
To save the capacity of this site hoping you will click:HERE:ここを 


ありがとうございます。Thank you very much from Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo).

Yoshy's Opinions and Philosophy being added:ヨッシーの主張、哲学

なぜ英語を学ぶの? "Canadian Rockies"

カナディアン・ロッキーのYou Tube が転送されてきました。そして、30年前の光景がまざまざと浮かんできました。Yさん、ありがとうございました。

The You Tube of “Great Canadian Rockies” transferred arrived at Yoshy. It reminded me of vivid experiences of three decades ago. Ms. Y, thanks a lot!



I've once visited there with one of my friends, the late Mr. Shinjiro Hayashi in Nagano as his interpreter on June, 1983.



“To quickly become emotionally accessible with someone new in a foreign country through the language of English” should need “rich curiosity and a certain amount of guts aside from English proficiency when interacting with other people”, which I really realized there.



These two pictures were taken in Jasper National Park. The much bearded gentleman came there for sightseeing from UK. He told me that he had retired from a physician, he and his wife were enjoying sightseeing tour.



I tried to friendly approach three girls, then this one got in a picture with me. They were junior high school students in a neighboring village.



Though wars and disputes in many countries are still coming out, most individuals irrespective of age or sex in the world, I believe, could be friends with each other through trusting relationship.



I've been teaching LL students “powerful commands of communication” in addition to the skill of using English, which should be natural for us instructors, however I’m afraid, some adults understand and some do not these days.


雄大な景色をYou Tubeでご覧いただけます。外国の友人、Yさんから転送されました。This great You Tube was forwarded Yoshy by one of my foreign friends; you can see it by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。

子供たちの未来のための「憲法9条」のこと From Blog on 2015.09.19 (Sun)



Yoshy’s Opinion: Japan Has Right of Collective Self-defense in Article 9 of the Constitution?





戦争当時者には、敵と味方しかいません。後方支援だから自衛隊は安全?―それよりも、どんな事情であれ、「自衛隊が武力行使できる」- 919()未明に可決された、この安保関連法案は、「憲法9条」に違反しています。-高校入試でも、こんな簡単な国語の問題は出題されないでしょうね。

There must be only two sides: friends and enemies during war. *Logistic support would make Self-Defense Force safe? – Meanwhile, no matter what conditions, “Self-Defense Force could use force”, couldn’t it? – Japan-US Security Treaty related Bills passed before dawn on Saturday, September 19th *renege on “the article 9 of Japanese Constitution.” – Even in high school entrance exams as a test of the language of Japanese, we couldn’t find such an easy and simple question, I believe.

*logistic [loʊdʒístɪk](a) 兵站の  *renage [rɪníg] on~:~に違反する




政治の話題はめったなことでは書きませんが、教育者の端くれの一人として取り上げました。 (民間の、LLシホヤ新井教室講師だから書けるのでしょうね。)


I’ve rarely drag politics here, but I do though I’m not much of an educator. (I could do because I’m not a public educator but an instructor of PRIVATE LL Shihoya Arai School.)

BTW, five ex-students became Self-Defense Forces *personnel in LL past four decade.

*personnel [p`ɚːsənél]:隊員、兵員、社員




以下、ウィキペディアに、「第9条公式英文」がありますので、改めて条文をかみしめてみます。注釈(*) は、遠藤由明です。

You are able to read “the formal text of the article 9” on the site of Wikipedia as follows. Let me confirm the text written in English and Japanese. Annotation is added by Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo).




The full text of the article in Japanese:





二 前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。国の交戦権は、これを認めない。



The official English translation of the article is:



(1) *Aspiring sincerely to an international peace *based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever *renounce war as a *sovereign right of the nation and the *threat or *use of force as *means of settling international *disputes.

*aspire [əspάɪɚ](vi) 熱望する *based on~:~を基調とした  *renounce [rɪnάʊns](vt) 放棄する  *sovereign [sάv(ə)rən](a) 主権を有する  *threat [θrét]:脅し、脅迫  *use of force :武力の行使  *means:手段  *dispute [dɪspjúːt]:論争、紛争


(2) To accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war *potential, will never be *maintained. The right of *belligerency of the state will not be *recognized.

*potential [pəténʃəl]:可能性、潜在性  *maintain [meɪntéɪn](vt) 維持する、保持する *belligerency [bəlídʒ(ə)rənsi]:交戦状態、交戦国であること  *recognize [rékəgnὰɪz](vt) 認める、承認する




The official English translation of the entire constitution is available on the website of the Cabinet Office.

