「#34 LLスピーチコンテスト小の部校内大会」 with 「英語劇:六地蔵」がお陰さまで盛況!
■10月2日(日)、2:00-4:30 at 勤研センターで、LL生徒は勿論、保護者様、LL卒業生、M-PEC会員…各方面で支えて下さったみなさまのおかげで、70余名の参加を得て、盛況に終了致しました。特に、ヨッシーの分身として、英語劇練習の世話や今日の進行をしてくれた生徒スタッフ:松木雄一郎君 (AA, 高田高2年)、藤田瑞華さん (AA, 高田高2年)、牛木晴海君 (A3, 新井中2年)、天野貴美子さん (A3, 新井中2年)に感謝いたします。
■詳細は、近々、「LL Shihoya News 号外」で、このサイトでも、ご紹介いたします。
伝承を現代バージョンで演じます。今回の「2011年度 LL 英語劇」では、2008年度、M-PEC Festivalで上演した「六地蔵」を元に、内容と英文を、小学生に分かりやすく改訂いたしました。
■文化14年間:1804-1817 / 文政12年間:1818-1829
■第11代将軍:徳川家斉(いえなり) 将軍在位:天明7年(1787)-天保8年(1837)
*文化2年4月:下町より出火、123軒類焼 *文化6年:新井陣屋廃止、小出雲村、荒井村は榊原領となる。稲荷中江用水起工 *文化7年:小出雲村石高833石余、家数195軒、人口966人 *文化14年2月:小出雲村火災18件焼失、2軒引き潰し
*1800年 (日)伊能忠敬全国の測量開始、(米)6月首都をワシントンに決定。*1804年 (仏)ナポレオン法典公布、(日)ロシア使節レザノフ、漂流民を長崎に送還し、国書を呈して通商を求める。翌年、幕府は拒否。
About Drama, “The Six Jizos”
The real six Jizos were enshrined by the side of Hakusan-Street in Arai District of Myoko City in 1814. They have been still watching over children since then. We are performing this myth replaced with modern version.
10月2日(日)実施:「#34 Speech Contest 小学生の部」での、「LL英語劇:六地蔵」の概要
■10月2日(日)、勤研センターで、2:00-5:00 pm 予定通り、「#34 スピーチコンテスト小学生の部校内大会」を実施いたします。直前に、英語劇:「六地蔵」を子どもたちが英語で披露いたします。ご声援ください。
On Sunday, October 2nd, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Kin-ken Center, “#34 Speech Contest for Elementary School Students Interclass” is going to be held on schedule. Just before that, an English Drama, “Six Jizos” is also going to be performed by LL children. Please give your big support to them.
■プログラムは、LL生徒以外には(レッスンで配布済み)、会場で配布いたします。ところで「六地蔵」の流れ (概要)も必要だと考え、今ほど作ってみました。これも会場で配布いたします。
The programs will be handed in to you on that day there except LL students who have been already given in LL lessons. BTW, Yoshy thought the gist of the story of “Six Jizos” is also needed, so I’ve made it. This is to be handed in there, too.
【Scene 1】
<♪Theme Song: BGM >
Narrator-1:There is a temple called Jizo-Do at Hakusan-street in Myoko City. Jizos are watching over children all day.
Narrator-2:We call them “Roku-Jizo.” Today, Jizos are covered with a roof. … So, they don’t get wet on a rainy or snowy day.
Narrator-3:An amazing story has been handed down about the six Jizos. It was 200 years ago. We tried to change the story to today. Well, how is it going?
【Scene 2】
<♪Effect Sound>
Narrator-1:There lived a good couple, Taro-san and Hanako-san in Arai. They didn’t have a baby. They had a good time every day.
Narrator-2:One day, the economic bubble burst! Taro-san lost his job. So, Hanako-san began to bake bread and Taro-san was selling it by bike.
<♪Effect Sound>
Narrator-3:In a heavy snow, Taro-san was pushing his bike to sell bread. Then! … He saw six Jizos standing. They were covered in fresh snow.
Taro:Oh, my... How poor! You must be very cold.
