2016.09.07 Proofread
20160625 和英原文:英語教育の本末転倒 A4vtc.pdf
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Putting the Cart Before the Horse in Teaching English




What is the purpose of Education? And what does the language exist for?

All times and places, we humans have been educated “to become somebody who will help or serve others”; which sure is almost common sense. However, I’m *flabbergasted at the present way which seems reverse indeed

*flabbergasted [ˈflæbɚˌɡæstəd](a) びっくり仰天して、愕然として





Why don’t wars end? – History tells us the reason, but the lesson hasn’t made the best of our lives yet. The true, the good, the beautiful and the holy should *compensate for *absurdness on the earth. I believe that the language exists as a tool for this *solution. I.e. “the language” is also an *earnest correction program which could make us not *impede our relationship.

*absurdness [əbsˈɚːd-](n) 不合理、不条理、道理に反していること  *compensate [kάmpənsèɪt] (vt) 埋め合わす  *solution [səlúːʃən]:解決、溶解  *earnest [ˈɚːnɪst](a) 真面目な、重大な  *impede [ɪmpíːd](vt) 阻害する







The purpose of English education asked now is not using that language, but, but the means for peace. Teaching English is to be essential from the third grade in school from the year of 2020. Well, does the method of its education stand to reason?

Every school has its own educational *objective and song, in which e.g. the following words are included like “Jump higher”, “*indomitable spirit”, “children to be good, strong and intelligent”, etc. Every *municipality has its own Citizens' *Charter which is encouraging us, men and women of all ages. But now, after that rapid economic growth in the mood of “comparison and competition”, these “objective mottos” sound empty like a big voice of some political *propagandas.

*objective [əbdʒéktɪv](n, a) 目標、目的  *indomitable [ɪndάməṭəbl](a) 負けん気の、不屈の  *municipality [mjuːnìsəpˈæləṭi]:地方自治体  *charter [tʃάɚṭɚ](n) 憲章、貸し切り、特権、認可状  *propaganda [prὰpəgˈændə](主義、教義などの)宣伝





We’re learning English among numberless languages by chance. “If there were more ALTs,” “If I could study abroad,” “If we could use *electronic blackboard and tablet computers or *PDAs,” “If my child was brought up in English only life,” “If I could learn English in that expensive school,” “If I bought that CD and only listen to,” etc. … “These *assumptions” will continue in economic activities from now on and each assumption is not of no value. But,

*electronic [ɪlèktrάnɪk](a) 電子の <electric [əléktrɪk]:電気の、電動の>  *PDA = Personal Digital Assistant:携帯情報端末  *assumption [əsˈʌm(p)ʃən](n) 仮定





The biggest reason, I think, exists on the idea: “curiosity about global culture” in addition to the need for self-actualization. I’ve been spreading early starting learning English for 42 years, which somehow a contradiction against, but I believe any age can start and master the language of English. But just provided that “I’d like to write to Santa Clause!”, “I want to tell my recipe of Japanese cuisine!”, “I love to receive Slovenian high school students as a host family!”, “If I could visit the foreigner’s’ Village at Nojiriko-lake!”, “I will be a guide at coming Tokyo Olympics!”, and so on. These individual “purposes” are absolutely needed. It is “curiosity” that let us encourage our dreams come true.





With the widespread of internet in which countless information quickly flying back and forth, the viewpoint of Eiken: English Testing by STEP: The Society for Testing English dramatically changed in the year of 2004. It was “learners should be able to tell others their own opinions or thoughts” and moreover another new one was added in the year of 2016. It was “learners should be able to summarize them and write.” However, for those whose curiosity is not so rich are apt to misunderstand means and purposes; i.e., their lower commands of English would be just an accessory only for craving for the *limelight. Such a person won’t master practical English so much as foreign personalities.Then how shall we do?

*limelight [láɪmlàɪt]:石灰光、人目に付く立場





The “IF” above should be next to the second. A necessary and sufficient condition for both Japanese teachers and ALTs should be that “they have got their more concrete aims through learning English or not, rather than teaching itself.” Eagerness of his/her sure is going to encourage his/her learners to learn English. At the teachers’ qualification tests, both public and private, they need not only Eiken-1st, but also “the amount of curiosity”, which would be a patch file; which is now quickly needed and is the best solution about some problems on English education in Japan!





Closing remarks, let me introduce ex-prime minister, Tanaka Kakuei’s words. “What we need is not a school carrier, but learning now. The former is a past glory and the latter is alive now.”


遠藤由明 (LLシホヤ新井教室オーナー講師)


Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo: Owner and instructor at LL Shihoya Arai School)