日本国憲法全文の公式英語訳は、首相官邸サイト (上記)の中でご覧いただけます。










上越タイムス記事(2014.10.10) と 時論公論 (10.08 NHK)の両趣旨が一致! - BLOG on 2014.10.11


上越タイムスに「LL スピーチコンテスト+えいごでコント」掲載

Joetsu Times Ran an article of “LL Speech Contest + Conte in English”





お陰さまで、「上越タイムス:1010日付」に、5()に実施させていただいた「LLシホヤ新井教室40周年記念・LL スピーチコンテスト+えいごでコント」が紹介されました。ご掲載下さり、感謝申し上げます。

Thanks to LL students and their parents, Joetsu Times *ran an article about “LL Speech Contest + Conte in English for *marking the 40th Anniversary of LL Shihoya Arai School held on last Sunday.” I express my cordial gratitude to Joetsu Times.

*run an article:記事を掲載する   *marking~:~を記念して





The gist of the article is that “This LL English School students of elementary schools tried to perform Conte in English before their fluent speeches. The owner, Mr. Endo told that his aim of teaching English exists not on “teaching English” but on expressing his/her own will “by using English” – he has continued to have them learn practical communicative skills and he will do from now on.”





Curiously or by chance, “Jiron-koron, Comments upon Current Events and Public Opinion” introduced a *suggestion by the expert-meeting of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT on NHK-TV broadcasted last Wednesday, October 8th. Their main theme was “The way of Teaching English had better be reformed into *generated English right now!” – LL Shihoya Arai School has been *patiently *grappling with this idea for 40 years. Yoshy was glad to watch it; yes, my idea at last began to be *recognized by “Japanese people”.

*suggestion:提言 *generated~:生成された、発生された~  *patiently:我慢強く、地道に *grapple with~:~と取り組む  *recognize~:~を認める





They also suggest that “All subjects of J/H School should be taught by the language of English”. This NHK *commentator *solemnly said like a *text of judgment, “The number of English teachers who has the certificate of the pre-1st grade of Eiken is under 30 percent. This suggestion is able to be really *realized until the year of Tokyo Olympiad which comes 6 years later, I’m afraid.”

*commentator:論説者、時事解説者  *solemnly:厳粛に、重々しく  *text of judgment:判決文  *realize~:~を悟る、実現する




I’d better not write my thought about this more than this. Anyway, thanks a lot for LL students and their parents, again.

2013.11.29th 英語は教科? Is English one of School Subjects?

Summer Camp at Sunbird Inn, Sekiyama on the foot of Mt. Myoko (2,454 m)



英語は教科でしょうか?:Is English one of the school- subjects?

2013.11.29(金)、上越タイムスに寄稿:Yoshy’s Contribution to Joetsu Times on November 29th (Fri), 2013





I believe that English should *be dealt with not as a school subject but as a "means of communication," and that it is a natural approach to learning English, or any other language for that matter. Just as improving *proficiency in the Japanese language, our mother tongue, requires a great deal of knowledge of other subjects. So does learning English. Instead of "teaching" children English, we must teach them "by means of English" such subjects as math, science, social studies, etc. as well as social common sense. To help children *acquire the ability to listen, speak, read and write is the basis on which the LL Shihoya Arai School operates.

<be dealt with~:~を論じる、対処する>



私が40年近く挑戦してきた事は、そしてこれからもし続けたい事は、「国が未だ手をつけ難かった事」です。現在では常識の教育手法や企画の数々:「フォニックス」、「イマージョンメソッド」、「外国人講師レッスン」、「英語劇」、「外国人講師と過ごすサマーキャンプ」、「スピーチコンテスト」等 …。そして、現在開発中の企画の一つは、「子どもディベーティングゲーム」です。


At my school I have tried a long time what the Japanese government has not tried yet, such as "Phonics," "Immersion Method,” "Lessons with ALTs," "English Plays," "Summer Camps with ALTs, " and "Speech Contests." And another new idea I'm developing is "Junior Debate Competition."





Children today, who supposedly study English as a language, often say, "I can't find what I'd like to *convey to other people at all." In *contemporary society, where so much information and so many convenient *gadgets are easily available, children's thinking ability is *declining.

<convey A to~:Aを~に伝える> <contemporary society:当節の社会:このご時勢>

<gadget:気のきいた便利な小物、器具> <decline:衰える>





The same *goes for us adults. For example, we ask, "Why do bears often appear before us even by putting their lives in danger?" Actually, the number of red dragonflies has been decreasing. We demand, "The local train and bus services should be kept!" when in fact they *go to work in their own cars. We also shout, "Let's *revitalize the central area of the city!", when in fact they go shopping in the suburbs. While we have children come up with slogans and write essays about *curbing global warming, we are unable to show them specific ways of *coping with the problem.

