First, we enjoyed learning “Prompt Words” of NHK-DVD.- “There’s nobody here by that name.”
Suddenly called “Can you put Mr. Trump on?” … Saying to her “I don’t know.” He hung up the phone with a *clank.
*clank [klˈæŋk]:(n擬音)ガチャン, (vi) ガチャンと鳴る
「早口言葉」をたくさん練習しました。会話英語では滑舌が大切ですね。YEA直前に、”Spin the Earth”というサイトのおかげで、ネイティブでも難しく、ギネスに載っているという一文が見つかりました。笑いながら試しました。ゆっくりなら易しいのですが:「病に臥せっている6番目の長老の6番目の羊が、病気です。」がそれ。
Next, we practiced many tongue twisters. To speak *smoothly should be important especially in English conversation, I believe. BTW, thanks to the site of “Spin the Earth”, a super difficult twister which seems to have got into the *Guinness Book of Records, trying it in a laughing mood. It is easy if saying it so slowly, but … “The sixth sick *sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.”
*smoothly [smúðli]:(ad) 滑らかに、円滑に *Guinness [gínɪs]:ギネスブック、ギネスビール *sheik [ʃíːk]:(特にアラブ圏での)長老、族長 <CF. mandarin:(特に中国での) / dean:(団体、同業者での)>
「LL成人英会話基礎クラス」を30数年ぶりに再開いたします!!! 詳しくは、HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC is sure to be continued from April, too. However …I decided to add another course in LL Shihoya Arai School. …
“CPC-class” for those who want to brush up his/her command of English conversation is reopen in LL Shihoya Arai School after around three decades!!! For more information, click the site above, please.
The main textbook is “CPC: Communication Practice Course”.
This time, we tried to practice to use various “expressions of FEELINGs” in many different situations using DVD for instructors.-
I’m sure you’ll know that to learn more vocabularies be more fun than you thought. I’d like to have you feel happy, which means it should lead you to the new world of “CFC: Controlled Free Conversation”; yes, I’ll do my best with you.
Many pictures of Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)’s “Volunteering activities: making wonderful foreign friends” are available to see by clicking the site above.
The 106th M-PEC月例講座:2月13日(土)ご報告:
Report of the 106th YEA on February 13th (Sat)
13日(土)、予定通り、#106 M-PEC月例講座を楽しみました。春一番が吹き始めた夜、ご来校くださってありがとうございました。
On Saturday evening of February 13th, we could enjoy the 106th YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC on schedule. Thank you for joining just when spring’s first south wind was starting blowing in the night.
First, we enjoyed learning “Prompt Words” of NHK-DVD.- “A is in a meeting. Can I take your message?”
「おじいさんの古時計」:メロディはどこかで聞いたことがあるのに、英語で、きちんとうたったことがない人が多いと思います。LLシホヤ新井教室のテキスト:New PBU-2に前半があります。
We sang “My Grandfather’s Clock”, of which we’ve heard the melody, but few of us might have sung all lines, I guess. The former part of it is printed in LL-text, New PBU-2.
I’m sure anyone can sing it in peace. This must be one of excellent famous ones.
Next, we stood in a circle, enjoyed dancing and singing with its actions of “*Hokey Pokey” This song is also useful for making us speak English quickly and clearly as well as doing us get guts. This picture is from “Songs and Chants” a poetess, Ms. Yamashita presented me.
♪ “…and you shake it all about,” “…and you turn yourself around,” …
*hokey-pokey [hóʊkipóʊki]:ごまかし、インチキ
Origami in English – kimono was made of colored paper. I hope you will be able to show how to fold kimono in a near future! I tacked the one I made on a wall, beside Hina-dolls in LL Shihoya Arai School. (Upper right in this picture.)
The 105th M-PEC月例講座:1月9日(土)ご報告:
Report of the 105th YEA on January 9th (Sat)
<From Blog on 2016.01.11 Mon)
I held Mr. Muchaku Seikyo’s lecture around three decades ago. I could mat him again on NHK-TV after finishing #105th YEA of M-PEC on Saturday’s night, January ninth. Hoping someone will tell this blog to him. :-)
A scene of his young days around six decades ago.
It was *sleeting from morning till evening on Saturday, 9th.
*sleet [slíːt]:(n) (vi) 霙(みぞれ)
The outdoor temperature was one degree *Celsius at 7:00 am on Sunday 10th.
*Celsius [sélsiəs]:セ氏(の) <カ氏= 9/5×セ氏+32>
As we had no snowfall all day, the weather was convenient for holding Sai-no-kami, Shinto-Bonfire.
