The wife of the late Mr. Yoshinobu Tokita (Ex-Vice-President of JUEN) saw the article about “Issa’s Onomatopoeia Haiku 70 Haiku Translated into English” on Joetsu Yomiuri (Daily Newspaper) and ordered the booklet by telephone.
On this occasion, I rewrote the article introducing Mr. Tokita. Please take a look at “Yoshy's Wonderful Teachers” on the above website.
<00a: 「上越よみうり」新聞 (2023, 11月16日号)に「一茶オノマトペ俳句70句英訳」のご紹介が掲載!>
<01: 2014年(H-26) 11月12日、新井高校前のメタセコイヤ: Metasequoia close to Arai SH School>
氷雨の朝の新井高前です。メタセコイヤがすっかり赤くなりました。この木を見る度、当時の生物科担任:佐久間先生の呟(つぶや)きを思い出します。:「大気圧のため、水を10メートル以上吸い上げることができないはずなのに、メタセコイヤが10メートル以上あるのはなぜでしょうねぇ?」― その答えは、自然科学ご専門の戸北教授が私に教えて下さいました。…そんなことより、…
This picture of Arai S/H School was shot in a cold rain. All the leaves of dawn redwoods turned red. Every time I see them, Mr. Sakuma who was teaching us a subject of biology. He used to *murmured to himself, “Why is a tree of dawn redwood able to suck up water to such height, though water can’t be lifted up over 10 meters high under atmospheric pressure?”- After many years passed, Professor Tokita majoring natural science was kind enough to tell the answer to me by email. … Well, that is not so important, but…
*murmur [mˈəːmə]:囁(ささや)く
私が敬愛する40年来の友人、戸北凱惟様 (前・上教大学長)が2014年(H-26) 10月19日(日)にご逝去:11月25日の上越タイムスで知りました.享年72歳。楽しい思い出が走馬灯のように駆け巡ります。得難いご友情、ありがとうございました.
Yoshy was told that one of my best respected friends known to each other for forty years, Mr. Tokita Yoshinobu (the former principal of JUEN) had passed away on Sunday, October 19th 2014, by Joetsu Times dated November 25th, when I knew his death. He died at 72. Lots of images are *coming and going in my mind. I sincerely thank him for his special kindness. *May you rest in peace, sir.
*come and go:現れたり、消えたり *May you rest in peace.:安らかにお眠りください.
<02: 1983年4月10日、LLシホヤ新井教室主催、公民館で企画した開講式記念ご講演時のスナップ>
He once kindly gave me a lecture for the opening year of LL Shihoya Arai School at Community Center on April 10th, 1983.
<03: Ditto; 前年度英検成績優秀者への表彰式 “Award ceremony for those with excellent results in the previous year's Eiken Test” >
<04: 2007年4月14日の「第1回YEA:M-PEC講座」以来、何度もご出席下さいました。「学習に官民の区別などありませんよ。」が口ぐせでした>
He attended “YEA (Yoshy’s English Activity) of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC)” many times from the first one on April 14th, 2007. He said to me very often, “There’s no difference in learning something between public *sectors and private ones.”
<05: 突然上教大の教授達と一緒にご訪問!1987年3月24日>
<06: He visited me June 2, 1999: 年に数回、何気なく私に会いに来て下さいました. “To be very glad, he casually came to see me several times a year.”>
<07: He visited me April 21, 2013 (H-25): 退官記念の特注岩の原ワインをご持参下さいました. “He brought a bottle of Iwanohara wine whose label was custom-made to commemorate his retirement.”>
何度もこのLL事務室へ上がってくださいました。2013年 (H-25)4月21日、退官記念のご挨拶にお越しくださいました。LL事務室での最期のスナップです。教室やM-PECのために、多くの外国人留学生をひきあわせて下さいました。Rと私の友人、ヤップ先生もそのお一人です。九州男児の泰然さ、過去に囚(とら)われない進取の気性を見習っています。
He visited my LL office many times. Last April 21st, it was his last visit here to report me his retirement from JUEN. He introduced me many overseas students for the events of LL Shihoya Arai School and M-PEC; one of them is Ms. Yap who is one of the best friends of mine and R’s. I’ve been learning his *imperturbable *tranquility of Kyushu men’s personality, *go-getting spirit free from the past.
*imperturbable [ìmpɚtˈɚːbəbl]~:泰然とした~ *tranquility [trænkwíləṭi]:落ち着き、平静 *go-getting~:進取の~
<08: April 15th, 1996 @ in JUEN>
ゼミの最中だったのに、教室ドアをノックしたら、即数分、私と話をして下さり、恐懼感激!“Even though he was in charge of his seminar; when I knocked on the classroom door, he immediately made time for me for a few minutes. I was so impressed by his kindness!”
<09: Yoshy’s English Invitation to LL Summer School on June 17th, 1996 @ International Dormitory in JUEN>
国費留学の優秀な学生:ブラジルから2名、台湾から2名 (画像のお二人)、そして今もRともどもメル友の、マレーシアからのMs. Yap Socy. 彼女は国費留学4回、その都度遠藤家にも一泊なさったり、野尻湖など遊山にご一緒したり… . M-PECの顧問.
<10: His Card in English>
“Vice President”:「副学長」の文字が見えます. 戸北凱惟先生のお蔭で、学内外、国際寮にまで出入り自由でした. 2007~2009年度新井小英語アドヴァイザー時、JUENただ一人の外国人准教授のMr. Ivan Brown(M-PEC顧問) を私と活動できるように差配くださったのも戸北先生でした.
<11: A discussion article from Joetsu times as of Dec 3rd, 2011>
<12: His Portrait from Joetsu times as of Dec 3rd, 2011>