米人キッズとの特別レッスン in PD:
Special Lesson with American Kids in PD-class
Enjoyed finding Difference between
J & E by Mutual Collaboration!
Giant false spiraeas and hydrangeas are *getting along well in the same vase. According to GKZ Botanical Dictionary Yoshy is often using, the former floral language is “chariness” and the latter one is “a *turkey cook”.
This is a sheet for interview A-kun and Max in the class of PD on Thursday, July 3rd. As they began to learn “Past Form”, this sheet helped them to confirm the last lesson.
That day, as a teaching material, the two TX-kids brought their own wallets they were using in USA. There were of course some dollar-bills and coins. A-kun showed us some bills by using a viewer, and they were kind enough to have had us touch them.
Then, A-kun introduced us their high schools in TX by using “Google Earth” on PC. They taught us that most residents had their own swimming pools in their *sites, which made us surprised a lot.
In the time of checking their homework of workbook, the two ALT-kids and Yoshy did an interesting work. In the language of Japanese; even if each segment of one sentence was at random, we Japanese could somehow understand it. But in English; if the order is not correct, its sentence couldn’t be perfectly understood! … Suddenly I had an idea. – “I will *turn this idea into a new game!” Yes. Thanks to A-kun and Max, we enjoyed this game.
For example, Yoshy said to the two ALTs, “Tazunetazo!”, “Kino-sa!”, “Bokuga!” and “Oreno Baachanwo!” in Japanese. When I asked them to translate it into correct English, Max said to us, “I have no idea!” – A-kun could do. All students of PD could experience or understand “why there is the *question based on rearranging words into the correct order”, didn’t you?
*question based on rearranging words into the correct order:整序問題
During a break, we took a memorial picture of us with this decollated bamboo branches for Star Festival.
ヨッシーはいつもLLシホヤ新井教室の「新鮮な、オリジナルな教案」を考えるのが楽しいです。4,5歳児になった気持ちで考えられるって、これ、才能かな?ウオッホン!(冗談) 多分、精神年齢が昭和25歳のままだからかもね。
Yoshy is always happy when I’m thinking new teaching plans for LL Shihoya Arai School. Is it one of my talents to be able to assimilate with children’s mind? Ahem! (Joking) Because… Perhaps Yoshy’s age is still Showa 25 years young.
The theme on that day was “Numbers: from 1 to 20” (New) and “Names of Animals” (Review). I made Yoshy’s Original Game mixing them.
The materials are “three pieces of Dice”, “Number-card: from 1 to 20”, “Cards of Animals”, “Stuffed Animals corresponded with the cards”, “Sugoroku-Board” … Hum, how shall I cook them?
① 【1~20の数の英語をサイコロの目の足し算で復習】(a)= 予行演習として、1個のサイコロを転がして、でた目の数と一致する「数字のカード」をSwat! (叩く) (b)= 3個のサイコロの内の2個を転がして即座に足し算。 (c)= 合計の数の「数字のカード」を「Help-hand:蠅たたき」でSwat! (パチンと叩く)
【Review of numbers: 1 to 20 by using a Dice】(a)= As a demonstration, Ps try to find “the number card” which is corresponded with the number of Dice; Ps swat the correct number by Help-Hand (or Flyswatter) card as soon as possible. (Snap!)
