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文芸妙高第43号への投稿随筆ご披露:Yoshy’s Essay for the 43rd of Bungei-Myoko as follows:


採用されるか否かは、未定です as of Aug 30th, 2024 締め切りまでに、和歌五首投稿予定.




夏になると「お化け」、悪いことをすると「地獄の落ちる」、「宇宙の果てのその向こうは?」夜中に「悪夢」に驚いて、暫くして、『ああ、夢だったか』と正気に戻る. 全財産をつぎ込む人が古今東西話題になります. パチンコ、麻雀、献金 命さえつぎ込む人も: 「聖戦」、「特攻」、「軍神」、「天皇の人間宣言」 飲み食い、物見遊山から寺社参拝は果たして「現実:うつつ」なのか?


最近、家族からスマホを持たされた70代の友人S君が、YouTube視聴に寝食を忘れるほどに夢中になっています. 最近私に、「情報で一杯になって、いつかパンクするに違いないから、そうなる前にずっと見ているんだ」と仰る. そこで私は、「YouTubeであれ、僕が楽しんでいるBlogであれ、インターネット空間は無限だよ」と答えた瞬間、私は、彼のお蔭で直覚しました.


「次元」が違うのです. 私が「次元」を意識したのは、数十年前に、OSがまだ win-3,1 発売前、表計算ソフト: Lotus を使っていた頃、画面が不思議でした. 「こんな小さなパソコンの中で、x-y軸が延々と伸びてゆき、瞬時に特定箇所に新たな番号が付与されてゆく!」少し経って、「あぁ、これが2次元世界なんだ」と感動したことがあります.


「この世、娑婆、難度海」すら実感し得ない、曖昧な4次元世界に生きる現(うつつ)の我らには、蟻が象を想像できないように、つまり、異次元の何かを思い楽しむことは出来るけれど、そこが現実であるかのように、ゲームを手放せず、大金や命までつぎ込むって、黙々と大きな鉢の中を横歩きしている私のペット、モヅクガニのモク君や、可愛い巣を張る蜘蛛の赤ちゃんが知ったら、人間たち、笑われますね. もっとゆったり楽に生きませんか?





"Just like Mok-kun the crab!"


"Ghosts" in the summer, "you’d go to hell" if you did bad things, "what exists beyond the edge of the universe"... I’ve been startled by a "nightmare" in the middle of the night, and after a while, I come to my sense and realize that "Oops, it was just a dream, wasn’t it?There’re lots of people who ditch all their money into hot topics from ancient times to the present. E.g., pachinko, mahjong, donations... Some even ditch their lives into them: "Holy war", "Kamikaze", "The Gods of War (killed soldiers)", "Japan’s Emperor's declaration of his humanity just after Pacific War" and so on. ... Could eating, drinking, and sightseeing really be determined to be “the realistic matters”: not illusion on the earth?


One of my friends S, in the age of 70s, was made be given a smartphone by his family recently and has become so obsessed with watching YouTube so much that he sometimes forgets even to eat and sleep. He told me recently that he was constantly watching because YouTube must be overloaded with much information and end up overloaded someday. I replied that the Internet is infinite, whether it is YouTube or Blog I enjoy almost every day, and thanks to his question, I could have a kind of direct insight in my mind.


The "dimensions" are different each other. I first had a direct insight into the "dimension" several decades ago, before the release of the OS Win-3.1. When I was using the spreadsheet software Lotus, the screen looked mysterious for me. "In this tiny computer, the x-y axis continues to extend endlessly, and new numbers are instantly added to specific locations!" After a while, I was impressed and realized, "Ah, this is a two-dimensional world."


For us who live in a four-dimensional world where we cannot even fully grasp "this world, the world of suffering, and the sea of difficulties," just as an ant cannot imagine an elephant, we can imagine and enjoy something from another dimension, but we cannot let go of games as if they were the real world, and we even ditch lots of money and even our lives into them. If Moku-kun (a mitten crab) walking sideways inside a big pot or a tiny baby spider spinning its cute web knew that, they would burst into laughter at us. Shall we enjoy more relaxed and easy way of living?