<go for~:~に当てはまる> <go to work in their own cars:マイカー出勤する>

<revitalize~:~を復興させる> <curb global warming:地球温暖化を抑制する>

<cope with~:~に対処する、立ち向かう>





To be sad, these problems should be solved by our kids in this small planet. I hope, when they are grown up, they will be able to communicate “by using English” with their friends all over the world! Before the discussion whether “morals” is a subject or not, I want *MEXT to teach it as “a vessel of *conscience” and also to reform today’s way of English-education so that they could “say their own thoughts in English as a tool of Communication!”

<MEXT:文部科学省:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology>



Yoshy's Speech at LL SC in 2013 (Full Text)

関連写真は、この記事の下に:Scroll down until the end of this essay where the related pictures are attached.

2013.11.06 (Sun)
2013.11.06 (Sun)

Yoshy’s Speech at LL Speech Contest on 2013.10.06 (Sun)

<講演の全文>・Full Text of Yoshy’s Speech


10月6日(日)の「第36回 LLスピーチコンテスト校内大会」の折にご披露させていただいた「ヨッシーのスピーチ」の全文です。

Let me introduce you the whole “Yoshy’s Speech” at “#36 LL Speech Contest Interclass” held on Sunday, October 6th.



(1) LLシホヤ新井教室40周年直前に思う。What Yoshy Thinks of the History of LL Shihoya Arai School facing 40th Anniversary


(1-a) 1975年開設当時は、「小学生に英語を教えたら国語学習に弊害が出る」の風潮の中での募集でした。入学して下さった生徒の保護者様は言うまでもなく、戦後の英語教育の礎を築かれた(財)日本LL教育センター創設者の赤尾好夫先生との出逢いのお陰と感謝しています。

In the beginning years of LL Shihoya Arai School since 1975, I was fighting against such an atmosphere as “Elementary students should not learn English because their command of Japanese is still so rude that their learning Japanese would be confused with it.” I thank not only those parents who let their children enter my school; but also the founder of Foundation Japan LL Education Center, Mr. Yoshio Akao who had built up basis of postwar English education.


(1-b) 東京目白にあったLL本部での年2回の講師研修で、英語の「早期教育の必要性、有用性」も痛感しました。

I could again keenly feel “the importance, necessity and high-usefulness of early English education” through taking training for us, LL instructors. The training was held twice a year at Foundation Japan LL Education Center that was located at Mejiro in Tokyo those days.


(1-c) J. B. ハリス先生 (旺文社顧問・英会話)、高本捨三郎先生 (明治学院大・音声学)、田中誠之助先生 (慶応義塾大・児童心理)…超一流の指導者から指導技術を直に教わることができました。年1回、講師資格更新試験があり、レベルは現在の英検準1級でした。試験の一部に、「高本先生の前でのレッスン演示」があって、緊張のあまり泣き出す女性講師もいました。今なお向学心を保てるのは、当時、目白本部に漂っていた「講師の力量があってこそ!」の空気のお陰です。

Fortunately, I could take part in topnotch lectures by e.g. Mr. James B. Harris (Advisor of Obunsha, in charge of English Conversation for the training seminar), Prof. Sutesaburo Komoto (Meijigakuin University, phonetics), Prof. Seinosuke Tanaka (Keiogijuku University, Child psychology) and so on. We had to take a renewal test of our licenses once a year The level of the test was present Pre-1st of Eiken. A subject of them was “Performing one scene of mock-teaching in front of Prof. Komoto”, in which some female instructors became so nervous that they would burst into weeping. “The ability of instructors could make Japanese children educate well!”, which was common sense among us, staff of Foundation Japan LL Education Center those days.


(1-d) 現在では常識の教育手法や企画の数々:「フォニックス」、「イマージョンメソッド」、「等時性」、…「外国人講師レッスン」、「英語劇」、「外国人講師と過ごすサマースクール」、「スピーチコンテスト」等の行事を永年継続してきたからこそ、2007年度からの3年間の「新井小英語指導助言者活動」ができたのだと思います。

Thanks to have done such following new lots of methods and events at that time as “Phonics”, “Immersion Method”, “Isochronism”, … “Lessons with ALTs”, “English Plays”, “LL Summer Camps”, “LL Speech Contest”, etc so long time; Yoshy could contributed to do “English Lessons at Arai Elementary School as an advisor” started in 2007, for three years.





(2) 英語は科目でしょうか?- 国連旗と、マララさんについて。

Is English one of the school- subjects? – About UN-flag and Miss Malala


(2-a) そもそも、英語は教科でしょうか?

Is English on the earth one of the school-subjects?