I found the setting was done after noon. - Unluckily, I wasn’t able to join there because we had many private visitors. “Any visitor once or many times is God of Good luck.” (Ozeki Soen)
∮♪#♪♭♪♬♪♫♪∮♪#♪♭♪♬♪♫♪ -さて、Well, …
9日(土)、予定通り、#105 M-PEC月例講座を楽しみました。外気温が氷点下前後の中、ご来校くださってありがとうございました。紙芝居「歳神さまとお正月」からスタート。
On Saturday evening of January 9th, we could enjoy the 105th YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC on schedule. Thank you for joining in such very cold night, around zero degree outside. First, I became a picture story showman telling “Toshigami, a Shinto-god and New Year’s”.
Then used a textbook published by Oxford University Press, in which “Learning Japanese Culture” was introduced; we were able to study UK-people’s way to see our culture, which was very interesting.
“How could we explain Japanese traditional patterns in English?” – by the way of a quize-style. R won the championship!
We sang “I Could Have Danced All Night!”
We did “My Way”, too. We were listening to Jose Carreras’s with *rapt attention.
*rapt [rˈæpt]:(a) 心奪われた、うっとりした
“The First Tea-time” – Thank you, Ms. Y who brought her handmade pound cake with *liqueur. *Gerberas R had placed in Shihoya Bookstore are in the center of the table.
*liqueur [lɪkˈɚː,‐k(j)ˈʊɚ]:リキュール *gerbera [gˈɚːbərə, dʒˈɚː‐]:ガーベラ、センボンヤリ
TONIGHT is Pastor Hayatsu’s Xmas-M-PEC!
新井聖書協会の早津 栄牧師さんが、#104 M-PEC月例講座にご参加くださり、「クリスマスについてのお話」をしてくださいました。お陰様で、文字通りの「クリスマス・レッスン」になりました!
Sakae Hayatsu, Pastor of Heaven’s Gate Chapel joined the 104th YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC, telling us his “Xmas Message”. - Thanks to his *generous *favor, this YEA literally became “Christmas Lesson”!
*favor [féɪvɚ]:賛成、親切
Let me *itemize “Pastor Hayatsu’s Xmas Message” summarized by Yoshy as follows.
☆ “I had a chance to visit Arai Bible Church for the first time when I had been struggling with ‘the meaning of my life’ in the second grader of my S/H school days; where I had a big culture shock about ‘my views of nature’!”
*itemize [άɪṭəmὰɪz]:(vt) 箇条書きにする
☆ “Look at this desk or chair, etc. … It’s sure someone made everything in this room. Is there on the earth anything that appeared by chance without anyone’s will? Look at this rose next. Is this rose made by an *accidental power?”
*accidental [`æksədénṭl]:(a) 偶然の
<1> 自然界を観れば、偶然や進化論の帰結ではないことがわかります。(例:太陽)
<2> 言葉、顔かたちが違っても、人間には「心:道徳律」が備わっています。世界会議が可能なのは、そのためです。誰がそれをデザインしたのでしょう?
<3> 神様は、イエスキリストに人間としての肉体を33年間与え、「神の愛」を実感させてくれました。
☆ “How do you think we could prove the existence of God? There’re three proofs.”
<1> Whenever we carefully observe the *realm of nature, we could realize that it is never produced by accident or the evolution theory. (E.g. the sun)
*realm [rélm]:領域
<2> We, humans are always different each other, however, they say so many men, so many minds. Why we could hold a world conference is in there. Then, who do you think design such a world?
<3> God temporally gave us *Jesus Christ as a human for thirty three years, making us realize “God’s Love”.
*Jesus Christ [dʒíːzəs, ‐zəz- krάɪst]:イエスキリスト
☆ “Xmas is the day we thank God for the birthday of Jesus Christ.”
We learned “isochronism” during singing a famous Xmas Song, “The Red-nosed Reindeer” so that we could understand the unique intonation of English. Then we sang “As Time goes By”.
And we enjoyed RPB activity by using a picture book, “Three Devil Brothers”.
“Candle Lighting Service”
“Present Exchanging during singing ‘The Red-nosed Reindeer’ was fun!” – By chance I got a handmade bread Ms. K had made in that morning. Yoshy’s pet dog, Erie also ate it a little as well as me. It was very good!
Erie, who is not “a *stray sheep” but a sheep dog was sound asleep breathing quietly.- Only those who are stray creatures are we humans, maybe.