(Endo Yoshiaki, August 22, 2024, 689 characters)

文芸妙高第42号投稿ー随筆部門 Published on Feb 22nd (Thu):志保屋書店で販売中 (1,200円:税込)

続きは、次の PDFでご覧いただけます. 山下佳恵様の詩と Tim Beebe様の英語俳句を含みます.  (転載禁止)

■20240220 文芸妙高随筆発表稿:一茶オノマトFor HP with Pi
PDFファイル 354.7 KB

「一茶オノマトペ俳句70句英訳」(販売中 1,000円:税込)と内容が連動していますので、そこでご紹介した「落書き絵」を!


Published on Feb 23rd (THU)!

1 copy costs 1,200 yen @ Shihoya Bookstore

Title: "Through Yoshie & Yoshy's Duet Poem" From Page 34-41



<4a: Cover of the 41st Bungei-Myoko>

<4b:犬吠埼灯台(Inubosaki Lighthouse) 07 Aug, 2009; by Hiroaki Kaneko; via ウィキペディア>

<4c: Canon EOS 80D + Sigma 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC Macro OS HSM 作成: 2019518by Σ64 – via ハマヒルガオ・浜昼顔」 Sea bells of ウィキペディア>

<4d:「ドロップス」 Drops; from Free Pictures>



文芸妙高41 完成・発売開始!

Bungei-Myoko, 41st is published!

1 copy costs 1,200 yen (tax included)




"Through Yoshie & Yoshy's Duet Poem"

From Page 34-41







When I was a college student in Tokyo, during summer vacation, I looked forward to going to Inubosaki, Cape Inubo, which *protrudes into the Pacific Ocean. As I was sitting on that dry sandy beach stretching out to the left and right of me, I felt the silence as if the sound of the waves and myself had disappeared. The illusion of being drawn into the horizon made me forget the angry voices of the student, zengakuren movement and the prison-like boarding house life. I used to *ruminate on the feelings of Mr. Mickey Yasukawa, who illegally boarded a cargo ship going to the United States, and after the war, played an active role in interpreting and broadcasting professional wrestling, and Shoin Yoshida, who violated the national ban and pleaded with him to visit the United States on a black ship (Perry Expedition). rice field. On my way home at dusk, I thanked Inubosaki, which gave me big energy of the ocean, saying, "I'll come again."


*protrude [proʊtrúːd](vi, vt) 突き出る、突き出す   *ruminate [rúːməɪt](vi, vt) 沈思黙考する、思い巡らす、反芻(はんすう)する









After graduating, I received a one-year moratorium and enjoyed working at a foreign-*affiliated real estate company in Tachikawa City where I couldn’t help using only English. One year after taking over the family business, I received an offer to run LL English school from Obunsha. By chance, Mr. Terumichi Yamamoto, who was born in Chiba City, was one of instructors working at LL Headquarters in Mejiro, Tokyo. When I went to Tokyo for attending the training of teaching, I once stayed in his house. I remember we *engaged in a heated discussion at his parents' house in Kaizuka-cho until late at night, saying each other, "we want bring up those who could introduce Japan in fluent English!"


*affiliate [əfílièɪt](vt) 提携させる {a foreign-affiliated company:外資系会社}   *engage in a heated discussion:口角泡を飛ばす





ひと昔前になります。私の青春色の濃い字句、「犬吠埼、九十九里浜、房総半島、銚子 …」を検索していると、偶然、詩人、山下佳恵(よしえ)先生がヒットしました。瑞々しい感性、平凡な描写でありながら、極小から極大空間へ誘う非凡な心象描写力に驚愕した深夜のひと時でした。その折の感動の一篇をご紹介… 




Well, it’s been a long time. … When I was searching for my youth-tasteful words, "Inubozaki, Kujukurihama, Boso Peninsula, Choshi..." on my PC, I happened to come across a poet Ms. Yoshie Yamashita. In a late-night moment, I was astonished by the extraordinary power of *depiction of the image that; despite the fresh sensibility and mediocre depiction, invited me from the smallest to the largest world. Let me introduce one of such impressive poems on that night...