(Taro removes snow from their heads and shoulders with his hands.)
Taro:It is snowing and snowing. Snow will cover you again. I’ll go to the street and buy some.
Taro arrived at a hat-shop with difficulty in a heavy snowstorm.)
Hat-shop master:Can I help you? It is snowing very much.
Taro:Yes. Wow! … How lucky I am! there are just six hats here. I’ll buy them all.
Hat-shop master:Thank you, sir, but why are you buying so many hats?
Taro:I found some people standing without hats on.
Hat-shop master:What?... Who are you talking about? ... Sir!
(Taro hurries back to O-Jizo san.)
Taro:O-Jizo sama, sorry to be late. Oh, dear! Much snow on your heads!
(Taro removes the snow carefully and put the hats on each, then goes back home smiling.)
<♪Effect Sound>
Hanako:Welcome home! Did the bread sell well?
Taro:I’m sorry, Hanako. Old customers bought much bread in a snowy day. But I bought hats for O-Jizo san. They were covered with snow. … I had too little money to buy anything for supper.
Hanako:I see. You did a good job. Look! We have some bread here. Let’s eat bread today!
【Scene 3】
<♪Effect Sound>
(The Six Jizos are having a discussion in the middle of the night.)
Jizo-1:I’d like to thank that kind man.
Jizo-2:What shall we present? He is a poor baker… Humm…
Jizo-3:The couple are getting along well, but they have no children, don’t they?
Jizo-4:I have a good idea! How about a big bread-making machine and … a cute puppy?
Six Jizos:That’s a good idea!
【Scene 4】
<♪Effect Sound>
(The snow is falling thick and fast.)
(When Taro and Hanako were sleeping in the midnight, rumbling of the ground echoes. Whomp! Whomp!)
<♪Effect Sound>
Six Jizos:Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho!
(The yell approaches their house and stops in front of it.)
Taro:Who is it in the night? Hanako, will you take a look?
(Hanako opens the door. The Six Jizos are standing there carrying large burdens.)
Hanako:Who are you?
Jizo-1:The man bought hats for us in the day. This is his house, isn’t it?
(Jizos unload their burdens in front of their house.)
Hanako:My dear! Jizo-sama... Jizo-sama are here! Oh, my!
(Taro and Hanako are unable to stand up looking at the big burden.)
Jizo-2:This is a present for him.
(The Jizos leave from there saying that.)
Taro:How wonderful! Jizo sama is made of stone, but his heart is warm!
Hanako:What a big bread-making machine! We can make much bread at once!
Taro:Yes! I can sell much bread! Before that, let’s sell the new bread to the children very cheap!
Hanako:Yes, let’s!
(Children holding 10 sheets of \1-note = \10 gather around the bread-vender: Taro’s bike and Hanako.)
<♪BGM> (“Hot Cross Buns” = GA SONG CD #4)
Taro & Hanako:Today, ♪“One a yen, One a yen, Hot Cross buns!” (Repeat in a singsong tone.)
Children each:Give me Bun!
Taro & Hanako:(To each child) How many buns? … [5] ? OK. 5 yen, please. Here you are! Thank you!
<♪“Hot Cross Buns”>
Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns!
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns!
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
Hot cross buns!
【Scene 5】
<♪Effect Sound>
(In a rich couple's house.)
Narrator-1:They are drinking very expensive wine .
Ginkichi:I’m tired of wine. ... I want to eat something. Girako, do you have Cross Bun the baker gave us?
Girako:No! You told me Cross Bun was for poor people. It’s covered with mold.
Ginkichi:Hum... Taro told us it was given by Jizos. I have a good idea. Let’s return it to Jizos and ask them something more expensive. Oh, yes. I’ll ask the tickets around the world on a rich ship!
Girako:Money, of course! I believe money talks!
【Scene 6】
<♪Effect Sound>
(In the evening of heavy snow. In front of Six Jizos.)
Ginkichi:Hey, Jizo! Eat this Cross Bun. In return, bring us the tickets around the world on a rich ship. OK?