みなさんの前にある「国連旗」は、1977年度の第3回開校式に遠藤の大学生時代の恩師、橋口英俊先生 (2012年、東京家政大学名誉教授をご退官)から贈られたものです。その折、わざわざ東京から開校式にご臨席下さり、スピーチをして下さいました。

You can see this “UK-flag” in front of you was presented to LL Shihoya Arai School by Prof. Hidetoshi Hashiguchi (who is one of Yoshy’s respected teacher in my days of Tokyo Economic College, and retired as an honorable professor of Tokyo Kasei University in the year of 2012.) when the third opening ceremony was open in the year of 1977. On that occasion, he took his precious time to attend that opening ceremony and gave us his splendid speech.



The gist of his speech was that “Be good boys and girls to be able to contribute to international peace!” 39 years have passed. Still now; whenever I mail LL Shihoya News to him, he has sure replied to me writing a little note every time that “Endo san, keep educating children who would be able to contribute to building world peace through your LL English lessons!”



Prof. Hashiguchi’s wish is … that “To have LL students’ proficiency of English be growing” means not “the purpose of learning English itself”, but “the means in order to create lasting World Peace”. The late founder of Foundation Japan LL Education Center, Mr. Yoshio Akao’s wish was also that “The aim of running LL English Schools should be cultivating internationally-minded persons!” The wish of the both is almost same.



I believe that English is not a school-subject, but “just a means for our communications”, which be natural. This makes clear departure from “the cram school or English schools just for feeling fun, etc.” As “to improve the command of Japanese” necessarily needs lots of knowledge of the other subjects, “to improve one of English as a language” also does them. Not teaching children “English”, but we must teach them “such various subjects as math, science, social studies, and etc. including social common sense” “by English”. To have children be able to “listen to, tell his/hers to, read and write” is the basis of the idea of LL Shihoya Arai School; and I will never give up running my school with this idea as long as I am healthy.


(2-b) 「英語学習は、英語でコミュニケーション力をつけること!」:この大前提に立っての義務教育カリキュラムを文科省は、未だに提示できていません。

“Learning English stands for improving communicative command by using a language of English!” Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has not been able to offer that yet.


私がなぜ、数学、社会、理科など…の教科指導をしないのか? - もうお分かりですね。どの教科であれ、分からないことがあれば、子どもたちは、学級担任、教科担任に質問していいのです。当たり前のことを喋っています!しかし、現実は、生徒は食い下がりもせず、教師も早朝授業のような奉仕活動をしません。一部の教師を除いて、大抵の教師は、出る杭は教職員組合から叩かれる事を恐れているからなのでしょうね。…「進学・補習塾」があることは、文科省にとって、そこに奉職しておられる公務員にとって恥ずかしいことです。

Why am I not teaching such school subjects as math, social studies, science and etc. in LL Shihoya Arai School? - You already know, don’t you? – Whatever the school subject is, if the school students had any question, they could ask their HRTs or subject-based teachers, which is originally natural and common sense! However, what is the reality? The students do not have guts to keep asking and most teachers except some do not try to make time like volunteering at early-time supplementary lessons for them, either. Probably most of them might be afraid of objection from teachers’ union; a proverb says that a tall tree catches much wind. … Don’t they ashamed it for both of MEXT and its public servants that there are many cram schools?



What I have been challenging and will do in LL Shihoya Arai School is something “MEXT has not done yet”.


(2-c) 私のスピーチの後に、小学生たちによる「LL スピーチコンテスト」が続きます。「大勢の聴衆の前で、英語で!」…とりわけ、入賞したお子さんのご家族は、「よくやった!」と、大喜びなさるかも知れませんし、逆に、入賞を逸した場合は、うなだれるのかも知れません。

“LL Speech Contest” by LL elementary school students starts after my speech. I think most parents would be moved by their children’s speeches, praising them in your minds, “You did well before a large audience in English as well!” … Especially, the family whose child won the prize might be greatly glad; on the contrary, the family of their children without any prize might be disappointed very much.



Needless to say, “all recitations written on the program” in your hands were the stories or essays already made by adults. Remember that this LL Speech Contest for Elementary School Students is never “English Proficiency Contest”, please! This is just one of your child’s first steps so that he/she could tell “his/her thoughts and hopes to the people in the world” some day.



For example, if there were no “what I want to tell the audience like Miss Malala Yousafzai’s speech in UN” in this basis of evaluation in addition to “pronunciation and attitude”, I’m afraid, your speeches should not real practical command of communication e.g. in your home stay and so on.



The principal, Mr. Furusawa agreed to my idea so much that he made the task-force, starting “English Activities in Arai Elementary School” in 2008. But we couldn’t help quitting our work on the way in the year of 2010, because of opposition from Board of Education, Board of Principals and Teachers’ Union. I. e. they removed the ladder Mr. Furusawa and I had set up. Their opinions were as follows; “Yoshy’s idea is still premature!” and “Never make us busier than this situation!”



