

2007.12.06 旧農協ビル3階AUK収録室
2007.12.06 旧農協ビル3階AUK収録室



Yoshy finished editing all the scripts "Yoshy’s English Corner" on the AUK-broadcasting” for your reading.




 Yoshy started editing them for your reading “to understand easily, merrily”, which is the motto this time, from April 1st 2013. - All of 276 revised episodes have been updated on December 24th, 2015. I wish I could publish the book some day!



These exterior pictures attached here are permitted to public for reuse.


This poor translation into English is for both brushing up Yoshy’s proficiency and telling updates to my foreign friends. Yoshy’s several foreign friends are always checking this blog; wrong expressions found, an article of “Correction” has been uploaded here.

英文中、英検2級レベル以上の語彙や表現には、* (星印)で注釈をつけています。


In this blog, Yoshy adds * (asterisk) at the vocabulary and expressions whose level are Eiken 2nd and over, and writes its explanation.



Yoshy is not so handsome and cool, but...
Yoshy is not so handsome and cool, but...

普段何気なく話している「日本語」の中に、「面白い」、「変な」…外国語 or 外国語らしきものが混じっていますね。








放送理念は、「使える英語の身近な雑学をお気楽に耳学問にしていただけたら嬉しい! 」 です。

2013.02.05 The last recording: 144 times for 6 years! Thanks!

2013.02.05 Tuesday with Mr. Oguri
2013.02.05 Tuesday with Mr. Oguri

新井有線放送、最終収録:Final Recording of YEC at Arai Yusen Broadcasting



Thanks to the citizens of Myoko City, the final 144th recording of YEC (Yoshy’s English Corner) in AUK: Arai Yusen-radio Broadcasting” was successfully done on Tuesday, February 5th. YEC started in April, 2007, which means this work continued for six years.




Let me introduce you part of the final issue in the language of J-E in advance. 




“I wish I could fluently communicate with people from abroad!” or “I hope I can make my nice friends in the world by using English e-mail.”, …Most Japanese people have still been struggling against mastering communicative command of English for around nearly 70 years since postwar era.



「CDを聞き流すだけで」、「TVやラジオの英会話番組を見聞きするだけで」は、10年経っても「使える英語の力」は身につきません。どうすればいいのでしょう? …

“Only by just to listen CDs one ear and out of the ear” and “Only by just watching TV or Radio programs of English Conversation”, Yoshy believes, we couldn’t make our dreams come true even if you continue those ways for a decade. What should we do, the? …




The shortest answer is “Using English as much as we can!” To do so, we need the both “Desire that we’re dying to use English” and “Curiosity that would support the desire”, which would be sure helpful for your skill of English very quickly. For example, after those who live in Niigata prefecture come back from Fukushima prefecture staying for a year, they must notice themselves by their spouses’ saying … “My, you’re speaking with Aizu-accent, don’t you know?”




Devote yourself to an English school where you can use English with your instructor; not thinking of English as a school-subject, but as a good tool for communication through this world. Even if your English couldn’t be understood by him/her in the school, do not be afraid of that like you used to make many mistakes in your childhood.




You are a customer in the English school where you can communicate with your instructor in English, because you must pay the fee to him/her. You never have to dwell on your past mistakes; saying to yourself, “I disgraced myself!, I failed! , I broke down!”, etc. … The best way to find a good instructor is whether “the instructor is enjoying his/her lessons holding desire and curiosity in his/her mind.” or not. You can easily know that when you meet him/her in front of you.



3年続けばいいなぁ!と始めさせて頂いたYoshy’s English Cornerが皆様のご支援のお陰で6年が過ぎました。ありがとうございました。

Yoshy began YEC in April, 2007 hoping it would continue three years! Thanks to your support, six years have passed. Thank you very much.



原稿を書くにあたって、時折私の質問にお答え下さったc-k office主宰:香原ちさと先生、(財)日本LL教育センターのJoseph Hernandez先生、(財)日本英語検定協会の清水洋子先生、LL能代教室の佐藤直人先生、大妻女子大学のTimothy Wright教授、マレーシアの高校英語教師のYap Socy先生方にも御礼を申し上げます。

Sometimes I asked some questions to some of my respected teachers, who kindly answered. I’d like to say great thanks to them: Ms. Chisato Kohara: President of c-k office, Mr. Joseph Hernandez in LL Education Center, Ms. Yoko Shimizu in The Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc. , Mr. Naoto Sato: the owner of LL Noshiro School, Prof. Timothy J. Wright in Otsuma Women’s University, Ms. Yap Socy: an English teacher in a high school in Malaysia, etc.

2011.12.06 Tuesday Yoshy's 1st recording in Nishijo




AUK: Arai Yusen Broadcasting Kyokai (Radio Broadcasting Association) moved from Sakae-cho to Nishijo on December 1st, 2012. Yoshy recorded the first time there. The equipment for recording was almost computer. E.g. they used the cassette tape for recording, but were using the hard disk in computers. They said the recorded sound quality became much better. The upper part of this picture was in Nishijo, and the lower one is in Sakae-cho.



きっと、12月9日(金)から、音質が良くなっていることでしょう。放送は、「毎月第2、第4(金)、12:00~ + 18:45~(再放送)5~6分」です。

Probably the quality of my voice sound would be better from Friday, December 9th. Yoshy’s English Corner in AUK has been broadcasted on “the second and forth Friday every month, at noon and 18:45 (its return) for around five or six minutes.”

2011.06.07 Tuesday AUK in Sakae-cho