26 + 8 Pictures Will Make You Re-Evaluate Your Entire Existence
外国の友人:Yさんから頂きました。匿名作者様共々お礼申し上げます。鑑賞していると、私は、ラベル作曲、ボレロを聴いている気分になります。 26+8枚を見始めると私たち一人一人の命の小ささと、それをもたらしてくれた何かが「偶然」なのか、「神の意図」なのか考えさせられます。たくさんの「幸福論」を読んでなお絶望のふちにあるとしたら、この26 + 8を静かにご鑑賞ください。
Yoshy was presented these wonderful pictures via one of my foreign friends, Ms. Y. I really appreciate her kindness and the anonymous author’s amazing idea and work; I feel like listening to the music, Ravel’s BOLERO behind them. As soon as we started watching them, we couldn’t help thinking how tiny existence each of us was; moreover, which was just “a coincidence” or “God’s Will”. If you who had read many books of “Eudaremonics” and nevertheless if you were still sinking in the depth of despair, why don’t you watch 26 + 8 without thinking anything?
Yoshy (Yoshiaki Endo) translated each caption including the title into my free Japanese.
1. This is the Earth! This is where you live.
2. And this is where you live in your neighborhood, the solar system.
3. Here’s the distance, to scale, between the Earth and the moon. Doesn’t it look too far, does it?
4. THINK AGAIN. Inside that distance you can fit every planet in our solar system, nice and neatly.
5. But let’s talk about planets. That little green smudge is North America on Jupiter.
6. And here’s the size of Earth (well, six Earths) compared with Saturn:
7. And just *for good measure, here’s what Saturn’s rings would look like if they were around Earth:
*for good measure:おまけに、念のため
8. This right here is a comet. We just landed a probe on one of those bad boys. Here’s what one looks like compared with Los Angeles:
9. But that’s nothing compared to our sun. Just remember:
10. Here’s you from the moon:
11. Here’s you from Mars:
12. Here’s you from just behind Saturn’s rings:
13. And here’s you from just beyond Neptune, 4 billion *miles away.
*1 mile≒1.609 km
14. Let’s step back a bit. Here’s the size of Earth compared with the size of our sun. Terrifying, right?
15. And here’s that same sun from the surface of Mars:
16. But that’s nothing. Again, as *Carl once *mused, there are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth:
*Carl= Carl Edward Sagan (1934-1996):米国の天体物理学者 *muse~:~を熟考する
17. Which means that there are ones much, much bigger than little *wimpy sun. Just look at how *tiny and *insignificant our sun is:
*wimpy~:弱弱しい、臆病な~ *tiny~:ちっぽけな~ insignificant~:とるに足らない、些細な~
18. Here’s another look. The biggest star, *VY Canis Majoris, is 1,000,000,000 times bigger than our sun:
*VY Canis Majoris:おおいぬ座VY星 (おおいぬ座にある赤色超巨星)
19. But none of those compares to the size of a galaxy. In fact, if you *shrank the sun down to the size of a white blood cell and shrunk *the Milky Way galaxy down using the same scale, the Milky Way would be the size of the United States:
*shrink~:~縮める (過去形= shrank, 過去分詞形= shrunk) *the Milky Way galaxy:天の川銀河
20. That’s because the Milky Way galaxy is huge. This is where you live inside there:
21. But this is all you ever see:
22. But even our galaxy is a little *runt compared with some others. Here’s the Milky Way compared to IC 1011, 350 million light years away from Earth:
つまり、私たちの銀河は、他の銀河群と比較すれば、ほんの1群の、ちっぽけで取るに足らない存在です。地球から遥かかなたの3億5千万光年先にあるIC 1011と天の川銀河を比べた画像がこれです。
23. But let’s think bigger. In JUST this picture taken by the Hubble telescope, there are thousands and thousands of galaxies, each containing millions of stars, each with their own planets.
24. Here’s one of the galaxies pictured, UDF 423. This galaxy is 10 BILLION light years away. When you look at this picture, you are looking billions of years into the past.
この写真は、銀河の一つ、UDF 423です。地球から100億光年離れた先にあります。つまり、この画像を見ているあなたは、何10億年もの過去を見ているのです。
25. And just keep this in mind — that’s a picture of a very small, small part of the universe. It’s just an *insignificant *fraction of the night sky.
心に刻んでおいて下さい。- その画像は、宇宙の中のほんの小さな部分に過ぎないことを。夜空に浮かぶ、取るに足らない、全宇宙の断片にすぎないのです。
*insignificant~:取るに足らない、些細(ささい)な~ *fraction:破片、断片、分数、端数
26. And, you know, it’s pretty safe to *assume that there are some black holes out there. Here’s the size of a black hole compared with Earth’s orbit, just to terrify you:
<NASA ご提供:おさらい:Review Pictures offered by NASA>
*NASA:National Aeronautic and Space Administration:米国航空宇宙局
030. <Earth> This is your home.
<地球> あなたの生まれ故郷です。
031. <Solar System> This is what happens when you zoom out from your home to your solar system.