Girako:I’ll give you my old fur coat. Bring me much gold coin.
(They are coming back home whispering “We’re looking forward to tonight!)
Jizo-1:Ouch! Ouch! I have a big pain in my stomach after eating Cross Bun . Ouch!
Jizo-2:How terrible! I must wear a coat made from animal’s skin!
Six Jizos:We must punish them.
【Scene 7】
<♪Effect Sound>
(In the snowy midnight on that day.)
Narrator-2:Ginkichi and Girako are drinking super expensive wine in front of a big television. They are waiting for Jizos in the night.
(The ground echoes with a rumbling sound. )
Six Jizos:Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho!
(The yell approaches their house and stops in front of it. Leaving something, Six Jizos return.)
Ginkichi:Eureka! They brought the treasure. Let’s bring it inside quickly.
Girako:This is a little boat. What does this mean? ... A big box inside. Crickey! Gold coins, oh my!
Ginkichi:Is this a rich ship? Shall we get into this? Girako, keep your eye on the gold coin.
Girako:This is mine! I will never leave!
<♪Effect Sound>
(Suddenly their room changes into the big ocean.)
Narrator-3:Many days passed. There is only their boat in the ocean.
Ginkichi:Very hot! I’m thirsty! Give me water! We have big money here!
Girako:I’m hungry! We have big money!
Ginkichi & Girako:Help! Help me!
(Six Jizos cast a rope to help them. They kneel down in front of Six Jizos…)
Ginkichi & Girako:Thank you, Ojizo-sama! We do not do bad things from now.
<♪Theme Song> “O-Jizo san”
(All the cast sing this song together.)
I love, you love, O-Jizo-san.
We love, they love, O-Jizo-san
You are made of stone, O-Jizo-san.
But your heart is full of tenderness.
Even on a rainy, windy, snowy or hot day,
You are watching over children,
You are standing today, too.
——————– The End ————————
語り手-3:このお地蔵さまには世にも不思議な話が伝えられているのですが、今から200年も前の古い話。<そこで、> この昔の話を現代に置き換えてみました。さ~て、どんな話になりますことやら。
花子:「それは良いことをしましたね。売れ残ったパンだってあるし、今日は <おかずなしで> パンを食べましょう!」
地蔵3 :「夫婦は仲(なか)が良いが、子供がいないんだったな…」
地蔵4:「そうじゃ、<おいしいパンが自動的に焼ける> 大きなパン焼き機、それと、かわいい子犬はどうじゃろう?」
(子供たちが、一人一人1円札を10枚 = 10円を持って、太郎と花子のパン売り場<パンをつんだ自転車> の周りに集まる)
<♪BGM> (“Hot Cross Buns” = GA SONG CD #4)
子供たち (めいめいに):「パン、ちょうだい!」
太郎、花子:(子供一人一人に)「いくつ?」⇒ 「[5]こですね。[5]円です。はいどうぞ。ありがとう」
<♪(“Hot Cross Buns”> = GA SONG CD #4:「伴奏入り」) 子供たち+太郎、花子全員で歌う。
ギン吉:「 ワインはもう飽(あ)きたぞ。…なにか食べたいな。ギラ子や、パン屋がくれた十字パンはまだあるかい?」
ギラ子:「ないわよ、あなた、十字パンは貧乏人の食べ物だって言って、(ほったらかして置いたから、) もうカビが生えてますわよ」
ギン吉:「おい、地蔵ども、十字パンだ。(有難く食えよ。) その代わり豪華客船世界一周券を持って来いよ!」
ギン吉:「しめしめ、持ってきたようだな。(盗まれないうちに) 早く家に入れよう」
ギラ子:「あら、小さな船だわ。何のつもりかしら?…<船の中に> 大きな箱があるわ。キャー、金貨よ!」
語り手-3:何日も過ぎ、大海(をただようもの) は彼らの船だけです。
<♪テーマソング> 「おじぞうさん」
(語り手、地蔵、太郎、花子、ギン吉、ギラ子+ Staff 全員で歌う)
—————– 幕 —————–