◎ 今年から、国内外から「あなたの七夕お願い」を募集いたしました.
When you send me your wishes in Japanese, I’ll add my English; and in case of your wishes written in English, they will be shown on the site above as it was. I promise you your address and your name is never written; do not worry, please.
<たくさんの短冊の中から、印象的な、七夕へのお願い事:Some impressive wishes from many fancy strips for Star Festival>
<1a: 鵲(かささぎ): Eurasian Magpie : From WIKIPEDIA>
Anne Shirley in “Anne of Green Gables” introduced herself to Diana Barry; saying “I’m as chatty as a magpie.” – You can enjoy listening to Magpie’s real chattering voice on the site above.
・“In flight, showing the numerous brightly-colored sheens on its feathers”(From WIKIPEDIA):「飛んでいる時、おびただしい数の、キラキラした艶が羽に現れます.」
According to an old Chinese legend, numerous magpies gathered and became a bridge on the Milky Way so that Vega and Altair could walk and meet. (I’ve heard this: Yoshy)
★“I want much allowance.”:「おこづかい、たくさんほしい.」
★“I want 50 hours a day.”:「一日50時間ほしい.」
★“I want Nintendo’s Switch.”:「任天堂のスイッチがほしい.」
★“I hope I can have a tortoise shell.” (Easily frightened Koharu, the rabbit):「亀の甲羅(こうら)がほしい.」(こわがりの、うさぎの小春より)
★“I want to lose 8kg or more.”:「もう8kg体重を減らしたい.」
★“I wish to be smart without any effort.”:「努力なしで頭が良くなりたい.」
★“I want to expunge all xxxx.”:「全てのxxxxを消滅させたい.」
★“I want strong determination.”:「決断力がほしい.」
★“I want to make cute ghosts.”:「かわいいお化けを作りたい.」
★“I wish I could control TIME freely!”:「時間を自由に操れたらいいなぁ!」
★“I don’t want to spend my conspicuous life.”:「目立つ人生を送りたくない.」
★“I wish I could get a driver’s license at the age of 16!”:「16歳で運転免許が取れたらいいのに!」
★“I hope I can communicate with my dog.”:「私の犬と会話ができたらいい.」
「LL Shihoya News 11-12月号」からの抜粋です。A~G画像の和訳です。
This is an extract from “LL Shihoya News 11-12 (Click the site above.)” The followings: from A to G are my Japanese translation.
A: Candle-lightでのSwat-game:すぐに暗さに慣れました。昔の子供たちの夜の灯り。(安全のため、A4以上クラスで.)
Swat-game under Candle-light. Our eyes were soon able to adjust to the darkness, which must have been common for kids in *ancient nights. (Candles were used for LL-class of A4 and over for safety reasons.)
*ancient [éɪnʃənt]:(a) 昔の、古代の
B: Playing-cards (トランプ)で、「こっちのほうが[5] 多いよ!」: 瞬時の暗算と比較級、最上級の予復習.
By using playing cards, we enjoyed preparation or review of the comparative / superlative degree; e.g. “This is [five] bigger than this!”
C: LL本部から紹介された「新キャラ」を使ったBINGO.
BINGO game by using “new characters” introduced by Foundation Japan LL Education Center
D:どのクラスも、RPB (英語絵本の読み聞かせ)を、レベルに合わせて「発問」をクイズとして集中させました。生徒にも「読み聞かせ: RPB」ちょっぴり体験…A4以上.
Every class enjoyed “RPB: Reading Picture Books”, in which Yoshy sometimes gave a “question” according to the class-level as a quiz. Yoshy had some students, above A4-class do RPB instead of me.
E:キャラを英語で説明➡ “Fishing!”
“Fishing Cards” by listening Yoshy’s English explanation about the character.
F: 私のRPB:「3人の悪魔兄弟」の運命は?
My RPB: how are “The three Devil brothers”’ destiny going to be?
G: 英検準2レベル:A1以上クラスでは、キャラ英文カード(右)を使用.
The English cards (Right) were used above A1-class: from the level of Eiken Pre-second and over.
As you know, all the people in English speaking countries do not enjoy “Halloween” for the religious reason, etc. This poster reads “No thanks for Halloween”.
On schedule, Xmas-activities were included in every lesson in the third week of December.
We enjoyed some Xmas activities, games and songs suitable to each class-level in the twelve classes.
First, in most classes, we began the special time from Yoshy’s teaching a Christmas song of “Silent Night”. I hoped they will be able to sing this famous song with correct pronunciation; I sometimes gave a few quizzes about it, then *sang in unison a cappella.
*sing in unison [júːnəsn, ‐zn]:斉唱で歌う/ Cf. sing in chorus:合唱する
All of us wish to sing “Jingle Bells” not only the *climax, but also the first *verse at least, don’t we? Yoshy explained the English sentences in some classes in order to have my students understand that this song wasn't a Xmas song. They said, “Oops! I didn't know that! It was a song of just sleighing on the snow!”
*climax:聞かせどころ、クライマックス、さわり *verse:一編の詩:詩編、韻文 / Cf. 散文:prose
Origami, folding paper was also used; most students could make Santa Clause. Yoshy told how to make in the language of English.
Some classes tried to make “Xmas Tree”. They knew many key phrases likes “a mountain / valley fold”, etc.
Fortunately very much, some could eat “strawberry-tarts” R had made on that day. Of course every student was presented “a bag of candies” by Yoshy-Santa.
We started decorating their fancy papers in the branch of bamboo tree. Only several sheets were hung on Monday, June 17th, because Yoshy is on the way of checking their English expressions: “My Wish to the Stars”.
今年度の(月)レッスンは、PD, A3クラスです。英検4級、3級レベルのクラスです。
Mondays’ lessons of LL Shihoya Arai School are the classes of PD and A3; the former one’s level is around Eiken-4th grade and the latter one is around the 3rd grade.
Their memorial pictures after or before lessons were shot with smile, saying, “Hi, cheese!”
“Viewing Cherry Blossoms” in Japan and “Eater” in Western countries
The people who are waiting melting snow would be looking forward to coming of spring, wouldn’t they?
As an old haiku says: “In a public bath they are talking about cherry blossoms at Ueno”, spring lets uswithout distinction of rank: rich or poor cheerful.
Instead, there is Easter in western countries.
There are lots of playing: “Roll-eggs”, “Pattern contest of Easter eggs”, etc.
Though a hare doesn’t bear eggs, they believe that eggs are the symbol of prosperity; lots of playinghas been inherited since long ago.
We are enjoying “Making a hare by a folding paper” in English besides “Egg-roll” at LL Shihoya Arai School.
“Viewing Cherry Blossoms” in Japan and “Eater” in Western countries
The people who are waiting melting snow would be looking forward to coming of spring, wouldn’t they?
As an old haiku says: “In a public bath they are talking about cherry blossoms at Ueno”, spring lets uswithout distinction of rank: rich or poor cheerful.
Instead, there is Easter in western countries.
There are lots of playing: “Roll-eggs”, “Pattern contest of Easter eggs”, etc.
Though a hare doesn’t bear eggs, they believe that eggs are the symbol of prosperity; lots of playinghas been inherited since long ago.
We are enjoying “Making a hare by a folding paper” in English besides “Egg-roll” at LL Shihoya Arai School.