*stray [stréɪ]:(a) 道に迷った
早津牧師と過ごした「#104 M-PECレッスン」のひと時、私の心に、今もなお爽やかな余韻が漂っています。私と早津先生とは、40年以上のお付き合いですが、何度でもお話をお聞きしたいです。
Thanks to “Pastor Hayatsu’s Xmas Message in this the 104th YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity), a comfortable *aftertaste still remains in my mind. I have been good friends with him for more than four decades and have sometimes listened his words, but I hope I’ll be able to get a chance to do so from now on, too.
*aftertaste [ǽftɚtèɪst]:余韻
早津 栄牧師のお人柄は、このお声でも良くお分かりいただけます。S. Hayatsu Pastor’s voice is available to listen to by clicking his church-BLOG:Heaven’s Gate Chapelのブログをクリックなさってみてくださいませ。
最近の早津牧師の説教で、「11月29日」の中で、「ISの報復の論理:全ての戦争は自衛の美化から始まる。」は、宗教に興味がない人であっても納得なさるのではないかと思います。-「良いことをした(と思いたい)あとは、なぜか後味が悪い」深層心理の原因を説いていらっしゃいます。…うーん、私は大変な友人をお招きしました! = 「福音」、「ご縁」という名のカルチャーショックでした。参加者の皆さまはどうお感じだったでしょうか。
今年の「Heaven’s Gate Chapel」でのXmasを楽しみにしています。「異なった世界観、人生観」に触れることも、英語学習には必須です。決して入信を強いることはありませんので、門をたたいてみてはいかがでしょうか?
R and I are always looking forward to Xmas-service at “Heaven’s Gate Chapel” every year. We wish you to meet there! I believe the learners of language of English inevitably need to touch or experience “different view of worlds and lives from ours”. I promise you Pastor Hayatsu never forces us to become a Christian; why don’t you knock your ANOTHER door?
嬉しいお知らせ:#104 M-PEC-Xmas講座に早津牧師ご参加!
Happy Breaking News:Hayatsu Pastor Joins 104th M-PEC Xmas Lesson!
🎵Glad tidings Hayatsu Pastor brings to you and your friends.
新井聖書協会の早津 栄牧師さんが、12月12日(土)の#104 M-PEC月例講座にご参加くださり、「クリスマスについてのお話」をしてくださいます。お陰様で、文字通りの「クリスマス・レッスン」になります!
Sakae Hayatsu Pastor of Heaven’s Gate Chapel is going to join the 104th YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC, telling us his “Xmas Message”. - Thanks to his *generous *favor, this YEA literally becomes “Christmas Lesson”!
*favor [féɪvɚ]:賛成、親切
The learning plan written below will be changed or all colored with Xmas. - I hope all of you will be very happy in the night. Additional items will be “His Xmas Message”, “Candlelight Service” and “Happy Tea party with HIM”.
早津 栄牧師のお人柄は、このお声でも良くお分かりいただけます。S. Hayatsu Pastor’s voice is available to listen to by clicking his church-BLOG:Heaven’s Gate Chapelのブログをクリックなさってみてくださいませ。www.shihoya.com の中の、リンクにもございます。
(1) 「英語絵本を楽しみましょう!」Let’s enjoy Picture books! (RPB: Reading Picture Books)
(2) 「NHK:とっさの一言」より (Office, Party編より: 5-3)
(3) 「初歩の文法をDVDで!」<Vol.3-1:比較級:_er than~>
(4) “BBC-Commercial” (You-tube) + BGM:♪ “What a Wonderful World” (ルイ・アームストロング)
Main themes this time
(1) “Let’s Enjoy Picture Books!” (RPB: Reading Picture Books)
(2) "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"< Vol. Office & Party: 5-3>
(3) “DVD: Easy Steps to Better English” <Comparison:_er than~>
(4) “BBC-Commercial” (You-tube) + Its BGM:♪ “What a Wonderful World” (Louis Armstrong)
The 103rd M-PEC月例講座:11月14日(土)ご報告:
Report of the 103rd YEA on November 14th (Sat)
14日(土)、予定通り、#103 M-PEC月例講座を楽しみました。強風の中ご来校くださってありがとうございました。
Saturday night, 14th, we could enjoy #103 YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC on schedule. Despite *wintry *blast, I thank every participant very much.
After learning “some *knacks in the way of finding the mass of meaning”, …
*wintry [wíntri]:(a) 冬のような、荒涼とした *blast [blˈæst]:突風、爆風 *knack [nˈæk]:コツ、技巧
BBC制作の 美しいYouTubeを鑑賞しながら、 “What a Wonderful World!” を、みんなで歌いました。
We sang “What a Wonderful World!” while watching the beautiful YouTube of BBC.