Though I hoped he could keep guts a little bit more, I understand how you felt in the organization; anyhow, I offer my heartfelt thanks to the late Mr. Furusawa.


今後もLL スピーチコンテストは続けます。しかし、本末転倒とならないように、今年度から校内大会までと致しました。今後は「ディベーティング」の要素を加えてゆき、数年後には、「LL ジュニア・ディベーティングコンテスト (or ゲーム)」を楽しめるように研究中です。私の決断を支える土台部分は一体、何でしょうか?- 次に述べます。

LL Speech Contest is going to be continued. However, the stage of competition will ends at the Interclass this year; won’t go up the next stage aiming for winning at the Final one at Tokyo; not putting the cart before the horse. Yoshy will add an important element of the commands of communication: “debating skill”; hoping that we could enjoy “LL Debating Competition (or Games)” in a few years. Well, what is the basis which is supporting my decision on the earth? Scroll down, please.



(3) 問題意識 Awareness of the problem around us.


(3-a) 情報過多と便利なものに囲まれて、「私が伝えたい内容が見つからない!」思考力低下の時代です。工夫しなくても、お金さえあれば欲しいものが手に入りやすい時代です。

“I can’t find what I’d like to say the others at all!”, which has occurred very often these days; which might come from the current situation with too much information and too many convenient gears. I.e. nowadays, we can easily get what we want if we have some money with us.


(3-b) 今回の英語劇の小道具は全て手づくりです。大人の私が作り方を教えれば済むことですが、5,6年生に考えさせました。例えば、「弓矢」をつくるために、七夕で使った「竹」、「タコ糸」、「鋸(のこぎり)」、「鉈(なた)」を、ライオンを捕獲する網をつくるためには、「緑色の平テープ一巻き」だけを与えて、どうつくれば良いかを考えさせました。30分待ちましたが、答えが出ませんでした。

You see, all the props for this English Play are handmade. Yoshy had my students: 5th and 6th graders of E/S think how to make them on purpose instead of my making. E.g. in order to make “a few sets of bow and arrow”, what I gave them were … “bamboo branches” that was used at Tanabata Festival, “a roll of kite string”, “a saw” and “a hatchet”. And I gave them only “a roll of green colored flat-plastic tape” for making a big net which is going to be covered with the lion to capture it. I was waiting their idea around half an hour, getting nothing with them at all.


(3-c) 大人にも言えることかもしれません。例えば、「なぜ近年、熊、猪、猿が自らの危険を冒してまで出没するようになったのでしょう?」赤蜻蛉も激減しています。…元々あった森林を壊し、農薬をまいて見た目だけの緑のゴルフ場かも知れません。「在来線やバス路線を残せ!」と要求しながら、自分はマイカー出勤。「中心市街地に活力を!」と言いながら、自らは「道の駅」でお買いもの。「地球温暖化」…大人たちは、子どもたちに標語や作文を書かせておきながら、説明できないような矛盾には知らん顔です。

We adults couldn’t laugh at these tiny problems. E.g. “why do bears, wild bores, wild monkeys, etc. recently appear before us or into town even sticking their necks?” … Yoshy has thought of the development of golf fields, where lots of rich trees, plants and insects, etc. once lived, then now even agricultural chemical are already deeply saturated. Red-dragonflies are decreasing. The other examples are … Though lots of people want surviving of local train-lines, saying “Leave train and bus local lines!”; many of them go to work by their own cars. Though some are crying, “Make the central area of our town improve and vibrant!”; many of them go shopping at “a roadside station”. Though we adults are insisting our children to write mottos or essays about prevention of “global warming”, we are apt to ignore these contradictions in front of our babes.



To be sad, these problems should be solved by our kids in front of me. From now on, in my LL Shihoya Arai School, Yoshy will continue focusing on the method of teaching English, in which they could gain the power to solve them “in English”; which should be step by step solved in their grown ages. I really hope so.


(3-d) わが子可愛さゆえに「今の我が家の幸せのためだけの道具のようにお子様を箱入り息子、娘」にしてはいけません。そして、子供たち!こんなきついことを言い続けているLLシホヤ新井教室に通わせて下さるお父さん、お母さん、おじいさん、おばあさんに感謝しなさい!

Yoshy knows any parents love their own children. “However, please never make him/her a ‘jack-in-a box’ or a ‘sheltered girl’ just only for your present happiness at home.” – And my kids, thank your dad, mom, grandpa and grandma who trust in Yoshy’s very earnest thoughts or the idea of LL Shihoya Arai School!



Boys and girls! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for listening to my speech for a long time; please accept my warmest thanks to you all!