*depiction [dɪpíkʃən](un, cn) 描写、叙述








Sea Bells








When summer comes,

On a white beach of Kujukuri,

Sea-bells are flowering.

Little pink stars

Lining up like Milky Way,

They seem to protect this MILKY BEACH

Against strong wind and

Against oncoming waves

See-bells are flowering.







Green heart-shaped leaves look like

To protect their little pink flowers. And,

The stalks are stretching at regular intervals from the sea,

Which shows us a foot-pass.







The roots are carefully growing deep in the earth. Or,

Crawling in the sand.

They are supporting such tiny pink flowers, and

Such HEART-shaped leaves

As their MISSION.







So that they wont be blown by the strong wind of Kujukuri,

So that they wont be swallowed up by tidal waves,

Sea-bells are flowering.


Your flower language is

Bounds of








Sea Bells (End)





地方紙にも取り上げられている新進気鋭の詩人なのですから失礼がないようにと畏れつつ、逡巡した後、「先生の詩を英訳させて欲しい」とe-mailで送信しました。- 快諾して下さいました。自己紹介を重ねるうちに、なんと、彼女は、山本照道先生が九十九里中学校ご勤務時代の教え子だったのです。更に、数多の生徒の中でも秀でた彼女の芸術性のお蔭で、彼は彼女の印象を記憶していました。




Since she is a young and energetic poet who has been featured in local newspapers many times, I was afraid not to be rude, emailing that “I’d like to translate your poems into English.” She accepted it in delight. While introducing each other, I learned that she was once a student of Mr. Terumichi Yamamoto when he was working at Kujukuri Junior High School before working at LL Center. Moreover, he remembered her impressions well because of her *artistry, which stood out among his former many pupils.


*artistry [άɚɪstri](un) 芸術的手腕、芸術性







私のブログの中は、いくつものジャンルが公転しています。例えば、カナダのTim Beebe氏の英語俳句の和訳、タイ奥地でキリスト教布教に腐心しておられる Richard Rees一家の活動記録の和訳、マレーシア英語教師のYap Socy先生から送られてくる金言や最新ニュースの和訳、新井高校時代の恩師、新井豊先生と情熱を傾け完成した「百人一首英訳連載」、「外国人が知りたがっている当地の歴史文化の紹介」、「漢文名句の英訳」… が順番を待っているのです。そのため、山下先生の英訳詩は、毎月ほぼ一篇で更新しています。この10年ほどで、「山下佳恵・あなたへ サイトマップ」記載の半数位、約150篇くらいになったか 300篇以上になったら “Yoshie & Yoshys Duet Poemとして、書籍化することが私の身勝手な夢になっています。




Ms. Yamashita has published many *anthologies such as "Four-Leaf Clover", "Idioms of The Sea" and so on in around a decade in which I was enjoying translating them into English, which is my unexpected great pleasure as a small shopkeeper in this rural town and an ingenious English teacher. Every time I translate into English, the scent of the Pacific tide surrounds me.


Many articles various kinds of genres are revolving in my blog including hers. For example, Mr. Tim Beebe's English haiku translated into Japanese, the activity record of the Richard Rees family who are working hard to spread Christianity in the *hinterland of Thailand, and the maxims and the latest news in the world sent by Mr. Yap Socy, an English language teacher in Malaysian High Schools. And English translation from “One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets"; "Introduction to local history and culture, etc. are waiting for me. For this reason, Ms. Yamashita's English translations have been updated almost once a month. In the last 10 years or so, almost half of the entries in "Yamashita Yoshie, Site Map for You” have updated about 150. It’s my selfish dream to publish "Yoshie & Yoshy's Duet Poem" as a booklet when it reaches 300 or more someday


*anthology [ænθάlədʒi](cn) 詩集、名曲集   *hinterland [hínɚl`ænd](un, cn) (海辺から見た) 奥地、田舎