The English picture book was “The two Judy Browns”, whose story was *suspenseful but was some comical at the same time. This book let us relaxed at the end.
*suspenseful [səspénsf(ə)l]:(a) サスペンス(不安や緊張感)に満ちた
次回講座は Xmas Special Lesson !! 12月12日(土), 7:00-9:00 pm、LL教室で
10月10日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室で、The 102nd M-PEC月例講座を楽しく一緒に学ばせていただきました。4名のご参加ありがとうございました。
Thanks a lot the four of you joined the 102nd YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC was held at LL Shihoya Arai School on Saturday, October 10th; from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. We enjoyed it together.
Ms. O brought lots of persimmons [pɚsímənz] ; all of us were very happy. Thanks! You see “Rose Hips” which are the seeds of roses.
実施した学習の主テーマ:Main themes this time:
(1)「英語絵本を楽しみましょう!」Let’s enjoy RPB! (Reading Picture Books)
This time, first we again used “Potato-Patty” which was very popular among us last time. Next, we enjoyed “Todd who hates school and Wally drown by Todd”. We tried to guess the following scene of each page. All of us moved by the result that Todd finally became to like school thanks to Wally. This picture book is one of many ones Ms. Yoshie Yamashita, a poet recently presented Yoshy.
I again realized that Reading Picture Books (RPB) would let the command of English for us all ages grow better. Luckily LL Shihoya Arai School has already more than one hundred picture books since Ms. Yoko Shimizu presented. I hope I’ll be able to do RPB activities at not only LL Shihoya Arai School, M-PEC Lesson, but also at Shihoya Bookstore in a near future; I’m sure I’ll do it.
「NHK:とっさの一言」より (Office, Party編より: 5-1, 2)
"Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"< Vol. Office: 5-1, 2>
We learned a few important expressions; i.e. “Are you new here?” (新しく赴任なさった方ですか?), “Help yourself with coffee.” (コーヒーはご自由にお飲みください。) , etc.
「初歩の文法をDVDで!」<Vol.2-2:助動詞:must / have to>
“DVD: Easy Steps to Better English” <Usage: must / have to>
“You must finish this test in thirty minutes.” (この試験は30分制限です。) Vs. “You have to finish it before lunch.” (昼休みまでですよ。) のように、「~なばならない」の、must と、have to の微妙な違いを学ぶことができました。
♪ “As Time Goes By” (ホセ・カレーラス)
Song: “As Time Goes By” (Jose Carreras)
“As Time Goes By”の歌のレッスンは、三大テノールの一人、ホセ・カレーラスが先生でした。
We used CD of José Carreras, one of the Three Tenors (the other two: Plácido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti) as an instructor for our singing.
These lyrics are *paraphrased by Yoshy who remembers the scene Sam (Dooley Wilson) was obliged to obey Ilsa’s (Ingrid Bergman) request; then Rick (Humphrey Bogart) approached him, seeing her ... in Casablanca”.
*paraphrase [pˈærəfrèɪz ]:(vt) 意訳する
Report of 101st YEA of M-PEC
The 101st YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC on Saturday, September 12th was done well on schedule. Three attendants, thanks a lot!
“Which explanation is suitable for each picture among ten pictures of Japanese snacks?” – After all, R, patissier, an expert of making cakes won the championship; her score was 100! She even pointed my mistake out of my translation. All of us were enjoying good “work of reading English”.
Most of them are sold at “Japanese Snacks Corner” in Shihoya Bookstore. We tasted some thanks to R.
Which Snack is This?:どの駄菓子のことかしら? Answer + Explanation:答えと解説
2015.06.20、M-PEC顧問:Yap Socy先生からの転送です。「日本の駄菓子10顆(か)」は、どこのお国のどなたの作品かわかりませんが、外国人の日本文化の一端をどう見ているかが垣間見ることができ、先生ともども、ありがとうございます。「ビッグカツ」の紹介で、ペニー硬貨が出ていますので、作者は英国人かな?
私が気になる点は、「都こんぶ」の説明中の、“umami, the fifth taste that the Japanese believe”:「日本人が信じている第5番目の味、うま味」の表現です。池田菊苗(いけだきくなえ)教授 (1864-1936 From Wikipedia) が発見した「うま味」は世界の常識ですが…。
以下の和訳は遠藤由明です。Language of Japanese as follows is by Yoshy.
