Have awareness of the familiar issues! 追加中です:Being added.

2014.07.01 (Tue) 求められる「交渉力」 

Jay and Yoshy at LL Seminar in Tokyo
Jay and Yoshy at LL Seminar in Tokyo

日々のTVニュースでお分かりの通り、今のLLの子供たちが大人になるころ、一番必要な「生きる力」の一つが、「A: 協調性に支えられたB: 交渉力」であることは疑いがないでしょう。

As you understand through daily TV-news programs, it must be “individual power of negotiation supported with cooperativeness” what LL Future Adults need to learn the best now; that is not doubtful.




Though your kids have got many opportunities to learn A, how about B? – There are very poor educational measures as of these days, don’t you think so?




Yoshy wants you to learn “better pronunciation and guts not to get stage fright in front of people” through “practicing recitations of “LL SC”.




Yoshy also wants you to acquire “your own expressions from your own feelings and thoughts” through enjoying practicing “English Cont”.




I believe these two special activities will help you to gain “the basic powerful skill of negotiation in English” for your future English life. Let us do our best!


2013.09.18 山と川と生きる日本人 - 台風18一過に思う - From Blog

2013.09.07 (Tue) Okra and Erie
2013.09.07 (Tue) Okra and Erie

山と川と生きる私たち:Humans Living with Mountains and Rivers



In this morning just after the typhoon No. 18, Yoshy saw Mt. Myoko standing sedately like everything was normal in the blue sky.




One of Yoshy’s friends called me asking me to fix the problem of her PC in this afternoon before my lessons of LL Shihoya Arai School; I visited her house in about ten minutes’ walk.




Fortunately I could fix it more easily than I imagined. On my way back home feeling refreshed, I took a picture of Shibue-river near Keinan Hospital.




You can see lush and green hills far away in it. It is called Funaoka-yama, where we used to ski in skiing lessons when Yoshy was in Arai J/S High School. We walked there with our skiing-sets. As soon as we reached there, we had to make the slope by treading up to the top of the hill, skiing down only once or twice. No one complained of such a sweltering exercise. Yes! What a good taste the water rushing spring under snow was!




There is no wonder to say; the water flowing into Japan Sea starts from mountains with TREES, doesn’t it?




As long as a mountain or a hill has TREES, it is worthy of being called “natural water supply reservoir”; even though such a natural dam sometimes breaks by unexpected heavy rain like Typhoon no. 18.




In general, water is slowly floating into rice field. We Japanese have taken care of changeable rivers by often praying various Gods in our long history; so to speak, we have lived in harmony with nature or we DID.




Yoshy was harvesting okra today in LL Garden. Even under this small garden, the soil and the roots of okra are “reserving its necessary water” in a fine balance with each other.




As you know, “bears and wild bores, etc. are often seen in town” these days; which we watch on TV.




There are three big golf courses in this small city, Myoko. How many ones on the earth are there all over Japan?




It is natural that such very hungry bears should step down to try finding their foods. It is also natural that hills and mountains without TREES should easily touch off mudslides. Can we call such disasters “100 % natural ones”?




My, my… golf lovers are sure scolding Yoshy again, aren’t they? This is like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, which we know a lot! For example …




The lots of people saying “No taking off the conventional railway lines!” are driving to their offices.




Though crying “No atomic power”, the most of them are intentionally or unintentionally, usually shutting their eyes during using their smartphones; they still know that “Japan is already full of electromagnetic waves of Tsunami!” Yoshy is famous for a strange person without a mobile phone, but ashamed I sometimes use others’ in need.




Including me, if we Japanese do not carefully watch our “national isolation in mind” called “SELF PROTECTION”, I think we adults including educators cannot do educate our children to live in the future, can we?

2013.03.25 日本にはGolfは贅沢?? - Yes, Yoshy Believes!

Deforestation by enjoying golf!
Deforestation by enjoying golf!