<太陽系> そこからあなたの太陽系へズームアウト。
032. <Solar *Interstellar Neighborhood> And this is what happens when you zoom out farther…
*interstellar [ɪ̀ntɚstɛ́lɚ]:星間(の)
033. <Milky Way Galaxy> And farther…
034. <Local Galactic group> Keep going…
035. <*Virgo Supercluster> Just a little bit farther…
*Virgo [vˈɚːgoʊ]:乙女座
036. <Local Superclusters> Almost there…
037. <Observable Universe> And here it is. Here’s everything in the *observable universe, and here’s your place in it. Just a tiny little ant in a giant jar.
“You've Never Seen a Sunrise Like This.”
The original sender’s 18 pictures and message below were transferred to Yoshy from Ms. A, a high school English teacher in Malaysia. Thank you very much! She is one of my old friends. Let me show you several pictures from them here.
Two German Brothers have put this TRAIN SET together.
These eighteen pictures and their captions were transferred Mr. A living in Italy a couple of years ago. Thanks a lot, the author: Mr. Frederic and Gemit Braun, and Mr. A! The translation into Japanese is Yoshy’s.
This is the world's biggest train set. Covers 1,150 square meters / 12,380 square feet…
*Features almost six miles of track and is still not complete…
これは世界一巨大な鉄道模型です。1,150平方メートル (12,380平方フィート)の広さで、…鉄道軌道の総延長がおよそ*6マイルもの外観ですが、まだ完成途上です。
<features:外観、顔立ち (通例複数形)> <1mile ≒ 1.609 km ∴ 6 mile ≒ 9,654 km>
Twin brothers Frederick and Gerrit Braun, 41, began *work on the 'Miniature Wonderland' in 2000. The set covers six regions including America, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Austrian Alps.
<work on~:~に着手する>
The American section *features giant models of the Rocky Mountains, Everglades, Grand-Canyon etc…and Mount Rushmore.
The Swiss section has a mini-Matterhorn.
The Scandinavian part has a *4ft long passenger ship floating in a *‘fjord’.
<1 foot = 12 inches ≒ 30.48 cm / 4ft ≒ 1.22 m> <fjord [fj ɔ́:rd]
It *comprises 700 trains with more than 10,000 *carriages and *wagons. The longest train is 46ft long.
<comprise~:~から構成されている> <carriage:客車> <wagon:貨車>
The scenery includes 900 *signals, 2,800 buildings, 4,000 cars - many with *illuminated headlights...and 160,000 individually designed *figures.
<signal:信号機> <figure:形状、姿、人物> <illuminated~:照明がついた~>
Thousands of kilograms of steel and wood were used to construct the scenery... The 250,000 lights are *rigged up to a system that *mimics night and day by automatically turning them on and off. The whole system is controlled from a *massive high-tech *nerve centre.
<rig up~:~を装備する、取り付ける、着飾る> <mimic~:~を真似る、擬態する>
<massive:大量の、大規模な> Nerve centre:中枢>
In total the set has taken 500,000 hours and more than 8 million euro to *put together, the *vast *majority of which has come from ticket sales.
<put together:企画する、組み立てる> <vast~:広大な、莫大な~> <majority of~:大部分の~>
Gerrit said: "Our idea was to build a world that men, women, and children can be equally astonished and amazed in."
Frederik added: "Whether gambling in Las Vegas, hiking in the Alps or *paddling in *Norwegian fjords - in Wonderland everything is possible."
<paddling:水遊び、ボート遊び> <Norwegian:ノルウェーの>
ベトナムの人達の陽気さと逞しさ:Cheerful and Powerful Vietnamese
Yoshy was *dozing off by listening to an all-night broadcasting radio program, “Voice from Hanoi, Vietnam” on bed after midnight on Sunday, November 17th.
<doze off:うつらうつらする>
According her report, in rainy season, flooding is *nothing out of the ordinary. A male announcer of NHK was asking her, “Aren’t you in trouble with shopping?”
<* nothing out of ordinary:日常茶飯事の>
The female reporter living in Hanoi replied to him, “No problem. Whenever calling, a shop-clerk delivers even some dishes like soup by bike like an acrobat.”
“Small shops standing in line, something like convenience stores are not popular; though recently kiosk-styled convenience stores have been seen.”
That made me bring back to memory that…
These pictures were recently sent to me by Ms. K living in Ho Chi Minh.
Looking at their faces carefully, their bright and active faces in their daily air are very impressive.
I hope in my mind, “I’m afraid the number of private cars growing might cause air pollution; I hope not so!” Though I am not familiar with their situation, sorry for my saying something selfish.