② 【動物の名前を英語で言えるか復習】(a)=「動物のカード」16枚をSwat! (簡単過ぎたので、3 Hits Quizにした):E.g. #1= It has big ears. #2= It has a long nose. #3= Its color is grey. (答え:象)
【Review: whether Ps could remember the name of animals or not.】(a) Ps try swatting the card as soon as Yoshy says its name. (Snap!) (This work was so easier than Yoshy expected that I changed the way a little bit; three hints were given to Ps instead of directly saying its name.) :E.g. #1= It has big ears. #2= It has a long nose. #3= Its color is grey. (Answer:an elephant)
③ 【動物園作り】(a)= Yoshyが裏返しの「動物カード」をめくって、E.g. “I want [a dog].” (b)=P-a, b:(生徒二人)が机の上の「動物ぬいぐるみ」から探して、Yoshyに持ってくる。 “Here you are.” – “Thank you!” …
【Making the Zoo】(a)= Yoshy turns over the upper card on the piled 16 animal cards which are already upside-down. And, e.g. “I want [a dog].” (b)= P-a, b come to the desk where “16 stuffed animals” are placed to find it: [a dog], and soon brings it to Yoshy saying, “Here you are.” – “Thank you!” …
④ 【双六】(a)= YoshyとP一緒に、「ホワイトボード」の1~16の数字の下に「動物カード」を貼る。Yoshy: “Put [a rabbit] on #-1, 2, 3…, 16” – P: “Here you are.” – “Thank you.” (b)= P-a, bが「サイコロ2個」を転がして、でた目の合計の数に一致している「ホワイトボード」の「絵カード」の「ぬいぐるみ」を「動物園」から探して…Yoshyに持ってくる。“Here you are.” – “Thank you!” …P-a, P-bのどちらが「たくさん、早く」持ってくることができたかを、記録する:勝敗が決定!
【Sugoroku】(a)= Yoshy and Ps put “animal-cards” under each number: from 1 to 16 on the whiteboard with magnets. E.g. Yoshy: “Put [a rabbit] on #-1, 2, 3…, 16” – P: “Here you are.” – “Thank you.” (b)= P-a, b rolls two pieces of Dice and add the two numbers. Then they right away find “the stuffed animal” in “the zoo” corresponded with it. Which one can bring it to Yoshy? “Here you are.” – “Thank you!” …Yoshy writes his/her score on the white board; finally the victory or defeat would be decided!
Yoshy always thanks lots of teaching materials made by LL Center, because LL students can easily and naturally understand “4 skills” through using them. Especially, they can acquire “the grammar” like our mother tongue, not by being taught itself.
In front of the class who need to understand “Five Patterns”, for example, a novice-teacher would like to say that “Verb comes after Subject, then Object or Compliment follows after Verb.” But for most of his/her students, it would be very intelligible or gibberish!
I.e., Yoshy had them make two sentences just after saying Japanese, “Tabi-wa, mitidure, yowa, nasake.” What I gave them three hints; saying in Japanese… “Subject is first needed.”, “If Verb is missing, we can’t do anything at all.” (A pun made them laugh.) … And “Who are travelling? … Yes, ‘We’!” They tried making two sentences in front of lots of cards written one word or one phrase. A team could make the two sentences in only ten seconds. As you see, the two sentences attached here are not in order, which is not a big matter, but that’s enough!
Unexpectedly, they used “Grammatical words” very often in this game. In order to have my students understand “Five Patterns”.
Yoshy wants my LL students to introduce Japanese cultures to their foreign friends some day! When we use such special learning materials as “Iroha-Karuta”, “The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets”, etc, first of all, “We have to know its meaning, don’t we?” – Learning English should become one with doing Japanese.
You can see the students of Green playing a song game after singing “Hot Cross Buns”, that is one of Songs of “Mother Goose”.
生徒同士で間違い探し:Finding Mistakes in Pairs
PC class became pairs and enjoyed confirming their friends’ mistakes in the Work Book that was their assignment.
■「元旦はいつ?」、「エリーの誕生日は?」、「12月25日って何の日?」のような、When, What dayの使い方に慣れてからの和文英訳チェックを生徒ペアでやっています。
“When is New Year’s Day?”, “When is Erie’s birthday?”, “What day is December 25th?” … They are checking their homework (Translation into English) in this picture in pairs after getting used to saying those expressions aloud.
Because this class is of elementary school students, Yoshy need not worry “if they would wound his/her pride or not” so much.
However, in case of such a group in which adults are learning English Conversation as M-PEC, those who has just become a member are apt to be “intense self-conscious” feeling themselves like “I’d be shameful if I spoke wrong English.” So to speak, It would be a knack that “Not to compare to others but reduce sense of shame” should be well known for us who would like to improve the command of English, wouldn’t it?