These pictures related to above were mainly taken from 1975 to 2009. 上の記事関連写真です:主に1975~2009年度に撮影。


From Blog on 2013.09.10 (Tue)

「DVD: マイフェア・レディ」と「LL文字カードゲーム学習」の共通点:A Point in common between enjoying “Watching DVD of My Fair Lady” and “Playing LL-cards Written in Letters”




The first line of “My Fair Lady” is a woman’s of upper class in the scene of trying coming back home just after watching an opera; it was suddenly raining.



「フレディ、車を探しとくれ」(日本語字幕) の英語字幕では、…

Her line of subtitled English is “Freddy, go and find a cab”.




At the scene of the first encounter of Audrey Hepburn as a flower girl, Eliza Doolittle with Rex Harrison as Prof. Henry Higgins,



イライザが、「じゃ、なんで人の言うことを書きとるのさ。見せとくれ」(日本語字幕) の英語字幕では、…

Eliza’s line to Prof. Higgins subtitled English is “You just show me what you wrote ab’ut me.”





This translator might have thought that since she couldn’t write the phonetic symbol, she wrote most of the line in general expression of English in order to have us understand the line.




“My! What is Eliza telling him?” – Some of English learners try to quickly read its caption.




In this case, the caption was written in Japanese, they can easily understand what she said very quickly, can’t they? But, when it comes to the caption in English? – Some of us can’t watch the scene carefully during reading it.




“I hope I can quickly read English newspapers, books, websites and so on”, which should be one of the biggest dreams for kids-bearers of Japan’s future in learning English.



LL英語教室のPC, PDクラスの「ゲームカード」には、画像がなく、表が英文、裏が訳文 (和文) になっています。

Game cards for the class of PC and PD don’t have any pictures but only in English (face) and its translation: Japanese (back).




To make such a dream come true, Yoshy thought, using these cards take a little ingenuity, enjoying playing some games with the card. One example is …




“She is sixty-four years old.”

There is a card whose Japanese is “She is sixty-four years old.” – Yoshy says to my students in their common way of saying, “That woman is let’s see … sixty-four years old.” instead.



もう一例:「それらはジャガイモですか?」… ヨッシーは、「あれってジャガイモかい?」と言い直します。

One more example, in case of “Are those potatoes?”, I say to them, “Well, are those … potatoes?”

為政者に求む:星に導かれて From Blog on 2013.07.24

「為政者が、ではなく、教育が、為政者を動かす!」:星に導かれて:Being Led by the Star




While reading one of Hiro Sachiya’s books, “Hotokesama-no-Monosashi: The ruler of Buddha”, Yoshy was a lot moved by a following sentence.





“Travelers on a desert advance to come close to the star. He walks toward the star. Though he can’t reach it, he can arrive at his goal, the town.”





They say this proverb is from a rabbi of Judaism.





Many terrible affairs have happened, which look like “standing transfixed in the spot by looking down” these days; No! They would not do only now, but also in all ages and countries including our future.





“Stars Odyssey” should be actually the foundation for education, I believe.





In the face of again coming war-end anniversary, Yoshy wishes “Not policymakers but only education itself would move policymakers!” – I hope such a new world will come true!

烏の母子に学ぶ From Blog on 2013.06.03


烏の母子:A Mother Crow and her Child



In the morning of the day when we went out for joining Bazaar, Yoshy carefully observed “a mother-crow and her child” by metasequoias, at the east side of Arai S.H. School.




Though Yoshy and my pet dog, Erie approached them, they ignored us. The mother may know Yoshy very well!




In general, most people dislike crows as well as snakes, but Yoshy likes them including snakes; I have no idea why.




Maybe that is because Yoshy often gives a greeting in a loud voice like “Hey, you are the crow I gave a piece of Erie’s food on the white LL garden, aren’t you?”




The mom was teaching her child saying, “Well, why don’t you hop onto here?”




The child crow could at last step up the place where mom was waiting for after trying many times in three minutes or so.




The common rule of birds’ education to their children is, as well as any animals’, “Never lend them parent’s helping hands”; Yes! Yoshy would have liked to write this!

街の灯りを守ります! From LL News on 2013.05.28

From "LL Shihoya News June, 2013"



Recent motorization will make the main street in front of Shihoya Bookstore “a sideway” soon. But … Am I so-called, “Amano-jaku, a perverse man”?




“The worse luck now, the better appears from its back.” (Yoshy’s original proverb) … Yoshy hopes many walking “old and young customers” will pop around in Yoshy’s renovated store; we are going to renew the ex-tea corner and open it in the beginning of June. Won’t you visit to try R’s handmade cake? Yoshy & R are looking forward to seeing you!




There are already only a few stores in the main street; how sad and ridiculous! It should be called “a ghost town”! Yoshy heard many old people are asking a delivery service company to buy their daily goods and carry them their home, Alas! … I believe, under such cold atmosphere floating in our society, it is very difficult to grow up children better than before!