1. Public Library - Kansas City, Kansas, USA (アメリカ、カンザス州、図書館)
2. Atomium - Brussels, Belgium (ベルギー、ブリュッセル、[原子形状の博物館])
3. Milwaukee Art Museum - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (アメリカ、ウイスコンシン州、ミルウォーキー、美術館)
4. Church of Hallgrimur - Reykjavik, Iceland (アイスランド、レイキャビク、教会)
5. Longaberger Basket Building - Newark, New Jersey, USA (アメリカ、ニュージャージー州、籠の形の建物、会社事務所)
6. Wonder Works - Pigeon Forge, North Carolina, USA (アメリカ、ノースカロライナ州、娯楽観光名所)
7. Upside down house - Shimbark, Poland (ポーランド、逆さまの家)s
8. Crooked house - Sopot, Poland (ポーランド、湾曲した家)
9. Tenerife Auditorium - Canary Islands, Spain (スペイン、カナリア諸島、公会堂)
10. "The Bullring" - Birmingham, England (英国、バーミンガム、「闘牛場」:という名前の商業地区)
11. La Tete au Carre Library - Nice, France (フランス、ニース、図書館)
12. Eden Project – England (英国、「エデンの園計画」:複合型環境施設。世界中の植物が栽培されていたり、彫刻などが展示されたりしている。)
13. Snail House - Sofia, Bulgaria (ブルガリア、ソフィア、蝸牛の形の家)
14. Edificio Mirador - Madrid, Spain (スペイン、マドリード:[ホテル+アパート])
15. Nautilus house – Mexico (メキシコ、オウム貝の形の家)
16. Calakmul "The Washing Machine" building – Mexico (メキシコ、「洗濯機」の建物:[商業施設の事務所])
17. Habitat-67 (Apartment Complex) - Montreal, Canada (カナダ、モントリオール、67戸の複合アパート)
18. Montreal Biosphere - Montreal, Canada (カナダ、モントリオール、生物環境博物館)
19. Olympic Stadium - Montreal, Canada (カナダ、モントリオール、オリンピック競技場)
20. Lotus Church – India (インド、蓮の教会)
21. Wood Skyscraper - Archangelsk, Russia (ロシア、木製の摩天楼)
22. Stone house - Guimaraes, Portugal (ポルトガル、石の家)
23. Mammy's Cupboard - Natchez, Mississippi, USA (アメリカ、ミシシッピ州、「お母さんの食器棚」:レストラン)
24. National Library - Minsk, Belarus (ベラルーシ、ミンスク、国立図書館)
25. Cubic houses - Rotterdam, Netherlands (オランダ、ロッテルダム、正六面体の家)
26. Casa Pueblo - Maldonado, Uruguay (ウルグアイ、マルドネード、[ホテル])
27. Alexandria Library - Alexandria, Egypt (エジプト、アレクサンドリア、図書館)
28. Cathedral of Brasilia: [Exterior View] - Brasilia, Brazil (ブラジル、ブラジリアの大聖堂:外観)
29. Cathedral of Brasilia: [Interior View] - Brasilia, Brazil (ブラジル、ブラジリアの大聖堂:内部)
30. Denver Art Museum Denver, Colorado, USA (アメリカ、コロラド、デンバー、美術博物館)
31. Graz Art Museum - Graz, Austria (オーストリア、美術博物館)
32. Le Palais Ideal - Hauterives, France [Built in 19th century by a Post Office worker; took 30 years to build] (フランス、19世紀、一人の郵便配達人が30年かけて作り上げた、彼の理想を追求した建築)
33. Gaudi's "Casa Battlo" - Barcelona, Spain (スペイン、バルセロナ、建築家のガウディの、「カサバトロ」、邸宅、ユネスコ世界遺産)
34. National Stadium - Beijing, China (中国、北京、国立競技場)
35. National Theater - Beijing, China (中国、北京、国立劇場)
36. Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum near Niagara Falls, Canada (カナダ、ナイアガラの滝の近くにある博物館)
37. Palais Bulles - Cannes, France (フランス、カンヌ、[宮殿をイメージして作った会議場])
38. Experience Music Project [Front View] - Seattle, Washington, USA (アメリカ、ワシントン州、シアトル、EMP音楽博物館:前面)
39. Experience Music Project [Rear View] - Seattle, Washington, USA (アメリカ、ワシントン州、シアトル、EMP音楽博物館:背面)
40. "The Cucumber" - London, England (英国、ロンドン、「胡瓜」、金融中心地に立つ超高層オフィス)
A parrot that can communicate in English; Introduced by Ms. Yap
It’s the first time for Yoshy to see such an incredible parrot as can communicate clearly and long in English.
Its master must have many times more “teaching skill” than Yoshy’s.
Anyway, first of all, all the students of LL Shihoya Arai School and all the members of Myoko Powerful English Club (M-PEC) should see and listen to this parrot. Why don’t we go for it toward our keeping brush up the command of English? :-)
Ms. Yap (Advisor of Myoko Powerful English Club), thanks a lot!
Quilts In The Snow
■With such talented people we are richly blessed when they are kind enough to show off their Art to the World .
■Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Snow Patterns.
■Artist Simon Beck must really love the cold weather!
■Along the frozen lakes of Savoie , France , he spends days plodding through the snow in raquettes (snowshoes), creating these sensational patterns of snow art.
■Working for 5-9 hours a day, each final piece is typically the size of three soccer fields!