Japan has many kinds of delicious snacks that you cannot find anywhere else. There are some *flavors that are only available in the country and can be enjoyed by kids and adults *alike. While you are planning your trip to Japan, you may think of sushi, miso soup, and noodles as your first choice of *nourishment but why not try some of these famous *confectionaries that are cheap, good and fun.
*flavor [fléɪvɚ|‐və]:(ある特有な)味 <cf. taste = (一般的な)味> *alike:(ad) 同様に *nourishment [nˈɚːrɪʃ-|nˈʌr‐]:滋養、栄養、食べ物 *confectionary [kənfɛ́kʃənɛ̀ri]:菓子、菓子店
1. Senbei
English speakers know them as rice crackers, this *crunchy potato chip-like snack is made from rice that is baked or grilled. They taste good with almost any flavor such as salt, soy sauce, sugar, shrimp, or seaweed. They can also *come in thick and thin sizes; some senbei are as small as a coin or as wide as a plate. Each is delicious and satisfying for all ages.
*crunchy [krˈʌntʃi]:(a) カチカチ、バリバリ…の音がする~ *come in~:~などいろいろある
1. 煎餅(せんべい)
We used an English picture-book Ms. Yamashita had presented me as a story-guessing game.
Sometimes her sayings hidden like this, “What is Patty Potato saying? – Guess! Hum, she looks happy.”
This month’s song was “Yankee Doodle” which was popular at the time of Civil War.
It’s so easy to sing that once you listen to it, you’ll quickly acquire the *typical way of English intonation, I believe.
*typical [típɪk(ə)l]:(a) 特有の、典型的な
The 101st M-PEC月例講座:9月12日(土)予告:
Advance billing of YEA on August 8th (Sat)
9月12日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室:The 101st M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。
お申込みなど詳細は下記ご参照:Scroll down for more information, please.
We look forward to your joining the 100th YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of M-PEC on Saturday, September 12th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School.
(1) 「癒しのモルジブ」
(2) 「NHK:とっさの一言」より (食事編より: 4-24)
(3) 「初歩の文法をDVDで!」<Vol.2-1:助動詞:will, shall, be going to>
(4) ♪ “Yankee Doodle” (LL教材より)
Main themes planed this time: (Some will be chosen from these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) “Healing Maldives”
(2) "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"<from Vol. Dinner: 4-24>
(3) “DVD: Easy Steps To Better English” <Usage of Will, Shall, Be going to:auxiliary Verbs>
(4) Song: “Yankee Doodle” (CDs from LL)
8月8日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室:The 100th M-PEC月例講座にご出席、ありがとうございました。
Yoshy thanks very much for your joining the 100th YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of M-PEC on Saturday, August 8th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School.
(1) 「NHK:とっさの一言」より (食事編より: 4-22)
(2) 「初歩の文法をDVDで!」<Vol.2-1:助動詞:will, shall, be going to>
(3) ♪ “Amazing Grace” by Susan Boyle & Sarah Brightman (会員の山井幹子様のCD)
(4)「英文:果物の食べごろの見分け方」(顧問:Ms. Yap ご提供)
Main themes planed : (Each item below was well done.)
(1) "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"<from Vol. Dinner: 4-22>
(2) “DVD: Easy Steps To Better English” <Usage of Will, Shall, Be going to:auxiliary Verbs>
(3) Song: “Amazing Grace” by Susan Boyle & Sarah Brightman (CDs from Ms. Yamai: a member of M-PEC)
(4) Enjoy Reading Trivia, “The Tastiest Fruits” transferred from Ms. Yap, an advisor of M-PEC
I chose a hymn, “Amazing Grace” as enjoying singing English this time for this 100th anniversary of YEA (Yoshy‘s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC. In this song, I’ve got many good memories about lots of Christian friends of mine while starting learning communicative English.
*hymn [hím]:讃美歌
実は、私は未だにクリスチャンではありませんが、新井中学時代から、今も親交のある早津 栄牧師さんと一緒に、英会話学習に勤しんできた御恩があるのです。
Actually although I’m not a Christian yet, I am *obliged to Pastor Hayatsu Sakae whom I was able to study English Conversation with in my junior high school days and we’re still good friends.
*obliged [əblάɪdʒd] to A for B:AにBの御恩がある、感謝している
The late Missionary, Leslie Grove was the first foreigner for me in my junior high school days, then I could have lots of opportunities to meet good friends from abroad “through communication in English”, e.g. the young staff of National Aeronautic and Space Administration at Kashiwazaki Bible Institute, etc.
Arai JHS in my youth was once located at the place where Arai ES now is now. “Arai Bible Church: Heaven’s Gate Chapel now” was at the north side of and next to that school.