英語を活かさせてもらえているこの半世紀中、通訳、LL本部派遣外国人講師、勤青ホームでの英会話指導で知り合った外国友人、LLサマースクールでご指導下さったJabusch一家、 母校新井小での英語指導の折のALTの先生方、2007年度から今に至るまで、上教大のBrown准教授や大妻女子大のWright教授、東京家政大の橋口名誉教授らを巻き込んで、英会話の楽しさを実感してもらっているM-PEC (Myoko Powerful English Club)等で知り合った十数人の外国友人が、私のブログをお読み下さり、感想や私の間違い英語のご指摘等でe-文通を楽しんでいます。いつまで続く事か… かつ消えかつ結ぶ泡沫の私達、詠み手も読み手も共に、Que Será, Seráと参りましょうか。




In the past half century, I have been able to *make the most of my English, as an interpreter, a foreign teacher *dispatched to LL Headquarters, a foreign friend I met while teaching English conversation at Kinsei Home (Home for Young Employees), the Jabusch family who helped me as ALTs at yearly LL Summer School, and at my *alma mater, Arai Elementary School, fom 2007 to 2009, I had a good opportunity to involve English Lessons with Mr. associate professor Brown of Joetsu University of Education (JUEN), Mr. professor Wright of Otsuma Women's University, Mr. professor *emeritus Hashiguchi of Tokyo Kasei University, and others. More than a dozen foreign friends I met at M-PEC (Myoko Powerful English Club), etc., who are experiencing it, read my blog and sent me e-mail messages: their impressions, pointing out my mistakes in English and so on. How long will it last... humm … the poets and readers, shall join the world of Que Será, Será, who are all disappearing and/or uniting bubbles, shall we?


*make the most of~~を最大限に活用する   *dispatch [dɪspˈætʃ](vt) 特派する、派遣する、処刑する   *alma mater [ˈælmə ːɚ]:母校   *emeritus [ɪmérəəs]:名誉退職の(この意味では後置修飾) {an emeritus professorw:名誉教授}





なお、この徒然随筆の題名 (Through Yoshie & Yoshys Duet Poem) は、いつも私のBlogを見守っておられる、山下先生のように感性豊かな荒井豊先生がお付け下さいました。この辺で、主題の「山下佳恵先生の詩」のもう一篇をご紹介させて頂きます。上記の「ハマヒルガオ」は、私が流れに任せて掲載、そして、次の一篇は山下先生と私が選定致しました。




The title of this essay (Through Yoshie & Yoshy's Duet Poem) was named by Mr. Yutaka Arai, who always watches over my blogs and is as sensitive as Mr. Yamashita. At this point, I would like to introduce another poem from "Poetry by Professor Yoshie Yamashita." I put "Sea Bells" with my will, next one is selected by Ms. Yamashita and me.













I hear the sound from this shaken can.
Sounds clattering.





まだ まだ あるよ と音がする

Though I believed the can had become empty,
Sounds clattering; it saying;
Ive still got more.






かけらだけしか残らない赤 緑 黄色の飴

What came out of the can are

Only white candy-drops.
My favorite ones colored red, green and yellow are all crumbs.






The white one was sweet but

A little bit odd tasting.




苦手だった 子どものころ



I didn
t like it when I was a child.
Since when
Did I suddenly become relishing that taste?




カラ カラ カラと音がして



まだ まだ あるよ と主張する

Clanging in my ears,
My old memories are

In a very few crumbs of white drops.
They are making a noise; saying
we are more and more.




Drops (End)





人の記憶の濃さは、臭覚が一番大きいと言われます。私にとっては、「犬吠埼」、「銚子」等が、当時の潮風や銚子電鉄車内の匂いを呼び起こします。「音に出す言の葉」が持つ特質を昇華させている例として、日本で言えば「民謡の中の方言や合いの手」や、宮沢賢治の童話等がすぐに思い浮かびます。-「どんぐりと山猫」では、滝が『ピーピー』、たくさんの白いきのこが『どってこ、どってこ』. 英語圏では、LL英語教室の低学年で指導している「マザーグース」等のオノマトペが代表例でしょうね。- “Old MacDonald Had a farm … E-I-E-I-O “Pata-cake pata-cake”…




