LL Fire Drill:避難訓練の一例ご紹介

毎年2回、下記のように実施しています。Fire Drills are held twice a year as follows.

2014年度#1 Fire Drills were done in each class in April.



On Friday, 13th of June, Yoshy had two electric engineers outsourced check our *fire alarm apparatus.

*fire alarm apparatus:火災報知機 








This is the latest “Poster of Fire-drill”, which is put on the door of the *evacuation *corridor.




Erie was watching from the safety.
Erie was watching from the safety.




12月5日(木)、5:30-6:00 pm、お陰さまで、今年度第2回の避難訓練が予定通り無事終了できました。

Thanks to all of you, the 2nd Fire Drill in the year of 2013 was safely conducted on Thursday, December 5th, from 5:30 through 6:00 pm on schedule.




Yoshy asked all of 70 students and M-PEC members to join this fire drill in advance. Some couldn’t do because of their school activities, catching cold and so on, however eleven elementary school students and two M-PEC members + ex-guide dog, Carin did their best.




A series of activities: “Ringing Emergency Bell”, “Evacuation Guidance” and “Initial Extinguishment” was safely done actually in 15 minutes.




As an emergency bell was to be rung in an *ear-splitting volume; Yoshy, of course, had informed this event to five neighbors in advance.

<ear-splitting volume:耳をつんざくような>




“Never run and speak in the evacuation corridor!” All of them could keep this important promise. If not, it would be very dangerous when stepping down, wouldn’t it?




That was maybe thanks to Carin (an ex-blind dog) following you.




Yoshy did a roll-call again at LL Parking Lot. I’ve made it a rule to write the number of attendance on a small thick paper.




After listening to a firefighter’s impression, Y of the 1st grader of E/S, how lucky you were! You could try to *shoot off a fire extinguisher.

<shoot off~:~を噴射する>




The three firefighters, thank you very much!




BTW, Erie was *watching from the safety on the 2nd floor of the Endo’s residence.

<watch from the safety:高みの見物をする>