第4回LL英語劇練習リハーサル報告:Report of the 4th Practice of LL English Play: Rehearsal
9月29日(日)、4:00-5:30 pm、第4回「LL英語劇:ライオンとなかまたち」のリハーサルでした。
On Sunday, September 29th, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm; we did the 4th practicing of LL English Play: “The Lion and His Friends” as Rehearsal.
All the seven casts at last attended for the first time.
I’d like to write that everybody came here to have learned by heart at home, but I am afraid …
In a good way, did they realize or wake up to “how important daily learning is”?
It is true that this time they practiced most earnestly in past.
Their vivid sayings at last began to appear in their “vivid actions.”
And, this practice itself turns into “learning basis of communicative command of English”, which these students’ parents understand more than them. Yoshy thanks the parent.
第3回LL英語劇練習報告:Report of the 3rd Practice of LL English Play
9月8日(日)、4:00-5:30 pm、第3回「LL英語劇:ライオンとなかまたち」の練習に先立ち、2:00-4:00 pm、道具作りをしました。
On Sunday, September 8th; we made some props from 2:00 to 4:00 pm before starting the 3rd practicing of LL English Play: “The Lion and His Friends”.
今回は3人手伝ってくれて、「ライオンを捕える網」、「箙(えびら) = 矢筒」…など、ほぼ道具作りは完了しました。ありがとう。
This time three cast joined making props, which were a throwing net to capture the lion”, “a quiver for the hunter”, etc. Most props got ready today. Yoshy thanks the three very much.
At first, Yoshy was going to buy the net for gardening, but… I had them make it by hands. “The prop should be made by hand as possible as we can!” This is one of Yoshy’s persistence.
The six casts attended out of all the seven at practicing.
“Pronouncing English lines harmonized with actions” began to become much better than before.
A few fresh ideas came out during practicing. E.g. “While the lion tried throw his pillow”, “Who is disturbing my nap?”, “While the sheep was taking out some cotton from her pocket”, “Sweater is made from MY wool. Baa! Baa!” and so on.
Their vivid sayings come from “their vivid actions.”
「面白そうだからやってみる」… でも、「楽しさと努力はコインの裏表!」…褒められたり叱られたり…七人の侍はめげません。「根性」があります。
“I will do it because it sounds like fun.” But, “Fun and effort are two sides of a coin!” … These seven samurais never feel discouraged. All of them have “guts”.
And, this practice itself turns into “learning basis of communicative command of English”, which these students’ parents understand more than them. Yoshy thanks the parent.