They say that the depth of human memory mainly depends upon the sense of smell. For me, "Inubosaki" and "Choshi" *evoke the air of sea breezing and the smell inside the Choshi Electric Railway train in those days. As an example of the *sublimation of the characteristics of the "the word-leaves that make sounds", in Japan, "dialects and *interlude-voices in folk songs" and Kenji Miyazawa's fairy tales immediately come to mind. - In "Acorns and Wildcats", the waterfall is "Peepee", and the many white mushrooms are "Dotteko, Dotteko". would be a typical example. Old MacDonald Had a farm E-I-E-I-O, Pat-a-cake pat-a-cake”…


*evoke [ɪʊk](vt) 喚起する、呼び起こす   *sublimation [s`ʌbləméɪʃən](un) 昇華、純化   *interlude [ínɚːd](cn) 幕間(まくあい) {interlude-voices in music:合いの手}





「ドロップス」の中の「カラ・カラ・カラ」も強烈な懐かしい匂い、味を運んでくれます。山下先生の詩には、このようなオノマトペが「お汁粉のお塩」のように命を吹き込んでくれているのです。さて、それらの英訳となりますと、私の非才な所為でもあるのですが、その適語が日本語より圧倒的に少ない気が致します。私の長年の勘ですが、OED (Oxford English Dictionary)のような大辞典で探しても、広辞苑のそれと比較して10%ほどしかないのです。更に興味深いことは、虫の音となると、1%ほどなのです。私の外国友人の、とりわけ欧米人達の多くは、「蝉や蜂の音はどちらも “buzz, buzzって聞こえるけれど、鈴虫、松虫 ...って、鳴くのかい?あれは、雑音(noise)でしょ?」と真顔で聞き返す始末なのです. 人種別聴覚範囲格差を調べる研究って、小学生英語授業の課題になり得ると思いますよ。英米人だけがALTではないのですからね。




The “clatter, clatter, clattering” in “Drops” also carries a strong nostalgic smell and taste. Such onomatopoeia *vivifies Ms. Yamashita's poems, like "a bit of salt in oshiruko." Well, when it comes to translating them into English, I feel that there are far fewer suitable words than in Japanese ones, which is partly due to my *incompetence. Based on my just *intuition, even if you look it up in a large dictionary like the OED (Oxford English Dictionary), it's only about 10% of what you find in the Kojien. More interestingly, when it comes to the sound of insects, it's about 1%. Many of my foreign friends, especially those from Europe and the US, say, "The sounds of both cicadas and bees sound like “buzz, buzz” but do bell worms, pine worms, etc. ...do they cry? It’s a noise, isn’t it?” Most of them ends up asking me with a straight face. I think that research that investigates differences in hearing ranges by race could become a subject for elementary school English classes. The people from English-speaking countries aren't the only ALTs, are they?


*vivify [vívəfὰɪ](vt) 生き生きさせる、生命を与える   *incompetence [ìnkάmpətns]:非力、無能   *intuition [ìnt(j)uíʃən](un) 直感、直観、直覚





嬉しいことに、日本の文化の奥深さに興味を抱く外国人が増えている昨今です。20009月に、スロベニアで「世界俳句協会: “The World Haiku Association, WHA」が発足しています。なお、スロヴェニ・グラデツ市と妙高市は姉妹都市で、交流の折に私は、何度か通訳させてもらっています。只、ダンサーや高校生の場合は、巻き寿司、習字、琴、太鼓、着付けの話題が多く、観光を主眼とした訪問では観光地見学が中心で、なかなか俳句の話題には入れませんでした。外国人経営者相手の、ロータリー、ライオンズ等の民間企画でさえもディベートなど夢のまた夢。あいうえお教室の一員だった時の私は、企画進行に参画できて楽しかったのですが、もしも私が一人で、英語でディベートしていたら、この町の居心地が悪くなること、言うまでもありません。()




