樗沢 仁先生の戦争体験:NHKで紹介
Dr. Bunazawa’s War Experience is on NHK
8月16日(日)のエリーの後ろ姿、異常なし!… 2週間前、エリーを洗った直後、小さな毛玉を鋏で根気よく切っていました。「これでよし!」と気が付いたら、お尻の両脇が凹(へこ)んで見えました。Rに叱られながら、樗沢獣医先生を思い出しました。去年まで先代のエルと今のエリーの主治医だったのです。
Since last Sunday, August 16th:Erie’s back view hasn’t been abnormal! - Two weeks ago, I was patiently trimming Erie’s fur-balls just after washing her. “Well done!” – However, I knew the both sides of her buttocks had become *hollow. Of course, R got angry. – I remembered a *veterinarian, Dr. Bunazawa, who was once in charge of our former pet dog, Eru and present Erie until last year.
*hollow [hάloʊ|hˈɔləʊ]:(a) 空ろな、凹んだ *veterinarian [vèṭərəné(ə)riən, ‐trə‐]:(n)獣医
7月23日(木)、21:00少し前、偶然NHK-TV:「戦後70年を歩く」で樗沢 仁先生に再会しました。
On Thursday, July 23rd, a little before 21:00, I met Dr. Bunazawa Hitoshi on TV; I was able to again meet him on the program, “We Walk 70 Years After the War” by chance.
He was taking care of our sheltie-dogs, Eru and Erie for three decades.
Last year, he retired from a veterinarian, but thanks to him, Erie has been healthy as well as Eru had been. “Many snaps of Erie” are available at the site above.
One scene from the TV: a map about the route of *repatriation from former *Manchuria.
*repatriation [rìːpèɪtriéɪʃən, ‐p`ætri‐]:(外国から本国への) 帰還 *Manchuria [mæntʃˈʊ(ə)riə]:旧満州 (現在の中国東北部)
1994年(H. 6) 2月発行 (エル8歳当時)の「満州・荒野の旅」。当店で10冊ほど販売させていただきました。限定販売でしたので、絶版です。毎年夏になると中国旅行の写真を見せてくださって、ご本を手にするまでは、観光旅行だと思っていました。読み終えて、しばし茫然自失!学生時代に読んだ、五味川純平作「人間の条件」を思い出しました。
This book, “Manchuria・Wandering in the Wildness” written by him was published on February 1994 (Heisei 6), when Eru was eight years old. About ten books were sold at our Shihoya Bookstore. As the sale was limited, we can’t get them now. He was showing many nice views at which he made a trip his second home country; whenever every summer was over. Actually those pictures were just his touring snaps at that time, I believed until he asked me to sell his books. As soon as I read, I was *stupefied with amazement for a while! It reminded me of “Ningen-no-Joken, The Human Condition” written by Mr. Gomikawa Junpei, I read it in my college days.
*stupefy [st(j)úːpəfὰɪ]:(vt) 無感覚にさせる、ぼーっとさせる
1945年(昭和20年) 10月頃、石人小学校へ避難直後のスナップ:ここに写っている子供たちの大半は亡くなられたと書かれています。
This snap was taken of around October, 1945 (Showa 20) in front of Sekijin Elementary School, where they stayed during their *repatriation to Japan. Very sadly, most children in here died there; his caption says.
*repatriation [rìːpèɪtriéɪʃən, ‐p`ætri‐]:(外国から本国への) 帰還
TV画面:たまたま、志保屋書店で名入れ「中日友好」(の文字だったかどうか?) させていただいた鉛筆を寄付なさっておられる場面かも知れません。このTV放送直後の先生とのお電話で教えてくださいました。
One TV scene: it sure was when he visited there, he was presenting lots of things including pencils with words printed on them. I remember the words might have been “Friendship between China and Japan”. – He told me that when I called him just after the broadcasting.
The TV showed us he and his friends *contributed two ambulances to the city. – He did not tell me that; yes, he is really humble.
*contribute ~ to… [kəntríbjʊt, ‐bjuːt]:(vt) ~を…に寄付する
「先生のテレビを見ましたよ! NHKが謙虚な先生にやっと光を当てましたね。」とお電話でき、そして、ご本を読み返すことができました。NHKには、このご本の事、お話なさらなかったのでしょうね。再販なさって、多くの日本人と中国人の皆さんに読んでいただきたいです。(きっと、そのお金があれば、また何かをご寄付なさるのでしょうね。)
Quoting a passage (from the page of 148) of “Manchuria・Wandering in the Wildness”, “some Chinese who knew the day of our *repatriation began to stand on the road to Sekijin-station by twos and threes. … I saw the loud-mouthed grandma standing at that house on the road where I had driven pigs. She also found me. The moment she stepped up to me, she said, ‘You, going home…’ in her loud voice, her face going to pieces with tears.”
I said on the phone, “I saw you on TV! You who are always humble were at last spotlighted by NHK.” Soon I was able to read his book again. I guess he did not tell NHK this book. I hope it will be reprinted in a near future and many Japanese and Chinese will be able to read it. (However, if he had such money, he would contribute something to them again, I think.)
*repatriation [rìːpèɪtriéɪʃən, ‐p`ætri‐]:(外国から本国への) 帰還
長 明子先生も、旧満州からの引き上げを体験なさっておられます。樗沢先生と同じく、私に請われた時にだけ、私などには、想像を絶する思い出を、断片的に、不思議な笑顔で語ってくださいます。
Rに「とんぼ玉づくり」を教えてくださった私たちの素敵な友人、長 明子先生の私のサイトでのご紹介は、HERE:ここをクリックなさってください。
Ms. Cho Akiko is also a repatriate from Manchuria. Just like him, only when I ask her, she *fragmentarily tells me something far from my imagination with a wonderful smile.
Ms. Cho who taught R how to make Glass-beads and is one of our mutual friends is introduced by me on the site above.
*fragmentarily [fr`ægməntérəli|frˈægməntərəli, ‐trəli]:断片的に
How should the education for improving “the degree of happiness” be on the earth? Everyone on this planet sure is now in a *crucial moment, aren’t we?
*crucial [krúːʃəl]:(a) 決定的な