当時の、英会話修行の写真は:You can see some pictures about those days of my practicing English by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
The 99th M-PEC月例講座(特別) on 2015.07.11・ご報告
Report of the 99th YEA (Special) on 2015.07.11
Everyone’s desires present infinite variety as long as we live and they are apt to be changed. I made this learning document which shows “three steps of desire.”
In the morning of the previous day, Friday, July 10th, R and I visited Ms. Yamai’s *residence to preview her “Non-secret Garden”, in which Lots of summer flowers and herbs were fully covered.
*residence [rézədns]:立派で大きな住宅
Yoshy is showing two *tongs at the spot for BBQ.
*tongs [tάŋz, tˈɔːŋz]:トング、火箸
当日の7月11日(土)、6:30-7:00 pm 資料を参考に、テラスで庭園を眺めながら、思い思いの「英文短冊」をたくさんつくりました。Mr. Shin A. が添削指導をしてくださいました。
On that day, Saturday evening, July 11th, from 6:30 to 7:00 on schedule, we made many fancy strips in English on the *terrace viewing her beautiful garden. Thank Mr. Shin A. who helped us to proofread our writings.
*terrace [térəs]:テラス
「伊勢海老って、ロブスター?」とのご質問がありました。厳密には、「鋏がある」大きな海老がロブスターで、ないのが、 “spiny lobster”… 中くらいの大きさが、「プローン」で、小海老が「シュリンプ」。茸(きのこ)や薔薇などと同様に、数えきれないくらいの「英語名」がありますので、この3つだけ覚えておけば、「せわ~ない!」
One of them asked me saying “Could we call Ise-ebi a *lobster?” – Strictly saying, a lobster has a big *claws and Ise-ebi, a *spiny lobster doesn’t. A middle sized one is called “prawn” and the smallest one is “shrimp”. There’re so many names of them as well as mushrooms, roses and so on that these three words would be enough or “No Problem!” for our daily conversations, I think.
*lobster [lάbstɚ|lˈɔbstə]:ロブスター *spiny [spάɪni]:(a) 棘(とげ)のある *prawn [prˈɔːn]:車海老 *shrimp [ʃrímp]:小海老
Each one was hanging his/her own strips on “the bamboo branches for a little belated Star Festival” after finishing writing wishes.
記念写真#1- 故山井 修先生の最後の盲導犬:カリンちゃんも一緒です。
Memorial Picture #1, where the late Dr. Yamai Osamu’s latest guide dog, Carin joined us.
記念写真#2- たそがれ時で、おなかがすいてきました。
Memorial Picture #1: All of us became hungry in the *twilight hour.
*twilight [twάɪlὰɪt]:黄昏(たそがれ)、日の出前と日没直後の薄暮(うすぐれ)
BBQ was at last *ignited, which we waited.
*ignite [ɪgnάɪt]:(vt) 点火する
“Rolled beef with cavolo-nero (black cabbage)”, “*risotto”, etc. had been cooked by Mikiko.
*risotto [rɪsˈɔːṭoʊ]:リゾット (一般に、だし汁で米を煮て、卸チーズを振りかけたイタリア料理:an Italian food, rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese.)
メキシコ料理の「タコス」などはRの作品 …山井様、R、たくさん作ってくれてありがとうございました。
“*Taco, a Mexican food” and so on had been cooked by R. Thanks a lot for many *feasts.
*taco [tάːkoʊ]:タコス *feast [fíːst]:ごちそう、饗宴
All vegetables were from Mikiko’s and R’s gardens. They were home-grown.
“Prawns”, “*Scallops”, etc. fresh caught at Japan Sea were brought by Mr. Akiyama. Thank you very much, too!
*scallop [skάləp, skˈæl‐|skˈɔl‐]:ホタテガイ
Full darkness fell around 7:30.
Mikiko set a fashionable *LED hand-lantern on the table. Though we decided “to chat only in English”, but in vain. :-) Well, who cares!
*LED :Light Emitting Diode (発光ダイオード)
大人こそ、勇気を奮って(決して恥ずかしなどとは思わずに)、「英語を使ってみよう!」-子供は大人の背中を見て育つのですから。(子は親の鏡. / 蛙の子は蛙.)
Not still young as you are, I ask you to try to use English! It’s none of others’ business for us even though we were laughed at by them. – Because children are faithful refractions of their parents./ Like Father, like son.
「DLPFC:って何の略?」:What does DLPFC stand for?