Fortunately, the number of foreigners who are interested in the depth of Japanese culture is increasing these days. In September 2000, “The World Haiku Association”, WHA, was established in Slovenia. In addition, *Slovenj Gradec and Myoko are sister cities, and I have had the opportunity to act as an interpreter on several occasions. However, in the case of dancers and high school students, there were many topics such as making sushi rolls, writing calligraphy, viewing or trying koto, drums, and kimono dressing, etc. We couldn’t enjoy making haisku, furthermore debating yet even in private projects such as Rotary and Lions against foreign business persons, it’s a dream itself. When I was a member of the Myoko AIUEO School for new foreigners, I enjoyed participating in the planning process, but it goes without saying that if I was the only one who would debate in English, I would feel uncomfortable living in this town. :-)


*Slovenj Gradec [slɔˈʋeːŋ ˈɡɾaːdəts] : スロヴェニ・グラデツ市 (スロベニアコロシュカ地方に位置する都市)





「柿食えば鐘が鳴るなり法隆寺」を “While eating a persimmon, I hear the bell of Horyuji-temple” としてみても. 百人一首の英訳でも感じたことですが、俳句、狂歌、都々逸(どどいつ)、浄瑠璃(じょうるり)等、日本独特の詩的表現の英訳には限界があります。でも、近年、古民家、刀剣、仏像、田舎での自活などに憧れる外国人が目立ってきていますね。日本の田舎が大好きな英語教師、ベニシアさんは、TV番組で、英検4級レベルの英語で日本の良さを朗誦なさっています。お寺の鐘の音をどう表現なさるか、私と話したら話が尽きないだろうと思います、が、相手が高名過ぎて、「提灯に釣り鐘」(Can a mouse fall in love with a cat?:鼠は猫を愛せますか?)() 




If you translate the famous Japanese haiku, e.j, into “While eating a persimmon, I hear the bell of Horyuji-temple”…. While translating “One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets” into English, I also felt that haiku, kyoka, dodoitsu, Joruri, and other poetic expressions peculiar to Japan have limitation to be translated, I think. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of foreigners *yearning for old folk houses, swords, Buddhist statues, and living on their own in the countryside. Ms. Benicia, an English teacher who loves the countryside of Japan, recites something good in Japan on a TV program in English at the level of Eiken-4. If I could talk to you about how to express the sound of the temple bells, I think we would enjoy a long story to chat, but she is too famous. Well, “The lantern is far different from the temple-bell.” meaning “Can a mouse fall in love with a cat?” :-)


*yearn [jˈɚːn](vi) 憧れる - for





英会話上達の基は、「好奇心と、問題意識と、少しの度胸」の3点にあるというのが私の持論です。暗記と偏差値重視の英語学習からは、英会話力は育たないことは誰しも分かるのに… 『先ずは合格だ!』の呪縛が戦後以来77年続いています。日本人、ALT問わず、英語指導者は、タブレット相手ではなく、この3点を基に研鑽し教案を作り実践してゆく姿を見せてこそ、生身を見ている生身の生徒達が育ってゆくものなのです. 老若男女問わず、心とは、喜怒哀楽、美醜の塊なのです。言語学習は、人生同様に困難なことの方が多いことは、真剣に人生を歩んで歯を食いしばっておられる親御も教師もご存知な筈です。




My personal thought for improving the command of English conversation exists upon curiosity, problem awareness, and a little courage. Everyone knows that learning English with an emphasis on memorization and deviation values will not improve English conversation skills... "Anyway, I must pass the entrance exams!" has continued for 77 years since the end of the war. Regardless of whether they are Japanese or ALTs, English instructors, not using such convenient tools as tablets, smartphones, should create lesson plans based on these three points and show them how they are usually brushing up themselves. Regardless of age or gender, the mind is a huge and deep mass of emotions, beauty and ugliness. Parents and teachers who live seriously must know that language learning is often as difficult as living their daily lives, I believe.









The aspirations of English learners lie in holistic education, where learning is not used as an fashionable accessory, but should be inspired by the natural beauty of flowers and birds.” Every time I translate Ms. Yamashita’s poets into English, I review myself and am grateful to her. Thank you.


*aspiration [`æspəréɪʃən](un, cn) 熱望、大望(たいもう)、野心




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