平田真義先生の世界: The World of Mr. Shingi Hirata


平和を願う戦争資料展 on 2015.11.08


平和を願う戦争資料展 on 2015.11.08 ()

Exhibition of War-materials for Peace on November 8th (Sun)



In the morning on Sunday, November 8th, while walking with Erie; at the north-gateway of Fureai-hall …




I was surprised by chance to find a signboard of “Exhibition of War-materials for Nonnuclear and Peaceful World” collected by Mr. Hirata Shingi, one of M-PEC members; he seldom advertise himself.




We visited there after walking.




Flying clothes for kamikaze-pilots, etc.




These are the *propaganda *posters for promoting people to *emigrate to *Manchuria; the right copy is drawn by a famous painter, Togo Seiji.

*propaganda [prpəgˈændə](a) 政治宣伝用の  *poster [póʊstɚ]:ポスター、張り紙  *emigrate [éməgrèɪt](vi) 移住する <to, from>  *Manchuria [mæntʃˈʊ(ə)riə]:満州 (中国東北部の旧称)




“Matters to be practiced in order to *enhance national feeling.”

*enhance [ɪnhˈæns, en](vt) 高揚




The language of the enemy couldn’t be used then; “KING” was renamed “FUJI” …




“SUNDAY MAINICHI” was done “SHUKAN MAINICHI (Everyday Weekly)” and,




“Compasses” was done “BUN-MAWASHI.”




“The *Instrument of Surrender” written in both E/J with signatures.

*instrument [ínstrəmənt]:証書、協定書、器具  *surrender [səréndɚ](n, vt, vi) 降伏 (する)


<平田真義 ひらた・しんぎ>

What Makes Me Keep Collecting War-Materials <Shingi Hirata>






 My father could miraculously come back alive from a battlefield of the Second World War, where many soldiers were killed. If he had been killed, I wouldn't have been born on the earth.

 Life is precious because not only it is only one for everyone, but also it has been connected since long past through relaying numberless lives. So am I, I am alive now.

 War not only takes our lives, but cuts off relaying ours. To be sad, war has still occurred now. I wish the young people who have less interest in such cruel war would become aware of the value of life so much. This is why I have been collecting war-materials and holding Exhibitions all over Japan.



平田真義先生 (M-PEC会員)の記事が!


■平田先生は、2007年度のM-PEC発足以来の会員です。毎年の「フェスティバル」で、「戦争資料を通じて命の大切さ」をお教えくださっておられます。五周年記念・M-PEC Festivalでは、特別出品(この上越タイムスの記事とほぼ同じ企画)でした。

Mr. Shingi Hirata has been a member of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) since it was open in the year of 2007. In yearly “M-PEC Festival”, he’s been teaching us “The importance of Life through observing War-materials.” (Lat time, at the 5th anniversary Festival, he had elementary children surprised at the special exhibition almost as same as this article in Joetsu Times.)



As of these days, his one of collections, “Historical Rare Bills” are been exhibited at the big event, “Exhibition of Money of paper and metal” at Prefectural Historical Museum in Nagaoka City.



20120101 平田真義さん記事:画像 A4vtcPDF.pdf
PDFファイル 323.4 KB

2011.12.10 M-PEC講座:「目に見えないものを見る目」に感動!

2011.12.10(土) 7:00~平田真義先生講演「見えないものを見る心」約80分
20111210 平田真義先生講演 mp3.mp3
MP3 オーディオファイル 72.3 MB

「見えないものを見る心」lectured by 平田真義先生


■12月10日(土)、7:00~8:30 pm 、M-PEC月例講座でした。講師は、「戦争資料を通じて命を見つめる活動」を全国各地で展開中の、平田真義先生でした。M-PEC設立時の2007年度以来、ずっとM-PEC会員でいらっしゃいます。講演依頼が殺到している中、又、文字通り「師走」(僧侶が走り回る)の渦中、ご来校いただきましたこと、深くお礼申しあげます。

A monthly lesson of December was held on Saturday, 10th in LL Shihoya Arai School from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. The lecturer was Mr. Shingi Hirata who has been visiting many places in order to tell “the importance of life by introducing his collection of war-materials”. He has been a member of M-PEC since its foundation year, 2007. While he has been given rush of requests of his talk and despite in December: Shiwasu which means all monks are running around, he was kind enough to be a lecturer today; we deeply thank you very much.



The subject of his speech was “The Mind which Could See Something Invisible” and the subtitle was “How to Live with Rich Spirit”.



As it’s already after midnight, I can’t help writing only in Japanese, excuse me.










2011.12.03 上越タイムス1面に!

2011.12.03 上越タイムス1面
2011.12.03 上越タイムス1面




“Talk an angel, and you’ll hear his wings.” My surprise was this, wasn’t it?


■12月10日(土)の、YEA in M-PEC (月例講座)での「平田先生の講演」の案内中でしたね。今日の「上越タイムス」の一面に、平田先生の紹介が!

Yoshy was repeating uploaded the announcement of YEA in M-PEC, “The Lecture by Mr. Hirata” on Saturday, December 10th. Wow! His introduction is on the front page of Joetsu Times! Take a look and read this, please.


2011.12.10 M-PEC特別講座「Xmasと日本人」(仮称)、LLにもご案内配布

20111128 LL保護者宛て配布:12月10日(土)の講座は平田真義先生 A
PDFファイル 323.6 KB



■Mr. Shingi Hirata is going to be a special instructor at M-PEC monthly Lesson, on Saturday, December 10th, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at LL Shihoya Arai School. His tentative theme is “Christmas and Japanese People”.


2011.11.28 Blog:「12月10日(土)の講座は、平田真義先生の講演」です



■12月10日(土)の月例講座のご案内です。講演依頼殺到の中、平田真義先生のご厚意で、特別講演を企画できました。テーマは、「クリスマスと日本人」(仮)です。平田先生は、過日開催させていただいた「5周年:M-PEC Festival」の講師 (「世界の珍しいお札」コーナー) のお一人でした。

Next M-PEC monthly Lesson is going to be held on Saturday, December 10th. Thanks Mr. Shingi Hirata’s favor, we can listen to his great talk temporally titled, “Christmas and Japanese People”. He was one of Instructors – in charge of the corner: “Rare Bills in the World” - of the 5th M-PEC Festival.


平田真義先生と「世界の紙幣」:Mr. Hirata and “Historical Bills in the World”


■8月27日(土)、平田真義先生の浄光寺を訪問し、11月20日(日)実施:「第5回 M-PEC フェスティバル」への先生の収集品ご出品をお願いに行ってきました。

Yoshy visited Jo-Ko-Ji temple to meet Mr. Hirata on Saturday, August 27th. I asked him to exhibit something he has collected.

■第1回 M-PEC フェスティバルからずっと「収集品展示+語り部」としてお世話になっています。

Mr. Hirata has helped M-PEC Festival every year since the first Festival in 2007 as “His Exhibition and Explaining them to the Visitors”.



Fortunately he not only agreed but also suggested me … “As ‘War-Materials’ had been displayed since 2007, how about ‘Historical Bills in the World’?”



He was very kind enough to spread some pieces of the panels of “Historical Bills in the World” on the hall for me. There were also lots of “Japanese Rare Bills”. I, e there were “The First Bill in Japan”, “Inflation-Bills of the Nazi, Germany”, etc. … I wasn’t fed up with so many panels at all.