答え:Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex:「背外側・前頭前野・皮質」
「慢性腰痛患者の90%は『恐怖からくる思い込み』…」を知って、LLシホヤ新井教室とMyoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC)顧問の橋口先生を思い出していました。「病は気から」を科学的に立証、多くの人たちを救っておられます。
Once I knew “90% of the patients of *chronic low back pain take it for granted ‘that such a pain never occur from FEAR but from the diseased part’”, that recalled Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi, who is in charge of the advisor of LL Shihoya Arai School and Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC). He scientifically proved the fact, “Care killed a cat. Or, worry is often the cause of illness”, still now saving many patients.
*chronic [krάnɪk|krˈɔn-]:慢性の
Moreover that recalled Mr. Hiro Sachiya’s book, “Hotokesama-no-Monosashi, Buddha’s Ruler” (published by Suzuki Publisher Co. Ltd.) – Let me quote a few paragraphs from it. – It says “used tea leaves are never dirty things. <Snip> However as soon as it is dumped away to a sink, it is transformed into garbage.” The used tea leaves are never transformed itself, but only her mind.
「遠藤由明と橋口英俊先生」は: You can read “Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi and Yoshy” by clicking HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
橋口先生は、2013年度で、公職を辞されておられますが、それまでのブログ:「身心カウンセリングカレッジ」を公開しておられます。: Though he already left his public positions in the end of the year of 2013, his blog called “Physical & Mental Counselling College”, that is still open to public: you can read his words by clicking HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
The 98th M-PEC月例講座:6月6日(土)予告:
Advance billing of YEA on June 6th (Sat)
Scroll down to the 6th paragraph, please and “Advance-billing of YEA (Yoshy’s Volunteering Monthly English Activity) of M-PEC” can be seen.
いつもは、月例講座は、第2(土):6月13日(土)なのですが、「新井聖書協会」で、「ライフラインの集い」がございますので、6月6日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室に変更させてくださいませ。
Though YEA is always open on the 2nd Saturday every month: June 13rd, let us change the date to June 6th, because “Gathering for Life-line” to be held by “Heaven’s Gate Chapel” on the date.
実は、私は未だにクリスチャンではありませんが、新井中学時代から、今も親交のある早津 栄牧師さんと一緒に、英会話学習に勤しんできた御恩があるのです。
Actually although I’m not a Christian yet, I am *obliged to Pastor Hayatsu Sakae whom I was able to study English Conversation with in my junior high school days and we’re still good friends.
*obliged [əblάɪdʒd] to A for B:AにBの御恩がある、感謝している
The late Missionary, Leslie Grove was the first foreigner for me in my junior high school days, then I could have lots of opportunities to meet good friends from abroad “through communication in English”, e.g. the young staff of National Aeronautic and Space Administration at Kashiwazaki Bible Institute, etc.
Arai JHS in my youth was once located at the place where Arai ES now is now. “Arai Bible Church: Heaven’s Gate Chapel now” was at the north side of and next to that school.
当時の、英会話修行の写真は:You can see some pictures about those days of my practicing English by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
The *prologue became too long; I’m sorry.
*prologue [próʊlɔːg]:序章、前段
ということで、6月6日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室:The 98th M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。
Therefore, we look forward to your joining the 98th YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of M-PEC on this Saturday, June 6th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School.
(1) 「NHK:とっさの一言」より (食事編より: 4-21)
(2) 「初歩の文法をDVDで!」<一般動詞・過去>
(3) 耳が慣れたところで、…「七夕短冊づくり」(一緒に英作文で夢を叶えましょう!)
(4)「DVD: ドラエモン:音声=日本語、字幕=英語」(#2:マレーシアのMr. Yasu K.からのプレゼント)を楽しみましょう。
(5) 英国旅行お土産の「現地の大衆紙」を解説。(成人向け記事ばかりですので、中高生ご参加の場合は省略予定.)
Main themes planed this time: (Some will be chosen among these by the visitors’ favorites.)
(1) "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"<from Vol. Dinner: 4-21>
(2) “DVD: Easy Steps To Better English” <Usage of Past-form of General-verbs>
(3) After you become all ears to English …Enjoy “Making Fancy Strips for Star Festival!” – Your dream will come true.
(4) Enjoy watching “DVD: Doraemon” <#2 session: Mr. Yasu K. presented it to Yoshy.>
(5) To try to read “UK’s local newspapers” with Yoshy. (Since most articles in there are for adults, if a J/S HS students join us, this studying won’t be done,
中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は500円:出欠のご返事は、6月4日(木)までにお電話:0255-72-2025 or メール (個人情報保護機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします。
The 98th YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held on Saturday, June 6th; from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 500 yen. Please reply to confirm your participation by June 4th (Thu) by email or phone (above) to Yoshy.
