「DLPFC:って何の略?」:What does DLPFC stand for?
答え:Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex:「背外側・前頭前野・皮質」
2015. 7月12日(日)、9:00 pm-のNHK: 「腰痛治療革命」番組でのキーワードでした。
“DLPFC” was a key word in a NHK TV program, “Revolution of *Lumbago Treatment”; broadcasted Sunday, July 12th.
*lumbago [lʌmbéɪgoʊ|‐gəʊ]:腰痛
「慢性腰痛患者の90%は『恐怖からくる思い込み』…」を知って、LLシホヤ新井教室とMyoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC)顧問の橋口先生を思い出していました。「病は気から」を科学的に立証、多くの人たちを救っておられます。
Once I knew “90% of the patients of *chronic low back pain take it for granted ‘that such a pain never occur from FEAR but from the diseased part’”, that recalled Prof. Hashiguchi Hidetoshi, who is in charge of the advisor of LL Shihoya Arai School and Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC). He scientifically proved the fact, “Care killed a cat. Or, worry is often the cause of illness”, still now saving many patients.
*chronic [krάnɪk|krˈɔn-]:慢性の
Moreover that recalled Mr. Hiro Sachiya’s book, “Hotokesama-no-Monosashi, Buddha’s Ruler” (published by Suzuki Publisher Co. Ltd.) – Let me quote a few paragraphs from it. – It says “used tea leaves are never dirty things. <Snip> However as soon as it is dumped away to a sink, it is transformed into garbage.” The used tea leaves are never transformed itself, but only her mind.
橋口先生は、2013年度で、公職を辞されておられますが、それまでのブログ:「身心カウンセリングカレッジ」を公開しておられます。: Though he already left his public positions in the end of the year of 2013, his blog called “Physical & Mental Counselling College”, that is still open to public: you can read his words by clicking HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
(Professor Hashiguchi Hidetoshi) … 東京家政大学名誉教授 (Tokyo Kasei University, Honorary Professor)・ルーテル学院大学臨床心理学専攻主任教授 (Japan Lutheran College, Head Professor) ・日本教育臨床研究所主宰 (IJEC: Institute of Japan Education and Clinical Psychology, Superintendent)・専攻:論理情報行動療法 (Rational Emotive Therapy)、臨床心理学 (Clinical Psychology)、東洋医学 (Oriental Medical Science)…etc.
■遠藤が東京経済大在籍中の恩師。LLシホヤ新井教室顧問。:He is Endo’s one of the most respected teachers since Endo was in Tokyo Economic College and also an advisor of LL Shihoya Arai School.
■LLシホヤ新井教室・高3卒業生には、先生の膨大な数のご著書の中から、「幸福の心理学」(日本教育臨床研究会 since 1990)を卒業記念品の一つとして、贈呈しています。
■激励文 <2011. 9月26日拝受:原文のまま印字>
いつも丹精込めたLL Shihoya NewsとM-PEC Newsをご恵送下さりありがとうございます。毎号手を変え品を変え、カラフルなお心がこもった編集に、両教室を主宰している遠藤由明先生のお人柄が感じられ、本当にうれしくまた、感動もしています。ますますのご発展を心からお祈りしています。
「希望の心理学」に思う:What Yoshy thinks after again reading “Psychology for Seeking Hope”
「世の中に恐ろしいことは、何一つない」…「いじめ」、「モンスターペアレンツ:うちの子、お金出しているのにどうして成績上がらないの?」、「中傷、誹謗、妬み」、「風評被害」、「私は貝になりたい!」… 信じられない方がたくさんおられますね。もしかして、あなたも?…
“Nothing is awful in your life.”… “Bulling”, “Monster Parents: saying ‘Explain why my son’s grade of English is lower than his classmates though I am paying fee to you!’’”, “Slander, Abuse and Jealousy”, “Harmful Rumor”, “I’m dying to be a shellfish in my next life!” … Yoshy bets many people couldn’t believe this. One of them might be you, too?
副題が、「REBT入門」のこの本は、橋口英俊先生 (M-PEC特別顧問、LLシホヤ新井教室顧問)によって、1990年12月1日に発刊されました。
This book whose subtitle is “Primer of REBT” was published on December 1st, 1990. The author is Dr. Hidetoshi Hashiguchi, who is one of Special Advisors of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) and Advisor of LL Shihoya Arai School.
He introduced Dr. Albert Ellis’s new theory in this book.
As you know, there are “Happiness Theories” as abundant as stars, however; as far as Yoshy knows, all the books which scientifically introduced the way to achieve happiness might be “Psycho-Cybernetics” written by Dr. Maxwell Maltz and this book.
Strictly saying, the theory in “Psycho-Cybernetics” starts from believing the existence of “servo-mechanism” as our own capacity of heal and adds many actual examples of healing; so Yoshy thinks it mightn’t be purely scientifically.
On the contrary to other books, “Primer of REBT” is literally “rational and scientific” guide to achievement of happiness.
REBT stands for “Rational Emotive Behavior Psychotherapy”.
エリス博士は、REBTを “ABCDE”で簡潔に説明しています。
Dr. Ellis is explaining REBT with “ABCD” in brief.
A means your “Activating event or experience”.
B means your strong “Belief System”.
C means “Consequence” of the problems with your deep depression.
The cause of C doesn’t exist in A, but in B; he is proving.
その信念Bには、二通りあります:理性的な信念= rBと、非理性的な信念 = iBが。
There are two different Bs; one is “rational Brief: rB”, the other is “irrational B: iB”.
Dとは、… REBTでは、落ち込んでいる人がいれば、その人のiBを明らかにさせ、それを徹底的に反論して粉砕します。
D means … REBT would have the person who is depressed extract iB out of him/her and “D- Discriminate and Dispute”.
E means … If you again encounter a similar trouble you had experienced before, REBT would help you lead to find your iB and find rB; you can see your “Effect”.
When Dr, Albert Ellis visited Japan and met Dr. Hashiguchi, Dr. Ellis presented his words as follows.
「世の中に恐ろしい (もうだめ、おしまい)ということは何一つない。ただちょっと不便 (遠回り) になるだけである。深甚なる敬意をこめて:アルバート・エリス
Nothing is awful – only INCOVIENIENT! Cordial regards, Albert Ellis
Yoshy has giving this book to all the graduates of 3rd grade of senior high school at LL Shihoya Arai School in every March.
Yoshy always saying next words to them, “Only when you become very depressed and can’t find appropriate person you’d really like to consult with, why don’t you open this book?”