もう一つ、方針の大転換!今年度からの「#36 LL スピーチコンテスト」は、当教室は「校内大会」までと致します。

There’s another big about-face, change of Yoshy’s policy in this newsletter. “The 36th LL SC in LL Shihoya Arai School” will end at the Interclass Competition, which means we do not join the above ones: from Niigata-prefectural to Oomiya Block and Tokyo Final. Next year, too!




“If I could grab the spotlight, my family would praise me!” Is it really right attitude as a learning student? – That is “reversing the cart and the horse!”




Yoshy will build and open “LL Debating Competition for Kids” for the first time in Japan in a few tears.

「やって見せ…」 from 山本五十六語録

2012.07.13 from Yoshy's Blog

山本五十六・語録:やって見せ…One of analects of Isoroku Yamamoto



Show one, tell one what to do, let one do it, and furthermore praise one; if not, anyone won’t work well.



This is one of Yoshy’s mottoes.



The part-phase of current world of Japanese public education looks just like that in just before ending Pacific War, Yoshy feels.



This analects by Isoroku Yamamoto born at Nagaoka in Echigo, Niigata-ken could be expressed in different words; “Unless we adults show a model, … any child won’t move.” (E.g. Bulling-problem)


M-PEC Festivalで、「大人が英語劇をする」ことのもう一つの大義(重要な理由)がここにあると信じて、披露し続けています。

Yoshy believes that there is another major noble cause (important reason) in showing citizens “Our Drama performed in English”, keeping on and on.



It is very natural that if we adults became too shy to do or lost courage to do, we won’t be able to see good children around us.




<A quotation from Wikipedia in English, which was translated into Japanese by Yoshy:You can see how westerners see him.>


山本五十六 (1884 = 明治17年4月24日~1943 = 昭和43年4月18日) は、日本の海軍元帥海軍大将、第二次世界大戦においての連合艦隊司令長官だった。

Isoroku Yamamoto, 24 April 1884 – 18 April 1943) was a Japanese Naval Marshal General and the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet during World War II.




Yamamoto held several important posts in the Imperial Japanese Navy, and undertook many of its changes and reorganizations, especially its development of naval aviation.



He was the commander-in-chief during the decisive early years of the Pacific War and so was responsible for major battles such as Pearl Harbor and Midway.


ソロモン諸島陣営偵察飛行中に戦死した。その時の彼の偵察機(三菱 G4M “ベティ”爆撃機)

は、アメリカのP-38 “稲妻” 戦闘機に撃墜された。

He died during an inspection tour of forward positions in the Solomon Islands when his aircraft (a Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber) was shot down during an ambush by American P-38 Lightning fighter planes.



His death was a major blow to Japanese military morale during World War II.



In this picture, Admiral Yamamoto, a few hours before his death, is saluting Japanese naval pilots at Rabaul, April 18, 1943







Yoshy has lots of things: “What Yoshy thinks of M-PEC for five years” … One of the most biggest impressions is that … a hidden purpose might have been “to do away with something conventional: strong feeling of resistance to try using our own English to others” and we should continue to do away with it from now on;, which is also Yoshy’s challenge! Yoshy hopes you to follow this suggestion like the students of LL Shihoya Arai School!!!



Coincidently, Yoshy watched a part of TV program on Sunday, February 12th, “Some foreigners’ impressions to Japanese attitude during using English in front of foreigners in the Raku-Ten Co.LTD which had decided all the employees had to use English in the company.” – What Yoshy was moved by most strongly was “Most Japanese are shy; they need to directly and clearly say what they want to do much more.”



Yoshy feel keenly this point through these five years of M-PEC activities. I.e., “I’d like to talk with someone in English, but I do not be humiliated with my wrong expressions or poor pronunciations!” ;which seems to be hanging out in many members’ minds, doesn’t it? As long as we adults would not change our attitude, our children’s would not do! Yoshy hopes we M-PEC members to continue breaking down “one of Japanese typical ‘Culture of a Shame’”



37年間のLL講師活動と、2008-2010:新井小英語活動などで得たYoshy's Opinionです。

Yoshy's Opinion:和文、英文は、2008-2010の「新井小英語活動・記録写真」の下にございます。

2012.01.01 上越タイムス元旦特集号に掲載されました!

20120101 上越タイムス「小学校英語」:LLシホヤ新井教室 A4vtcPD
PDFファイル 331.7 KB

児童英語への期待 :My Expectation for Children’s English


遠藤由明 (LLシホヤ新井教室代表)























My Expectation for Children’s English

Yoshy’s Contribution to Joetsu Times - Special Page on New Year’s Day, 2012

Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo):President of LL Shihoya Arai School


■First, I think the special teaching: “Children’s English” doesn’t exist. If there were someone who wants to perceive it as special, I’d like to say them, “There are only ‘some unique methods of teaching we instructors should pay attention’ on the difference between ‘the suitable method for children’s changing stages toward adults’ and ‘the method for adults who must quickly learn from necessity’.”


