
LL卒業生、堀川政紀君が10年前ニュージーランドで英会話を学んだ仲間との再会記録です. 2018年11月受信.

☚ 2008年4月

👇 2018年4月



LL卒業生・堀川政紀君からの嬉しいお便り(Nov 13th, 2018)

“Happy Email from Masanori Horikawa, a graduate from LL Shihoya Arai School”






<前置き資料 by 遠藤由明:Preface by Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo)>

<04a: Map of New Zealand: From WIKIPEDIA>

<04b: Taupo in the map of Central North Island: From Flickr>

: Taupo、マオリ語: Taupō-nui-a-Tia)は、ニュージーランド北島中部にある都市.

オークランドから約278キロ南に位置し、ワイカト地方の都市. 人口は、22,300.2010年度ニュージーランド統計局人口統計より)

<04c: Locations of New Zealand: From WIKIPEDIA>

<04d: National Flag: From WIKIPEDIA>


<Email from Him below>



Dear Mr. Endo, I’m sending you some pictures of New Zealand. (I went there in April this year.)
I was enrolled in a language school in New Zealand ten years ago, 2008 and this time the members of the time gathered as Re-union (so-called classmate gathering).

<5a: 10年前の写真: A photo taken ten years ago>


ニュージーランドは北島と南島にわかれていて、ぼくは北島のタウポ(Taupo)という町にいました。琵琶湖と同じくらいの大きな湖があり、釣り、山登り、ラフティングなどアウトドアアクティビティが盛んなところです. 近くのトンガリロ国立公園(Tongariro National Park)はロードオブザリングという映画のロケ地にもなったところです。残念ながら全員は揃いませんでしたが、チリ、フランス、ドイツ、サウジアラビア、中国からのメンバーが集まり、当時の担任だったニュージーランド人の先生の家に泊まりました.

New Zealand is divided into the North Island and the South Island; I was in the town of Taupo in the North Island.  フォームの始まり

There is a big lake as large as Lake Biwa, where outdoor activities such as fishing, mountain climbing, *rafting etc. are popular. The nearby Tongariro National Park had once become the site where the location of the movie called “Lord of the Ring”. Unfortunately all of the member couldn’t gather, but members from Chile, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and China gathered and stayed at a Newzealander’s house who was a homeroom teacher at that time.

*rafting [rǽftɪŋ](cn) ゴムボート、筏などでの川下り

<5b: >



For the first time in ten years, I was very deeply moving and we were excited with chatting about lots of memories; we had a good time. Although I stayed for only about a week on my schedule of work, I was able to spend good time with my friends and enjoy fishing and surfing. Although I came there by a direct flight from *Shanghai; on the way back, the airport was closed due to strong wind, which made us to wait for 6 hours in the airplane. But I think it was good that I could visit there after ten years.

*Shanghai [ʃæŋhάɪ]:上海(シャンハイ)

<5c: >



New Zealand is a sacred place for *trout fishing. Fly fishing is especially famous, Taupo is the leading trout fishing spot in the country.

*trout [trάʊt](cn) <an old trout:不機嫌な老女>

<5d: > <5e: >



The McDonald's Store in Taupo has received the world's coolest McDonald’s award.

<5f: >


フカ滝はタウポの観光名所です. 滝つぼの近くまでジェットボートでいく、「フカジェット」というアクティビティもあります.

Fuka Falls is a tourists’ attraction of Taupo. There is also an activity called “Fuka Jet” that we go to the vicinity of the waterfall basin on a jet boat.

*vicinity [vəsínəi](cn, un) 近隣、付近  *waterfall basin:滝壺

<5g: > <5h: > <5i: > <5j: >



The town of Taupo is located around Lake Taupo, which is about the same size as Lake Biwa.

<5ka: > <5kb: > <5l: > <5m: >



Fuka Falls is located downstream of the river that flows out of Lake Taupo.

<5n: >


ニュージーはムール貝も有名で、日本に比べて大ぶりでジューシー. ワインの酒蒸しがおすすめです.

New Zeal is also famous for *mussels, juicy, bigger than Japanese ones. *A dish steamed in wine is recommended.

*mussel [mʌ́səlz](cn) ムール貝、紫貝  *a dish steamed in wine:ワインの酒蒸し

<5o: > <5p: >


タウポは釣りが盛んな町なのでトラウトのモニュメントがあります. ぼくのお気に入りです.

Taupo is a city so famous for fishing that there’s a monument of trout. It is my favorite.

<5q: >



The only river flowing out of Lake Taupo is the Waikato River. There is Fuka Fall down the river.


<5r: > <5s: >

2010. 10月下旬、妙高市が姉妹都市協定を結ぶスロベニア共和国へ、派遣高校生の一人として参加の松木雄一郎君の感想文の抜粋です.

松木雄一郎君 AA 2010.11
松木雄一郎君 AA 2010.11