最初の写真は、1973年 (昭和48年)10月撮影の「旧新井小・職員玄関」です。その年は100周年でした。


The first picture tells “The Entrance for Staff of The ex-Arai Elementary School” taken in October, 1973, that was the year of its 100th anniversary.





It takes only 1 minute’s walk from LL Shihoya Arai School. It once stood at the next site, the east of present Kin-ken Center.





You know, since LL Shihoya Arai School is in the site of Yoshy’s residence; I used to become about to be late for school, because they were very near at hand.





You can find “the stone-monument of winning the best health in Japan” on the left of the first picture.





The present play-ground of Arai Elementary School can be seen from the 2nd one taken on Thursday, March 21st.





The brown-colored background of the stone-monument is Myoko Cultural Hall. LL Shihoya Arai School, not seeing, stands behind it.





The third picture shows Arai High School on the left edge; on the right side, from the front, Gymnasium for Children, Community Center, Citizen’s Gymnasium, Citizen's Swimming House and New Citizen’s Gymnasium that’s going to be used.





That’s enough and enough! To build new facilities for keeping and improving citizen’s physical health; well, how do you think of our health of the condition of mentality?





The big slope with no trees seen far away in the center of the picture is actually “Arai Ski Slope” with its big parking lot, to be sad; no one is now interested in at all. Whenever Yoshy sees the needless deforestation, I cannot help saying, “How waste or too luxurious in Japan it is to deforest for enjoying golf!”



「旧新井小の桜」は、You can see The sceneries of ex-Arai Elementary School with cherry blossoms by clicking:HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。

2012.10.15 新旧運動会に思う

新旧運動会:Old athletic meet and new one


<辛口感想:Yoshy’s Outspokenness>



The first picture is “Athletic Meet of Arai ES” held on Saturday, October 13th.



The new ground was surrounded with nets, which made Yoshy feel an atmosphere of stagnation; sorry to say that.



There were many guest wearing suits sitting on the chair in state under a big tent in front of its school building. We heard a merry BGM, exchanging yells…, which looked an event, held with great caution! “Giving the highest priority to safety and Defensiveness” was well seen there, which is popular all over this country now. This is unavoidable, I’m so sorry.


2枚目は、1964年 (S. 39)、東京オリンピックの年の「新井小+新井幼稚園合同運動会」です。ヨッシーが中3の時です。

The second picture was taken in 1964 (Showa 39), when Tokyo Olympics was held. It is “the joint athletic meet of Arai ES and Arai Kindergarten”. Yoshy was in the third grade of Arai JHS then.



The place was present “Culture Hall” which is 30th anniversary this year. We called that it “Citizen’s Comprehensive Ground” those days.



You can see kindergarten children varying their own chairs in it, can’t you? They walked with chairs more over 300 meters by airline distance from Arai Kindergarten, which was once located at present Kin-ken Center.



That looked like to bear the aspect of “festival”. There were about 1,200 Arai ES students and about 200 in Arai Kindergarten. As it was Sunday, many people of Arai JHS and Arai HS students and citizens gathered there to enjoy the day.



Yoshy remembers both all teachers and some volunteering parents were preparing the athletic meet with drawing lines on the ground and so on from 6:00 am!



There were some venders who were selling ice cream dora-yaki, cakes with bean-paste inside. It continued until evening.


3枚目は、10月6日(土)の9:00 am頃の撮影で、新井南幼稚園運動会の準備開始の光景です。

The third picture is the scene of preparing the athletic meet of Arai Minami Kindergarten, which was going to be starting holding from 9:00 am on Saturday, October 6th.



You can see “Culture Hall” over there.



Yoshy thought there were no parents for preparation, because they called “Mr. or Ms. …!” each other.



All the parents there were obeying teachers’ orders; lined up, enjoying many games, etc. Most of fathers were looking for their children taking a video camera on his/her hand.



There were about only thirty children there, ending before noon. To be sad, Yoshy couldn’t hear their sound of “spontaneous crying” at all.



Could you see “an old well” in the third picture? Let me write you this special episode some day!