■Since Japan faced the need of communication with open world just after the end of World War 2: “the second national isolation”, what on earth have we Japanese done in this learning English for near 70 years? We have only shouted, “Global communication is necessary, indeed!” In fact, there are very few young students who can use a few other languages compared to e.g. Slovenian high school students’ ability. Every Japanese instructor should reflect themselves ashamed of this fact like our own troublesome affairs.


■We Japanese people have been told or seen lots of “teaching methods, suggestions, etc.” in order to make “the command of language of English” improved by arrogant Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Professors, local cram schools; however, Yoshy’s actually saying, it is enough only to “realize” “the common and simple truth” about that; and I believe though every authority knows that, they don’t or can’t tell it in their complicated or chained system.


■What Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology should do is only “to develop flexible curriculums which could be applied at local educational areas and suggest them”, which is enough. On the other hand, in the school, what the teacher should do is to continue “studying the method of teaching” attached to its local culture and “to brush up the teacher’s skill.” The point of my advocacy is in these three.


■But, as you know, “the structure of English” itself is “an empty vessel” or “a convenient tool like computers without any mind”. Whenever the teacher cooks such a curriculum, I want them to carefully think of “what should be put into the vessel which is warmhearted English children are going to be taught for their future” and “decide it” then, “start making their own teaching plans.” – I.e. I want the school teacher to awake from current situation that “the idea at the school” is not stable or does not exist or empty slogans.


■“These three points” is a simple “the common and simple truth.” Yoshy remembers the late Mr. Mickey Yasukawa who had been one of famous multi-talents on TV in mainly the time between the postwar and Tokyo Olympic. He was a bilingual of English and Japanese. Those days, I was watching him on TV, where e.g. he was abusing, encouraging and interviewing foreign professional wrestlers in his fluent English; I was surprised at with envy. “How could I do like him?” – I found the answer in his book, “Furaibo Ryugakuki” (A Wonderer’s Visiting Abroad to Study).


■Mr. Yasukawa stowed away on a cargo ship as soon as he stood on his own feet in his 10’s age. “I will make a name for myself!” which was his only reason. He worked hard in a terrible situation like carrying coal in his drifting travel in US. At last he arrived at Cincinnati by chance. He tried to enter The Cincinnati University “wishing to teach Japanese wonderful culture and greatness of Japanese people!” Well, he sure was a lucky boy. A lady-staff at the university he first met could speak both English and Japanese. She said to him, “I know you want to tell something important, but your English is too bad to understand. I advise you to first enter a kindergarten for a year to master English. I will help you to find your job, too.” – He obeyed her. Yes, in a sense, he became a big bridge between Japan and USA.


■If we acknowledge the idea, the curriculum, and the teaching plan… and continue brushing them up, there is something left to remember, which is “guts” consisted with curiosity: “I do want to tell what I think! I do want to listen what the foreigner tells us!”, “strong backbone”, “enthusiasm” and “patience.” These are inevitable to both learners and instructors. However, this is the biggest problem in the present days, because we have already drenched with sweet honey: “convenient, quick and cheap.” I. e. the contents: flowers in the vessel we want to have bloom are “a living flesh and blood.” I believe that English Education and “Educational Goal” on a board in every school are of one cloth with; these two are inseparable fate; since Educational Goal must have been made to easily explain the school children “building sound characters” of the school colors in its natural features.


■You have already understood what I mean, haven’t you? The most important thing in the way of teaching English to Children is to grow “guts” of “I want to tell something! And I want to listen to foreign friends!” which is by far several times more important than coloring the vessel: “Foundation of Teaching English for Children” named by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology calling out lots of Assistant Language Teachers.


■Children watch their teachers very carefully; “Is my teacher really learning English as well as me?” Mr. Yasukawa wrote the moment with his great joy when the level of his command of English reached the one of kindergarten-children. It took him one year; he trained learning English by tape recorder whose speed was first at 3-year-old level and finally reached 5-year-old one at last. How should we grow Japanese children’s guts? – Is “the fruit after training in the two years (2009-2010): the transition measures for elementary schools” shining in every teacher now? I hope that classroom teachers would quickly start this way not depending upon ALTs as possible as they could.


■You who have read until here, do you think it is “tough”? “Teaching is learning.” – Is this that one cannot teach a fish to swim? – Those teachers who are worried as English-instructors should take your armors off and understand this simple “common truth.” Just when the teacher could shine with the joy: “Learning English is fun!”, teaching English will begin.

1143 letters