I bet that most adults are always busy. Hum … shall we change our paces in a kind of academic atmosphere? – Yes, why don’t we enjoy with our fresh moods, do we?
5月9日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm、97回M-PEC講座にご参加下さりありがとうございました。まずは、英語に慣れるために、字幕スーパーが英語の「ドラエモン」を鑑賞しながらクイズ:「どこでもドアって、字幕ではどう書いてありましたでしょう?
On Saturday, May 9th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, thanks a lot for joining the 97th YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC). First, we enjoyed watching “Doraemon” with English *subtitles. It was used for having had them got accustomed to the atmosphere of English; I sometimes asked them, “What was Dokodemo-door in English?” – (Everywhere Door).
*subtitles:副題、字幕スーパー (with~subtitles:~の説明字幕で)
英検4級レベル用の映像教材で「Be 動詞の世界」を学びなおしました。
Then we relearned “the world of be-verbs” on the video as a learning material for the level of the 4th Eiken.
And we did the English text of “Prime Minister, Abe’s Speech at a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress”. I believe his speech is a good learning material for us English learners because we could learn Americans’ spirit, her culture and the history of both countries. Though there’re such many technical terms as TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), the grammatical level is around the 3rd Eiken; so I’ll introduce it to LL students, too.
その演説の終章で、キャロル・キングの”You’ve Got A Friend”が引用されていました。私はこの曲を知らなかったのですが、今回ご欠席の2名の会員から「私の大好きな曲です。」のメールをいただきました。
At the last chapter, a song, “You’ve Got A Friend” sung by Carole King was quoted in his speech, which helped me know this song. The two absentees gave me the same message: “It is one of my most favorite songs.” by e-mail.
More than a decade ago, I used to go to a record-shop near here to buy a record as it occurred to my mind that I wanted to have my students listen to one in their lessons. I must thank this gear of YouTube.
No matter how much famous the song was, “Tastes differ with each individual.” So, I had prepared three old popular songs for YEA of M-PEC since that time.
The others are “From Russia with Love” and,
“I Had A Dream I Was A Beatle”. We really enjoyed listening to and singing the three.
次回講座は、6月13日(土), 7:00-9:00 pm、LL教室で:お問い合わせとお申し込みは6月11日(木)までにお電話、イーメールでのお問い合わせ (日本語、英語:OK) は、For inquiries by phone or e-mail in English or Japanese:0255-72-2025 or click: メールにてお願いいたします。(個人情報保護機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)
We could be born again through our lives, especially in APRIL. Yoshy found a fantastic *adage. “All you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything! “ (G.W. Goldstein)
I bet that most adults are always busy. Hum … shall we change our paces in a kind of academic atmosphere? – Yes, why don’t we enjoy with our fresh moods, do we?
*adage [ˈædɪdʒ]:金言
さて、予定通り、4月11日(土)、7:00-9:00 pm at LLシホヤ新井教室:The 96th M-PEC月例講座を準備してお待ち申し上げます。
Well, we look forward to your joining the 96th YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of M-PEC on Saturday, April 11th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School.
学習の主テーマ予定:(1) 「NHK:とっさの一言」より (食事編より) (2) New「初歩の文法をDVDで!」 (3) マッサンで歌われた、「アニー・ローリー:Annie Laurie」を英語で歌ってみましょう!(先回好評でしたので) (4)「イロハカルタを初歩英語で:ゲーム」…耳がなれたところで、「名犬ラッシー:字幕スーパー付き」を楽しみましょう。
Main themes planed this time: (1) "Prompt Words from DVD of NHK"<from Vol. Dinner> (2) New “DVD: Easy Steps To Better English” (3) Enjoy singing “Annie Laurie” that was sung by Ellie on TV-drama, Massan! (4) Enjoy “Iroha Karuta” in super easy English. Try to find key words or phrases in it. … After you become all ears to English, enjoy watching “Lassie Come Home”
中高生以上、年齢不問で資料代は500円:出欠のご返事は、4月9日(木)までにお電話:0255-72-2025 or メール (個人情報保護機能付き:Personal data in this e-mailing is protected.)にてお願いいたします。
On schedule, the 96th YEA (Yoshy's English Activity) of M-PEC is going to be held on Saturday, April 11th; from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. YEA is available to all ages from J/S high school students. Material fee is 500 yen. Please reply to confirm your participation by April 9th (Thu) by email or phone (above) to Yoshy.